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4 to 6 weeks

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I remember it being said (Steve, moon somebody who should know) at least 6 weeks ago that the expansion would be out

in 4 - 6 weeks and long before this that it as actually announced on the main site page.

What happened got pushed back... again.

Seems if a game here is said it will be out in a month that means at least

2 or 3 even 6 months.

So maybe in another 2-4 weeks it will be out.

A lot of work goes into these game no doubt and what with all the new formations, but

they are after all using the same engine and recycling the same map and location types from the previous module and a lot of the same equipment.

Its not like they are creating something wholly new like an eastern front campaign.

I'm assuming they ran into some problems: such is the nature of programming complex simulations,

oh, well when it's ready its...ready.

Can't wait!

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Details about the contents of Market Garden will be released soon after Gustav Line is shipping. And no, it won't be a long wait :D But know that the Market Garden Module is focused on that and not on other parts of the front, though it is possible to simulate a lot of it (especially if you have Commonwealth Module).


Steve dropped a hint in another thread see above we are close to Gustav rising.

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I remember it being said (Steve, moon somebody who should know) at least 6 weeks ago that the expansion would be out

in 4 - 6 weeks and long before this that it as actually announced on the main site page.

What happened got pushed back... again.

Seems if a game here is said it will be out in a month that means at least

2 or 3 even 6 months.

It's comments like these that result in less being shared about when something will be out - because of the bitching and moaning when it doesn't work out that way.

You only have yourself to blame...


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It's comments like these that result in less being shared about when something will be out - because of the bitching and moaning when it doesn't work out that way.

You only have yourself to blame...



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Paul T

Its guys like you that need to be smacked a little!

On April 3rd Pre-orders were announced and opened, BF stated the game will be ready in 4-6 weeks from that date.According to my math the 15th of May is exactly 6 weeks from April 3rd.So not only are you wrong, BF has four days to go before its late.Please get a clue before you a post a criticism.Also most computer gaming companies rarely hit their target release dates on software.

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I'm definitely excited to play GL, but while checking for an announcement everyday, I often spend time reading the boards and have ran into some cool stuff around here. Not least of which is the AAR stickied topics by Bil and GreenAsJade (these should be published as suspense novels or something). Lately, it seems like I have just as much fun reading these forums about GL as I will when GL is actually released, so I don't mind the wait.

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Paul T

Its guys like you that need to be smacked a little!

On April 3rd Pre-orders were announced and opened, BF stated the game will be ready in 4-6 weeks from that date.According to my math the 15th of May is exactly 6 weeks from April 3rd.So not only are you wrong, BF has four days to go before its late.Please get a clue before you a post a criticism.Also most computer gaming companies rarely hit their target release dates on software.

I don't know who you think you are here in BF forum but don't talk to me like that. That is trolling and what surprises me is that fact that if enough of you are talking like this, abusively, seems you will get away with it no matter how trollish or abusive (the general trend here I noticed) as long as you think you are in some way defending battlefront.

I already stated that I realize there is a lot of work going into this and

as for it being 6 weeks yes it will be in a few days if you are correct about the date being the 3rd of April.

You get a clue (and grow up) it has been stated or I should say admitted many times in the past, in this forum that if a battlefront game is expected in a week it will be 2 or three weeks according to that track record.

That said its no big deal many developers have to do this there is no

way of tell how long it is going to take.

And as for it being polished and ready fact is no game ever is (games are really never finished) even months after release and this is virtually all games and software. Nonetheless some would prefer it take for ever they get some kind of satisfaction out of waiting and talking about it-to each their- own I just want to download and play it

and if I find a bug I will either wait patiently for it to be fixed or report it in a mature and civil way. In any case there are people who will complain to no end especially of realistic accuracy and balance, nit pick as to what is a bug and what isn't. They are never satisfied and can't wait for a game to come out so they can start whining about how disappointed they are and how they are too good for the game being that way. It is a fact that this will always happen no matter what game for expansion.

Trust me you wouldn't even think of "smacking" me if you were sitting across from me and saw me in person nor would you talk like that, I am no small guy and have had extensive physical training. How easy you can say all this

online in a forum.

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Thanks waycool and port for the information and I apologize to Steve and whoever it may concern in the dev and testing department if I come off as a little impatient.

As for Weapon2010 and vanir Ausf B guess I have to consider there age didn't know we had mouthy teenagers in this forum.

