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ALLIED - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR (the better beta beater reader)

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However, like Odysseus, I keep my ears clogged with wax, so that Siren faced a Sisyphisian task. I am immune. Hell, I've got wife who commanded my troops in battle against Bil! Beat that, you bar trollop! ;)

I see Bil has posted another turn... Allow me to excuse myself from this conversation as I go see which way he tries to squirm this time!

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I'm working on the screenies while I quaff a few pints in a pub on Boylston in Boston. That may make me prone to hyperbole, mixed metaphors, exaggeration, and orders to my men which may not be in their best interest.

Does that imply that you usually work on AARs from the pub?

Not that I have anything against any of the above: it's most entertaining.

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Does that imply that you usually work on AARs from the pub?

Not usually, only when traveling. Like today. The turns are flying fast and furious now. I'll post more screenies (ugly, like the previous) from a bar, later. (No longer in Boston. Must flee the red-shirts!)


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However, like Odysseus, I keep my ears clogged with wax, so that Siren faced a Sisyphisian task. I am immune.

C'mon, admit it! You were tempted!

Hell, I've got wife...

Which makes it twice as much fun, now doesn't it? Forbidden fruit and all? Of course in your case, it's extremely unlikely that you would even get to first base, so an austerity program to whip yourself into a homicidal frenzy on the battlefield is the only course for you. Attack and die valiantly at the head of your troops!


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////// MOST SECRET//////

-----FROM: SHAEF HQ-----


////What is going on in Holland MARKET GARDEN OPERATION/////

/////????////repeat////What is going on ????////Losses are unacceptable///

////Please report to SHAEF HQ to render full report to SUPREME COMMANDER. Liason at earliest convience////

cc: 10 Downing Street

The White House



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"Unacceptable casualties"? That phrase has no meaning to me!

Turn 47:00 to 46:00

Again, starting on my right...


And then a setback...


On the bright side...


And my long shot sniper...


The HQ loss will be a problem later. Much later. Nothing to do about it now but tighten up leadership.

Another item: my defense is not a helter-skelter as it may seem. Bil's armor can slice through anywhere. I'm trying to put auto fire on every man he has. I want him to feel that he's facing heavy resistance everywhere. Usually it's just a team with some mates backing them up a bit.

Extricating those who are isolated will be next turn's goal. Well, first it will be to kill his men, THEN to save some of mine.

Graphics: again, from a netbook. (Asus eee 1215n. Pretty good for what it's got.)


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Turn recap.

Bil is pressuring on my far left. I have a few teams moving there, but I don't want to put more than that over there. I have good cover and can ambush him as he advances. I will contest the easy edge creep, however. Meantime, I'm trying to get some suppressive fire to assist the section caught out in that field.

I want some more piat action. I've got some very close, but I need to suck his tanks in tighter. I may use some men as bait. :)

Windmill: I may grab it. I like the look of it - in higher resolution. The screenies are ugly, I know.

Town: Same plan - consolidate and get good fields of fire and ambush points.

My intel prior to battle was to expect infantry on infantry. Now, I see I'm facing the equivalent of a late-war panzer division's offensive strength! I shall blunt his rapier, bend his blade aside, and stab him with a stilletto!

And one more to end this turn...



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c3k/Ken (You prefer which?),

I see you're off to a fine start using very precise CW military terminology which somehow escaped the attention of the instructors at Sandhurst. " Mob o' Men. Love it! Another sprightly (can't be spritely, for MG is 3-D) bit of writing is that +2 elven disk of aiming. I initially thought that it was a technical description, having misread "elven" for "eleven." Somebody has D&D running about in his gaming (mental) attic!

Was completely unaware, until you enlightened me, that the British used their glider pilots, once landed, as combat infantry. Of course, were the crackups and shootdowns at Arnhem factored in, it must've made for rather tattered formations!

Am rather fond of the Cromwell CS myself, having made good use of it back in ROW. Not only does its big 95mm HE shell put the hurt on the usual infantry recipients, but in that same ROW battle, I got a StuG III kill. Not an ideal antitank weapon, but one does what one must.

