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Snowstorm - disable GFX?


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Currently playing "A Temple To Mars".

This is one of the best and most demanding scenarios I have ever played. The action is incredible.

But with the low framerates of this huge map the blinking snowflakes are unreasonable. But to be not able to switch them off during the order phase, which takes around one hour here, is extremely annoying and almost torture. Nobody playing this fantastic scenario?

Meanwhile I prefer not to check all the action and plot all moves I want anymore, only because of the annoying graphics.

PLEASE BFC, make the snowflakes switchable.:mad:

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It is a helluva scenario, and the snow, well it is part of the immersion. :D

Been reading Parker's Monte Cassino. Just finished the experience of the Americans and the 4th Indian up on the ridge. I have a new appreciation for the scenario and the battle..... and the snow.

Oh and you CAN open the scenario and turn off the snow if you want. You'll need to adjust fog and time of day to get the visibility factors right, but it is possible.

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I just flashed on me about a year ago at 2am out shoveling as though my life depended on it, though only half of the 16 inches [edit - it was actually 24 inches] of heavy wet snow had fallen by that time (Its easier to shovel 8 inches twice than all 16 inches all in one go). There's no denying when you're out in the middle of a raging snowstorm the unremitting snowfall kind'a dominates your field of vision. :)

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I remember posting about blizzards when GL first came out. For me, it was quite nauseating with white flecks racing across the screen while I'm trying to focus on what's 'behind' them such as infantry and tanks.

When I buy a CM game yes I expect (and receive) a great simulation of a battlefield in the 1940's, but throwing up on my monitor and keyboard is probably going a step too far. :D

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What else must someone do, than indicating that low framerates and a lower resolution kill any joy to play such a battle, until the ignorants who obviously have never played such a battle shut up?!

MikeyD: In real life you have 24+ frames per second, don't you?

sburke: show me how you open the editor in a PBEM game! Ever heard about playing double blind?!

Are you both feeble-minded that you don't recognize the problem?

It's shame that such an awful implementation of a GFX can ruin one of the best battles and fanboys even defend that there is no option to switch it off. If you have such friends you don't need any enemys.

I'm a huge fan of CM and it's the only game I play. But if a GFX is that bad that it becomes hard to bear, then I guess there are more people out there who don't lose a word about it and just quit such battles before they even play them.

"Go into the editor", "in real life i can't switch it off, too."

Human stupidity is indeed borderless.

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Is there not a hotkey to disable the falling snow graphics, or is my memory playing tricks on me (been a while since I played a game with falling snow, and I don't have GL around right now to check). I'm sure I remember toggling the snow off, because later on I forgot it was meant to be snowing and couldn't figure out why my FO didn't have line of sight somewhere.

But I'm probably mis-remembering something...

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What else must someone do, than indicating that low framerates and a lower resolution kill any joy to play such a battle, until the ignorants who obviously have never played such a battle shut up?!

Wow out of line man.

I am playing this scenario does that mean you will not call me an idiot? And BTW I am not having trouble dealing with the show. I am really loving the battle.

MikeyD: In real life you have 24+ frames per second, don't you?

sburke: show me how you open the editor in a PBEM game! Ever heard about playing double blind?!

Are you both feeble-minded that you don't recognize the problem?

Really wow. No desire to help any more. I'll keep my suggestions to my self. Good luck.

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Wow out of line man.

I am playing this scenario does that mean you will not call me an idiot?

Depends on your answers.

And BTW I am not having trouble dealing with the show.

Then there can't be a problem, can it?

Resolution? Framerates? Idiot?

Wait until an icon disappears and two turns later you recognize the team is long gone...

I usually watch the replay several times, such a big battle I would watch at least ten times to know exactly what is going on. With the great "snow"-GFX, I prefer to lose units instead watching the great action again.

Really wow. No desire to help any more. I'll keep my suggestions to my self.

Your help and your suggestions are nonexistent. Good luck and dream on.

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thank you for a decent, not trolling reaction.


sadly not. This was possible in CMx1 despite it had beautiful snow, but not with the huge white flickering dots now.

With a 1280 resolution watching from level 1 makes some snowflakes as big as human heads and even worse, with lower framerates they are not moving, but only blinking.

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Try to look at life from the bright side! Or does bright remind you of the all encompassing snow?! :D

Seriously man your rage on font 40 started before anyone gave you a snarky comment. Don't take things that personal, especially not on the interw3bz.

That being said I hadn't had the time to even check out the snow yet. I just loaded up the scenario to check it out, actually I have to say the effect looks pretty cool. Framerate for me is very good (at least until turn 3) and visibility is more than enough to see troops from far.

Although i'm playing at 1920x1200 on a decent rig with a new GF (1st gen i7 and GTX760).

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I am playing this scenario does that mean you will not call me an idiot? And BTW I am not having trouble dealing with the show. I am really loving the battle.

Being called an idiot by GJR144 is a badge of honor, one which I wear proudly. Welcome to the club :D

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Being called an idiot by GJR144 is a badge of honor, one which I wear proudly. Welcome to the club :D

There's a limited number of those awards he can give out.

GJR144, if you continue to be abusive towards people you'll find yourself banned from this forum. And if you can't figure out why calling the people "idiots", "feeble minded", etc. isn't an acceptable form of behavior, then I invite you to learn better social skills somewhere else.

A hint... if you post an opinion, and someone posts a counter opinion, that is called a "discussion". Which can actually turn into a "debate". It is something to be encouraged. Well, at least here it is. Therefore, trying to silence alternative positions using abusive language is unacceptable. Though not really surprising given the previous warning I had to issue.

I find it endlessly amusing and depressing that the people that most demand respect for their own opinions are those who show the least respect for others. I've never figured out why someone who doesn't understand the concept respect feels they are entitled to so much of it for themselves.

There will be no more warnings for you.


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They were posting their own opinions about the snow, which is "helpful" to a discussion/debate forum. I don't give a flying fig if you think they are helpful or not. What I do care about is you attacking them (and others) without any reason to.

You have a feature request. You made your case for it. Now accept that some might not agree with you. Which is OK because it doesn't matter if they agree with you or not. It only matters if we agree with you. And the quickest way to get your suggestion put to the back of the line of thousands of other suggestions is to be an abusive, self centered, abusive poster. Well, at least for a little while because as I just said, we do not put up with such behavior here.

There is NO REASON to be abusive, so there is NO REASON for us to put up with it.


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What else must someone do, than indicating that low framerates and a lower resolution kill any joy to play such a battle, until the ignorants who obviously have never played such a battle shut up?!

MikeyD: In real life you have 24+ frames per second, don't you?

sburke: show me how you open the editor in a PBEM game! Ever heard about playing double blind?!

Are you both feeble-minded that you don't recognize the problem?

It's shame that such an awful implementation of a GFX can ruin one of the best battles and fanboys even defend that there is no option to switch it off. If you have such friends you don't need any enemys.

I'm a huge fan of CM and it's the only game I play. But if a GFX is that bad that it becomes hard to bear, then I guess there are more people out there who don't lose a word about it and just quit such battles before they even play them.

"Go into the editor", "in real life i can't switch it off, too."

Human stupidity is indeed borderless.

Are you trying to get yourself banned?

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