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Don't worry about it too much Paul T.

lots of strange behaviour here,read the peng challenge threads and you'll soon get a feel for the certain sickness that CM brings:)

not easy for a new guy to wade in here ,as everybody's an expert with years of CM forum wrestling.

just enjoy the show and of course the game,hit me up if you wanna play a round sometime.cant seem to get a game at my local CM club? must be my charming personality i guess:)


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Come on now lets give new members a chance here..

We should want to be considered an open and friendly community across wargaming circles..

Seems to me bad form for beta testers to jump in on new members aswell...your one of the faces of BFand this comes with responsibility and one of those really is to create a welcoming forum to new members. Maybe instead of jumping on them from a great height, explain why people can get abit annoyed when these questions are asked.

Just a thought.

Don't worry about it too much Paul T.

lots of strange behaviour here,read the peng challenge threads and you'll soon get a feel for the certain sickness that CM brings:)

not easy for a new guy to wade in here ,as everybody's an expert with years of CM forum wrestling.

just enjoy the show and of course the game,hit me up if you wanna play a round sometime.cant seem to get a game at my local CM club? must be my charming personality i guess:)


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First - okay guys, it's just a fella who wants answers! Let's leave him be. He's even relatively patient about it.

I remember it being said (Steve, moon somebody who should know) at least 6 weeks ago that the expansion would be out

in 4 - 6 weeks and long before this that it as actually announced on the main site page.

What happened got pushed back... again.

Not "pushed back". Just that software development even under the best of circumstances is an imprecise art / science. We can't predict a precise release date 6 weeks in advance, and if we could we'd "borrowed" by the NSA and put in a nice, deep underground room. Being off by a bit is normal - as you say, it's complex and things come up. What usually happens with big game companies is that they release on their release day whether the game is ready or not. We wait until we're pretty sure things are working okay. Sometimes this takes a little extra time.

Even then we miss stuff sometimes. Since we're not terrible at our jobs (we've turned out a some pretty great games, yeah?) there's a lot to infer from that.

Seems if a game here is said it will be out in a month that means at least

2 or 3 even 6 months.

So maybe in another 2-4 weeks it will be out.

Hmm. Another 2-4 weeks does not == 3 or even 6 months off of the predicted number. At most that's a month off. So no need to get too hyperbolic! Just, you know, pointing that out.

At any rate, as has been demonstrated elsewhere by independent forumites, we're converging on something approximating timeliness. :)

A lot of work goes into these game no doubt but

they are after all using the same engine and recycling the same map and location types from the previous module and a lot of the same equipment.

Its not like they are creating something wholly new like an eastern front campaign.

The trick with releases is that there's a base level of work required to get them out. Once you get past content and all that, we still need to spend X number of weeks prepping the thing for release, doing all the final testing, making sure all the stuff we put in is working well, etc. So no matter how "big" you think a release might be, it'll always involve a final bit of work that has nothing to do with how "big" it is.

And frankly most modules are pretty "big". They usually add whole new units, tons of new textures and models, a slew of scenarios and campaigns all of which need creation and testing, and quite a few necessary bits and pieces of code, not to mention we're constantly fixing bugs. The whole point of modules is we're adding a significant amount of stuff to the existing game. So it's not like a whole new base game (like CMBN 1.0 or CMFI 1.0) but it's still an appreciable amount of work in and of itself.

oh, well when it's ready its...ready.


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Actually it is all my fault. The original press release said 46 weeks. I accidentally edited it to 4-6 weeks. ND and others have been working like mad to meet that date regardless and all the while eyeing me with pitchforks and sharp knives. You can thank me for it's ultimately super early release, but I expect I will "disappear" soon after once folks have a little time on their hands to decide on where to dispose of the body. Look for my gravestone to appear in some future release as an inside joke amongst the staff.

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Actually it is all my fault. The original press release said 46 weeks. I accidentally edited it to 4-6 weeks. ND and others have been working like mad to meet that date regardless and all the while eyeing me with pitchforks and sharp knives. You can thank me for it's ultimately super early release, but I expect I will "disappear" soon after once folks have a little time on their hands to decide on where to dispose of the body. Look for my gravestone to appear in some future release as an inside joke amongst the staff.

Doesn't Normal Dude live close enough to you to do the hit?

