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Operation Market Garden announced!

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1. BFC mentions a date that they honestly hope they will be able to release a title.

2. Some people take that date as carved in stone.

3. Problems crop up that must be ironed out before a reasonably bug-free product can be released. As a consequence, production schedule is extended.

4. Much weeping and gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes among the set mentioned in Phase 2, accompanied by bitter accusations of betrayal on the part of BFC.

And so it goes...


5. BFC stops posting projected releases and people start whining about lack of communication.

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Really? Traditionally the four seasons are not tied to months but to the phases of the the solar year. Summer lasts from the summer solstice (June 21/22) to the autumnal equinox (Sept 21/22).

Don't blame me. Blame the sun!

Doesnt the sun shine 24 hours a day in Denmark?

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A Battlefront release is never late, nor is it ever early. It's released precisely when Battlefront means it to. (wise logic I live by to not be dissapointed when it comes to release dates... hehe)

From the announcement: "Combat Mission Battle for Normandy: "Market Garden" will be available for Download, Mail Delivery or both Download & Mail later this summer, exclusively from Battlefront.com!"

Thanks. Thats all I wanted to know. The timeframe, not the date.

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Ammo Packs... I LOVE IT! And we could also do Fuel and Food Packs. Awesome! [snip]


Actually, Fuel Packs might add some interesting realism to the game - "No, I don't want a platoon of Tigers - I can't afford the fuel. Give me a platoon of Pz III's instead - they'll run all day on one Fuel Pack!"

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ok.. here's something i'm sure you know, but throwing it out there because i think it might help some (me incl) on the module/pack/upgrades/ etc etc question.

simply stated, some folks are word oriented (?) and some are graphic oriented.. at least there are 2.. i in particular can relate much quicker to a drawing of a concept than i can when it is described to me in detail with words.

so the idea i propose, if such a thing is possible or desirable by BFC.. is a picture/layout of the way you've described the way CM and all the add-on's work... a bubble diagram if you will. show the big picture, and the way the smaller bubbles come off each and possibly the way they relate to each other, and to the different platforms (CMBN-CMFi- the CW add-on- MG and so on)

does that sound plausible?

as a retired architectural drafter, and the old saying a picture is worth a 1000 words, i wonder if it wouldn't at least save you 50% of your headaches repeating yourself to explain :)

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I just placed my preorder...

After my recent experience with a big name development house that recently release a over-hyped piece of junk I'm more and more appreciative of a small independent developer like this.

I won't name the piece of junk I recently paid too much for. Unlike BF who gives you a $10 discount for pre-ordering, I had the privilege of paying full price, after all it was so well hyped as the greatest thing since sliced white bread it would be a privilege to pay a bloated price to have the game when released.

This "shall not be named" game was designed to be accessible to a larger audience. Combat Mission games is targeted to a more specialized audience. The "shall not be named" game has angered its core fans who through the years supported the franchise, The changes to appeal to the masses have watered down the game and reduced it to an arcade game. Many think it was designed with the intention of being ported to consoles.

This "shall not be named" game has more bugs than a roach motel. In all fairness the Combat Mission games has it share of idiosyncrasies that frustrates players, but I'm confident I won't see hordes of pixel troops just run in front of a town and then just stand there doing nothing while I mow them down. I have confidence BF cares enough and doesn't have the same pressures as the shall not be named company" to release something in a Beta state.

I hope Battlefront is taking note and remains a craftsman like company who makes products out of passion and dedication to quality, not just money.

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