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Again...real time or turn based wego?

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What strikes me after playing all the combat mission games is that, ever since realtime option was introduced, the smaller scenario's are best played in realtime and the larger fights in turnbased. Smaller scenario's demands less soldiers to control while larger scenario's (like for instance in 'Hot Mustard') become so big that it is impossible to control them all at the same time. When you play those larger scenario's in turnbased mode, it gives you time to assess the complete battlefield. What do you think?

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Don't like RT. Never have...least not for wargames. I HATED, HATED, HATED Close Combat. Only time I use RT is to test stuff and even then, it's rare. I really dig WEGO on smaller scenarios because I can spend even more time re-watching the cool stuff. I think the 1:1 nature of CMX2 really brings out the drama of smaller battles in a way that CMX1 just couldn't...not with infantry anyway.

So chalk me up as WEGO only, no matter the size. I want to see it all and when it's cool, I want to see it a hundred times from a hundred angles, even if it's only a platoon sized skirmish.


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Don't like RT. Never have...least not for wargames. I HATED, HATED, HATED Close Combat.

The funny thing is, I really liked Close Combat 2 but I can't play CM in realtime. Maybe it's because in Close Combat you're stuck to that top down view and the battles are small so it's unlikely for you to miss important action. But in CM you could be taking a look at how your machinegun platoon is doing and... OMFG WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO MY TANKS?

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I'd be much more attracted to realtime if there was a replay.

That's one of my fav things about CM... Watching the action during a turn to get the overall picture, then zooming in to hot spots and watching them from different angles. In addition to screen shots it'd be awesome to have the ability to save all or snippets of the playback for viewing later outside of playing the battle. I recall you can do this a number of flight sims etc. I'd like to see it one day for CM too. Like an operational layer it's been asked for a million times and denied but it's still nice to dream about it.



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But in CM you could be taking a look at how your machinegun platoon is doing and... OMFG WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO MY TANKS?

EXACTLY...and then if it was a really cool moment, even though it was your guys getting wailed, it's gone forever.

Absolutely! There is some serious drama going on in those battles.

I have been playing a small scenario (in between PBEM turns) for a week or so now, and there was this one moment where I had a split squad up on a rocky point. They took a burst from a hidden mg and a guy went down with a heavy (light red) wound. The bar gunner returned fire while his buddy with the Thompson began to turn to administer buddy aid to their wounded comrade. Just then another mg burst rakes the hill and the second volley strikes the wounded guy again, killing him. It's is such a small event in the scheme of most CM battles but man it really amazed and shocked me all at the same time. It's where the 1:1 really shines.


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I used to always play RT, but the last few months I've switched to turn-based for anything bigger than 2-3 platoons. The problem for me is that you can only focus on one group at a time, and have to choose between blindly sending other men forward, or having most of your force sitting idle which wastes tons of time.Plus WEGO is great for all the other reasons stated above.

RT would be better if it had more feedback. Panzer Command: Ostfront is excellent in this regard (heresy!) with it's minimap and event log (which you can click to go directly to the action). I also really like the slow-mo kill shots :D

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(I don't have CMFI, so the following is based on CMBN.)

For the first 8 months or so of CMBN, I went with RT. -Thought it was great, playing small battles (mostly QBs).

Then, I decided to give WEGO a try (I'm a CMx1 vet of all titles).

The verdict:

WEGO is where it's at and I'm staying there. -Love the vids and I can catch all the details of the battle and give commands at a comfortable pace. RT forces me to miss too much and keep my focus too broad. It makes me feel like I am missing too much of the magic of CMx2.

WEGO also opens up larger battles to me (boy, CW battles are BIG!). My sweet spot is a reinforced company. I'm just starting to dip my toes into the deep end of bigger battles.

WEGO does seem noticeably less stable than RT, though. I think I had one crash the whole time I was playing RT and I get them every few sessions under WEGO. Also, I notice that WEGO has trouble with saved setup phase files. If I play the first turn and save--fine. But if I move units around inside the setup zone and save while still in setup mode, the file may not work upon relaunch.

And, of course, the soldier slide only happens under WEGO--not RT. RT seems pretty much rock stable. With WEGO, I have to be sure to save every turn (and play out setup and turn one in one go).

Now that I'm back in the WEGO camp, I REALLY wish we could get direct internet play for turn-based play. I'd like to try MP eventually.


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...WEGO has trouble with saved setup phase files. If I play the first turn and save--fine. But if I move units around inside the setup zone and save while still in setup mode, the file may not work upon relaunch....

That may well be down to the presence (or not) of barbed wire. That was a known bug that was supposed to have been stomped, but I don't think they got all of it.

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That may well be down to the presence (or not) of barbed wire. That was a known bug that was supposed to have been stomped, but I don't think they got all of it.

Very interesting, Womble!

The setup issue has occurred twice. Once a couple of months ago in a QB with barbed wire.

The last time was yesterday in the first mission of TRT Montebourg. And of course, that one has barbed wire.

Looks like zee bug is still out there.


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Minor quibble: The barbed wire bug is a new one that first appeared in the 1.10 patch. The old recurring bug is the QB setup zone switch. Easy to get confused as they both happen during setup. They are also both still out there lurking, waiting.

And again, I learn something.

Yeah, I used to get the QB side switching bug a lot in the early days of the game.

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  • 1 year later...
The title says it all. Are all of the Combat Mission games WEGO? and can the orders be given while in a top-down perspective?

yes mate, you can see from every angle in order phase at wego mode, you can watch movies from every angles. Because of these features, we go mode is much preferable in CM gamers

CM games can be set at the beginning as RT or wego at startup.

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Which of the CM series is the best ? And which would you recommend for OSX.

yes mate, you can see from every angle in order phase at wego mode, you can watch movies from every angles. Because of these features, we go mode is much preferable in CM gamers

CM games can be set at the beginning as RT or wego at startup.

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Which of the CM series is the best ? And which would you recommend for OSX.

it's up to you mate, all game's core and mechanics are same (CMRT has the latest engine v3.0), if you want to buy CMBN and CMFI , it's better to wait v3.0 engine release for these titles, because it would be more economical to grap these games after engine upgrade.

So according to me , it seems more reasonable to start with CMRT :-)

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Thank you!

it's up to you mate, all game's core and mechanics are same (CMRT has the latest engine v3.0), if you want to buy CMBN and CMFI , it's better to wait v3.0 engine release for these titles, because it would be more economical to grap these games after engine upgrade.

So according to me , it seems more reasonable to start with CMRT :-)

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