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Actually it is all my fault. The original press release said 46 weeks. I accidentally edited it to 4-6 weeks. ND and others have been working like mad to meet that date regardless and all the while eyeing me with pitchforks and sharp knives. You can thank me for it's ultimately super early release, but I expect I will "disappear" soon after once folks have a little time on their hands to decide on where to dispose of the body. Look for my gravestone to appear in some future release as an inside joke amongst the staff.

Look behind you.

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I know we are all dying to play Gustav Line but BF did say 4 - 6 weeks from 3 April so they are not actally late yet, While we can tease them in a good natured way I for one have to say that one or two remarks on this thread were not very nice and rather disrespectful to the sdesign team that works so hard on our behalf. If they brought something out that did not work properly because it was rushed out to please us we would be a lot more upset than we would be if we had to wait a few more days for a product that really was fit for purpose. Which, on balance the games are when published.

So tease them all we like in a good natured way. Call them "D Day Dodgers if we must ie if we are not in Rome by June 4 or June 6 at the very latest :-) But, to paraphrase Noel Coward "Don't let's be beastly to the Design Team"

Having said that, it would be nice if BF told us what was happening.

In the meantime thanks for all the good work Battelfront and I look foward to seeing Gustav Line very soon :-)

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Come on now lets give new members a chance here..

We should want to be considered an open and friendly community across wargaming circles..

Seems to me bad form for beta testers to jump in on new members aswell...your one of the faces of BFand this comes with responsibility and one of those really is to create a welcoming forum to new members. Maybe instead of jumping on them from a great height, explain why people can get abit annoyed when these questions are asked.

Just a thought.

Thats BS.

Read his post - was that polite and respectful ?. He was wrong - and if he had posted in a different way in the first place people wouldnt have jumped on him for it. Fact is he was not only verging on abusive and insulting, but he was factually wrong - then got called on it, and should've manned up and taken the flak instead of calling people teenagers and trolls.

As has been said here many many times - there are ways of asking ...

I would hate it if this forum turned into a place for girls ....

PS PaulT - I am a freaking Man Mountain who eats aircraft carriers for breakfast ....

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I would hate it if this forum turned into a place for girls ....

What you think this is the Calvin and Hobbes treehouse? Personally I think that would probably be a good thing. Then maybe the few female players wouldn't have to hide their gender to avoid A**holes. And before you suggest there aren't any, perhaps you should reflect on above statement and wonder how you will ever know.

If Phil and Normal Dude aren't offended then I don't think any of the rest of us have any right to object.

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Have to agree with JRMC1879. Nothing against the fair sex but, let's face it, first it was the board room, then the military now even our damned softball games. The last remaining refuge, where guys can be with guys, is the cigar store. ;)

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Thats BS.

Read his post - was that polite and respectful ?. He was wrong - and if he had posted in a different way in the first place people wouldnt have jumped on him for it. Fact is he was not only verging on abusive and insulting, but he was factually wrong - then got called on it, and should've manned up and taken the flak instead of calling people teenagers and trolls.

As has been said here many many times - there are ways of asking ...

I would hate it if this forum turned into a place for girls ....

PS PaulT - I am a freaking Man Mountain who eats aircraft carriers for breakfast ....

I already admitted to being a little impatient and in all intents and purposes

its been 6 weeks and more than 4 weeks so I have a right to inquire what is going on especially if I am showing my eagerness to purchase it.

You reread my post and as for girls who knows maybe you aren't the big mountain of a man you clam to be over the internet what's more I know women who are like mountains and they eat so much they'd probably eat an aircraft carrier if the had the chance.

Lets stop pointing the finger and accusing me and my post of being insulting

that is a bit of a stretch in fact some of you are the ones who are blatantly insulting me-what for, are you expecting maybe a free copy?

There is nothing in my thread trollish or insulting but if you want to perceive it that way well then to quote you "I would hate it if this forum turned into a place for girls"

Now, first, thank you, normal dude, for letting me know that it is nearing the end and will be out soon!

So knowing the team is quite busy finishing this module, nonetheless, I don't think I should have to apologize for asking if anyone has any information on the progress of the game now that we are past 4 weeks and very near 6.

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I've also had extensive physical training and if someone sat across from me and saw me in person I might well want to lash them up and down with my tongue before they get inpatient and frisky.

Ewww...did you extensive physical training include massive tongue stretching?

And what if lashing them up and down with your tongue *makes them* impatient and frisky?

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