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Wait, no 8th Army?

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Forgive me if this was already covered but I'm too excited to digest all this yet :D

Very happy to see Sicily/Italy come to CMx2. Very happy indeed, but I can't help noticing no Brits or Canadians in the first game, which is very disappointing.

Please tell me they will come to the party sooner rather than later? i.e. the first module for this new family?

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"Tin Case is not a Steelbook and is all metal with a plastic window. It can hold up to four discs, enough room to store all your CMFI module discs in one convenient place :)"


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Oh, I knew it was getting modules, read that much - just hoping that it is the first CM:FI module and that we don't have to wait as long as we did for the CMBN:CW module.

However, I see BFC are going to be very busy for some time now and today's announcement is good news for all of us! East Front, Italy, Market Garden all to come within a year - fantastic!

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This raises a question for me: did the HG wear FJ uniforms? I know it was called an armored parachute division, but thought they might wear the FD uniform.


No, if by FJ uniform you mean jump smocks and para helmets. They (generally) wore Luftwaffe tropical uniform. Pretty sure there are already screenshots released.

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No, if by FJ uniform you mean jump smocks and para helmets. They (generally) wore Luftwaffe tropical uniform. Pretty sure there are already screenshots released.

I thought at least one of the battalions or regiments (they were so many spread around the MTO/ETO it seems) did wear the FJ battledress, but perhaps not in Sicily.

So it's a wait for MG before we get them, I guess.

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The Brits and Canadians not being included in a Sicily title is strange from a historical stand-point.

But with an eye on being practical, there are likely several reasons why this is so:

1) Commonwealth troops were in the last module released by BFC;

2) Having both Commonwealth (Brits & Canadians) and Americans included would increase production time significantly (different equipment models/organizations, etc);

3) American troops tend to satisfy a larger market;

4) There were a lot more nations included in the Allied formations fighting in Italy who could be included in a Commonwealth module (India, New Zealand, South Africa, Poland) + Brazil and France (who I think were equipped by the Americans), which would provide the amount of content needed for a module.

I wish the Brits and Canucks could be there for Operation Husky too, but I think I understand the reasons why they're not.

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The way the Family system works is we have to start at the beginning of a campaign because the units from that one carry forward through to the end. The only place starting mid-campaign really works well is Eastern Front, but even then there are some problems with starting at an arbitrary point.

And since I've seen some questions raised in a few places... Fortress Italy was developed "in house", not by a 3rd Party.


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But with an eye on being practical, there are likely several reasons why this is so:

Spot on!

I wish the Brits and Canucks could be there for Operation Husky too, but I think I understand the reasons why they're not.


We're keeping a bit mum on the details for the Italy Family until we have a chance to let the dust settle a little.


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Well, so be it then. It hasn't prevent me from pre-ordering. I'm happy to hear BFC is heading for mass-production of base games and modules.


I can tell you that figuring out how to tackle the Italy was pretty difficult. I think many people don't appreciate the diversity that theater offers. Several concepts for dividing up the content were scrapped because of compounding problems. We eventually figured out the optimal way to start things off, but we're still a little squishy on what comes next. There's a few ways we can go about it, though the core is pretty solidly decided upon. Namely Commonwealth forces.


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Fortress Italy was developed "in house", not by a 3rd Party.

Which explains the mysterious absenses from the chat boards in recent months. The phrase "nose to the grindstone" doesn't half cover it. A couple times I sent Steve a work email at 3am and got a reply at 3:15. ;)

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We eventually figured out the optimal way to start things off, but we're still a little squishy on what comes next. There's a few ways we can go about it, though the core is pretty solidly decided upon. Namely Commonwealth forces.


That's good enough for me, I think! Looking forward to seeing some CW troops in this title when the time comes. It's a great day to be a CM-fan :D

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I think I just found out that I'm going to be divorced in the not-too-distant-future....

At least if the amount of time I've spent (and am still yet to spend) doing mod work on CMBN:CF gets extended into the Mediterranean Theatre.....

Maybe it's a good thing to have the lag time before the CW forces show up in Italy....:P

I'm sick....I know I am....but I can't help it.... ;)

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4) There were a lot more nations included in the Allied formations fighting in Italy who could be included in a Commonwealth module (India, New Zealand, South Africa, Poland) + Brazil and France (who I think were equipped by the Americans), which would provide the amount of content needed for a module.

And Rhodesians and Czechs (and Greeks?). Probably an Aussie or two in the RAF...

BTW, I believe the Moroccan troops in Sicily were still using standard French made equipment for the most part. Later on the mainland I'm not sure about. Probably by that time they had been re-equiped with US gear the same as the other French forces.


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