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...knowing that gamey players will deliberately drive jeeps into fields to be shot up, catch fire and then cause the field they are in to go up in flames. Yeah you know you'll do it.


Well, I wasn't gonna... but now all bets are off!

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Really surprised that some still don't realise the difference between a module and a full game release.

Modules don't have big new game features..as stated many many times before. Moan about it if something like flamethrowers and fire aren't in say the East front game..or the Bulge game..not a module.

Correct. That's the way it's been explained in the past. Then a $10 (or so) patch will bring the older games up to latest features.

I really want to see the casualty FT cause secondary explosions.

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Parole...apparently murdering nuns doesn't get you the time it used to...

There was actually a motion in one of the state legislatures—or so I think I heard—to have it declared justifiable homicide. Allegedly it failed passage by only one vote.



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Well you did claim that the bridge thing was a very common problem and when people replied that they didnt have the problem, you acted as if they were lying.

And then you told Michael Emrys that "I'm sure that I'm better than you all the way in this game" which is hardly a mature behaviour.

You also said this to me:

You sounded snarky and offensive when saying that. (and as it turns out, the problem had been fixed a long time ago)

You then went on to tell Steve that he was diverting the topic (which he was not, but you were. This thread was not about pathing problems with bridges)

Also, saying this: "how can I pass famous Holland bridges while I can't pass even a fictive village bridge?" is a pretty combattive statement.

After that you claimed that Steve was "leaving you all alone" when in fact he was trying to help you by suggesting things you could try to fix it.

But since you cannot see the abrasiveness of your posts, im pretty sure this is not going to get through to you either.

But you ARE acting childish and stubborn.

Perfect reply, Oddball.

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The biggest problem with this thread is probably a language/culture barrier.

A big amen to that brother!

I do not think waclaw & togi intended to sound rude and demanding, but to us this is exactly what it sounded like. The words that were used and how they were used conveyed this.

Yep. And they need to get the message that they sounded that way. In a way, it's not fair, English is not their first language and its nuances can be hard to learn. A great many of the people who post here and have been exposed to English all their lives still screw it up. Constantly.

This is why the reaction was what it was. It was not because of criticism, heck, I could criticize CM all day long because I love it. It was because this criticism was like a guest coming to your party after two bottles of vodka, pissing on the carpet, yelling that your wife is an ugly whore and then demanding free booze. ;)



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There are dozens and dozens of people from other cultures (even the Finns have it, or so I'm told ;)) who don't speak English as a 1st language. Many don't speak it very well. Hell, there's plenty of native English speakers whom I can barely understand sometimes :D But the overwhelming majority don't cause offense.

I always give foreign posters (even native speakers) a lot of credit for using these forums. I always am very careful to not be overly sensitive to specific words or phrases that may sound offensive. I also understand that some cultures view confrontation and posturing as a normal part of discussion, where as my own theoretically does not (unless you're in Congress). However...

Attitudes seem to come through regardless of language and culture. Bad and good. So when I see a long established pattern of poor behavior I am left with little option but to conclude the offense is intentional, not a translation issue.

This goes for native speakers as well. Some people might only sound like an arse, but some actually are. 15 years of managing these Forums has given me a pretty good sense of which is which.


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actually , I'm just simply happy about the incoming module :-)

Same here. I've been looking forward to this module ever since it became a rumor of a possibility shortly after the release of CMBN:CW.

From what little we know, it's going to contain quite a bit of stuff: fallschirmjaegers, AA weapons, Polish Airborne, mixed German units, and LOOK AT THAT BRIDGE!

Undoubtedly, there are going to be some very nice scenarios and campaigns. One of the unfortunate aspects of CMx2 is that we're not seeing the avalanche of user-made scenarios that occurred with CMx1. So, single-players, like myself, are more reliant on the scenarios and campaigns that come with official releases to increase scenario variety.

Plus, it's Operation Market-Garden: one of the "sexiest" (in strictly wargamer terms) campaigns of WWII. It has a dramatic appeal that slogging across mountains and mud in Italy or though Norman bocage country simply cannot compete with. Fighting with the All-Americans and Screaming Eagles along Hell's Highway to help the "cavalry" XXX Corps reach the beleaguered Red Devils at Arnhem has a certain romance to it.

I'm really looking forward to its release.

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As long as there are AA weapons in it, im happy :)

I went to make a scenario to test the 37mm Flak effectiveness against armour and noticed that its not in CMBN at all :(

You are sure to be happy then! ;)

And yes the 37mm Flak will be introduced to the Normandy family in the Market Garden module.


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About money..

A year ago (or two maybe??) I bought one of those Call of Duty or Medal of Honor first person shooters. Same price range as CMBN, if not more expensive. Nice and exiting game, but after playing the full game once or twice I knew it all..