Droll tripod observation, for which I do NOT require an explanation. Believe I had a course on that stuff in high school. As for your missing leg, didn't the British bring 75mm pack howitzers to the party at Arnhem? Granted, you get a lot of shooters from your force buy without having any OBA, but at what price?

Would've loved to see the windmills animated, but note that absent sails, their aerodynamic efficiency would be very low. Which brings me to wind. Is there any, from where and how fast, please?


John Kettler

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Your humor is priceless, but it cracks me up so thoroughly it's interfering with my being able to follow your reports!

Believe me when I say, from traumatic personal experience (annihilated in first two turns of AH's Kriegspiel by my sister, Mary, who set up w all units on border), from a savaging in Lou Zocchi's "Alien Space" by my brother's girlfriend (put two beams (completed a circuit) on my ship by visual aiming--poof! No ship!), the thrashing of the Up Front champ, Don Hawthorne by his wife Maria (national UF tournament canceled after that, so no rematch!) and by the drubbing my brother Ed took at the hands of his wife Mercy's custom designed space cruisers (forget the game), that women, particularly as first timers (okay, Maria wasn't), are deadly. In fact, they're so deadly that Bil should surrender now--while he still has a chance!

If you do have her push the red button (not cut the green wire), then I daresay you'll get quite the read on your marriage. Unless you ask for, say, 40 replays. "Now honey, would you go to back to View 3 and hover over the second Cromwell? Tell me what you see." Naturally, she'll then shoot back: "Wasn't he in the English Civil War? What ever has he got to do with this? Did you miss something in school that I didn't?" Twinkle in the eye, smirk or arched eyebrow optional.

Yes, your best idea ever! Now, what was that book title?

(roots around a bit)

Got it! If You Survive. Apt, that!


John Kettler

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It's hard to read the AAR when a) laughter tears are badly blurring vision, B) spray from said tears has blanketed the glasses from behind, while c) repeatedly convulsing and gasping for breath! This is so funny it's practically a weapon in and of itself.

I've been around CM a bit, and I believe this is, hands down, the funniest thread I've ever read. Happily, there are no early to bed types around, else I'd be in trouble. Big trouble. Am not a quiet laugher, you see, and this AAR is inducing something of a Cape Horner laughter gale. Believe the last time I got this exuberant was when I saw "The Gods Must Be Crazy." Laughed so hard (couldn't breathe) I thought I'd need medical attention!

The armorer seems to have been all but out of SMLEs, judging by your Stenaganza™. If Bil runs into your paras at their effective fighting range, he's going to be sorry. Provided he lasts long enough to feel regret! Guess we can consider these Paras to be a rough gauge of the "fun" to be had at the hands of the even faster firing PPSh 41 equipped tanko desantniki in the East.

Your 2" smoke plight reminds me of something I read in a thread (DF mortars on CMFI) about it, to which I replied that the British, who still campaign a practically identical mortar, not only have HE for it but use it. If you can find the thread, I provided a vid link which showed the British using the 5cm mortar for an HE shoot in Afghanistan.


John Kettler

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An update later... 2 questions, though, for you guys.

1. Quicker updates with ugly lo res or a slight delay for full res?

2.clean screenshots with discussion beneath or comments embedded within the screenie?

For me personally:

1. quicker updates with lo res screens: not SO bothered for this purpose about the pic quality;

2. Comments embedded within the screen: easier to link the text to the action on the screen. (Unless it is more time consuming for you to do that way? In which case beneath is fine.)

And thanks for the AAR; I like your "whys" as well as your "whats" (if that makes sense!).

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For me personally:

1. quicker updates with lo res screens: not SO bothered for this purpose about the pic quality;

2. Comments embedded within the screen: easier to link the text to the action on the screen. (Unless it is more time consuming for you to do that way? In which case beneath is fine.)

And thanks for the AAR; I like your "whys" as well as your "whats" (if that makes sense!).

All that goes for me too.


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c3k You must attack, attack, attack...! The nearest computer store that is and buy a quaility laptop.

You do not tolerate your men having their weapons in a state of disrepair yet you expect us to suffer from the consequences of your antiquated rapier of ram.

You sir can consider yourself on report! My god man you are a leader, act accordingly and polish up those pistols!

Am I making myself clear here, soldier?


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