Running here, hiding there.

Sniping like this, shooting like that.

Car moves, helicopter crashes, end of game.

Compare that (price-wise, for instance) to the nearly unlimited possibilities and variations of/in the Combat Mission games (yes, at a much slower pace, that's true.)

It's quite stupid to say as a client, but I don't think the Battlefront games are too expensive for what they offer.

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One of the unfortunate aspects of CMx2 is that we're not seeing the avalanche of user-made scenarios that occurred with CMx1. So, single-players, like myself, are more reliant on the scenarios and campaigns that come with official releases to increase scenario variety.

Or you can do what I do, which is to create my own "scenarios" with the QB system. This isn't a perfect solution; sometimes the AI plan turns out to be weak and uninspiring, but that is the luck of the draw. (BTW, this is not a slap at the map's designer. How do you create a good AI plan when you don't even know what the force match up is going to be?) On the other hand, I have gotten some very satisfying games this way.


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Speaking of Call of Duty, they just released a new map pack for it.

4 multiplayer maps for 15 dollars. For a 60 dollar game.

The most touted feature of the new CoD is a photorealistic Navy SEAL german shepherd dog. How it differs from having just a normal german shepherd dog with the Navy SEAL paraphernalia tagged on has not been explained. And probably won't. Because it doesn't.

About Battlefield 4, I haven't been following it but the only new feature to rise up on the radar screen is being able to customize your loadout from your tablet/smartphone. I read but can't confirm, that they took away the ability to change your weapons when you are dead ingame. You have to get the app to be able to do that. No idea if it costs money. So, taking away features that have been in games for a decade and sprinkling them on smartphones is considered a new feature.

It is no wonder that Activision was sold off to venture capitalists and EA has been looking for a buyer for years.

But nobody wants to touch those companies with a ten foot pole, they are dead in the water.

In comparison, BFC is like Gandhi snorting crystal MDMA.

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COD is a different segment of the game, you should compare the CM series of other strategies that can often provide fun for a few years, they give better graphics (such as total war series), and often cost less, but certainly not as realistic as CM - and what is the biggest advantage of the series.

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I just used it as an example of what it's really like when a developer treats fans like cash cows to be milked. :D

However, I think CM should be compared with other strategies (price, support for mods, DLC, graphics, realism, game mechanics, etc) then we will see any difference - if the game is very expensive? and maybe cheap? and has good graphics? a realistic? etc - COD is a totally different type of game, a different type of customer and different expectations (mostly multiplayer for months / years)

and comparing with other strategies CM series not quite so great - in terms of realism is simply the best, but in terms of price, graphics, optimization, etc. This is still a lot of work;)

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However, I think CM should be compared with other strategies (price, support for mods, DLC, graphics, realism, game mechanics, etc) then we will see any difference - if the game is very expensive? and maybe cheap? and has good graphics? a realistic? etc...

I'm not too sure how practical an exercise that would be. CM is to some extent in a class by itself. Other games have tried to emulate one aspect or another, but SFAIK none of them have quite put it all together to go nose to nose with CM.


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I'm not too sure how practical an exercise that would be. CM is to some extent in a class by itself. Other games have tried to emulate one aspect or another, but SFAIK none of them have quite put it all together to go nose to nose with CM.


CM is unique - but it is a strategy, it is easy to compare which strategy is more historical, realistic, has better graphics, which gives you more in the size of the map, a physics, mechanics, and which is more expensive or less expensive ;) etc..

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CM is unique - but it is a strategy, it is easy to compare which strategy is more historical, realistic, has better graphics, which gives you more in the size of the map, a physics, mechanics, and which is more expensive or less expensive ;) etc..

Comparing two whole products, which share only superficial things in common, is not very useful. Because in the end a person doesn't decide to buy CM because of any one feature, but the combination of all of them. A combination that no other game has. At least as far as I know. The only two games I can think to compare against aren't really all that similar. One didn't even compare that well to CMBO, the other has some good points but most CM players don't think too much of it. It's also more restrictive from a gameplay standpoint and costs about the same (last time I checked).

On the other hand, it's *VERY* easy to compare different FPS or RTS games against each other because the are almost completely identical to each other. Gameplay is nearly identical, features are nearly identical, graphics are nearly identical, etc. Even the ones that cost $50,000,000 to make don't seem that different to me than the ones which cost $25,000,000 to make.

I'm always eager to hear about other relevant games to compare against. Though it doesn't really matter. We're not getting rich from making CM so if people tell us to make the games cheaper they will get less game. So far, even after 15 years, our customers have told us the exact opposite.


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