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This is why I'm still playing...

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RL time demands have put me on a one game-day a month schedule, but I saw this thread and thought I'd throw my two cents in. I play because I am looking for the most realistic depiction of WWII tactical combat possible, at the 1:1 level, in a game that is also fun to play. This is what CMBN gives me. There are no close rivals from what I've seen.

Sure, game X may have better terrain graphics, or game Y may have a nicer overhead map. But when I watch the gameplay vids on YouTube, or try the demos, I quickly realize that they do not measure up.

CMBN is simply, IT. -And it's going to get even better with each new module and engine update!

I'm a gen-X'er who had the original Squad Leader board game as a kid (but couldn't find players and so tried to play alone). As pc games evolved, I was always hoping to find that magic in a digital format. I was playing Close Combat III when CMBO came out. CCIII (had IV, but never played it) was okay, but by halfway through my first mission in CMBO, I knew that the CC series was obsolete.

I played various other WWII-based games, but gradually, they fell away and only the CMx1 series stayed. Then, I stumbled on ASL and got into that. Despite CMx1's advantage over ASL in things like FOW, artillery modeling and vehicle gun modeling (as in realistic shot output per turn, rather than abstracted), I felt that, overall, ASL was richer game experience and that became my game.

Then came CMx2/CMBN...

In the weeks leading up to the release of CMBN, I prepped a bit with the demos for CMA and CMSF. I had no problems with the new interface and such. When CMBN came out, I went right in on Elite level as my standard. Scenarios are challenging to various degrees, but against the AI, I've never found things remotely close to being too difficult to be fun. Sure, it can be work. But if what you really want is checkers, just admit it and go with that. Don't keep trying to convince the chess players that they'd be better off moving chess closer to checkers.

To make a long story short, CMBN has replaced ASL for me. In most (all?) important ways, it has caught up with or surpassed ASL in terms of game depth and richness of play. With 1:1, relative spotting, the new artillery modeling, the various team-splitting options, infantry interaction with vehicles, buddy aid/weapon recovery, ammo acquiring, etc... well...ASL just doesn't cut it anymore. My eyes now see the holes too well.

There are so many things in CMBN that make it the King of WWII Tactical Combat Games. Others have pointed some of them out. I guess in a nutshell it is that you are playing a great game that usually genuinely feels like you could be witnessing a real WWII battle. And the micro stories really solidify that feeling. Just in the last two weeks, Iron Front came out. Yeah--great graphics. So I look at the gameplay vids. Same old death match, capture the flag stuff. ZZZzzzzz. All that work and not even remotely close to a WWII battlefield. No interest.

Now, in CMBN... perhaps your only bazooka is lying beside its fallen owner and the enemy is going to be pushing his attack soon. Your few remaining men are spread out, laying down some fire and displacing to keep your opponent guessing. He hesitates. The ground holding the bazooka cools down just long enough for one of your men to get it. He makes it back to his position covering the armor's likely approach.

The enemy begins his final push...

This could be right out of a WWII battle diary.

In ASL, he'd know what you have and where the bazooka is and push forward before you could get it. In a game like WWII Online or Iron Front, no one would stay in position, coordinate or maneuver in a realistic fashion and you'd be shot by someone with better mouse skills. Then, the battle would be won by whoever had more players still spawning in.

If realistic WWII tactical combat in the form of a game is what your are looking for, CMBN is the King. Period.


This is all nice and stuff... Where is my early war period, say 41 -43???

Desert, Russian front etc... those time periods and theatres are my favorites.

Not so much the Normandy 44-45 period. CMBN/ CW is great though, theatre not so much. JMO.

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This is all nice and stuff... Where is my early war period, say 41 -43???

Desert, Russian front etc... those time periods and theatres are my favorites.

Not so much the Normandy 44-45 period. CMBN/ CW is great though, theatre not so much. JMO.

Give it time my friend...patience. BF will get there. By the way, my favorite time period of WW2 as well.

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Give it time my friend...patience. BF will get there. By the way, my favorite time period of WW2 as well.

Though I wouldn't expect Bagration (the first OstFront game) to be out before 2020, personally, and then I think the plan is a module a year going forward to end-of-War, only then going earlier. So maybe sometime in the middle of next decade you'll get some Barbarossa action...

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my only time period is WWII.

I see "CMSF" and like a narcoleptic, I'm out just like that

I enjoyed the CMA demo quite a bit. The CMSF demo also--though less so.

But like you, modern is not my cup of tea and WWII is where it's at for me. So, I didn't get those titles.

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This is all nice and stuff... Where is my early war period, say 41 -43???

Desert, Russian front etc... those time periods and theatres are my favorites.

Not so much the Normandy 44-45 period. CMBN/ CW is great though, theatre not so much. JMO.

-Never meant they could put a fork in things and call 'em done! I'm looking very forward to seeing that stuff myself. I spent more time with early war equipment in CMBB than the later gear. I'd love for them to do a Battle of France module, too (but I know that's probably not going to happen).

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+1 to that. I would buy that just as surely as I would a bulge game and all its modules or an eastern front game and all its modules. If these guys build it an its WWII I'll buy it.

Battle for Stonne!! Woohoo!! I would buy it just to fight that one.

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Let's face it - you like it just as much as everyone else. That is why you are still reading this thread. You are just having problems sharing your feelings, but don't worry I'll keep your secret ... ssshhhhhh. ;)

Thanks to that remark I decided to fire it up and go right back to the beginning have an open mind. And... It's in Devon. Now that is a coincidence because I happen to be staying in Devon this weekend of the Jubilee. And.. Aah there's three bottles of milk been left outside the farmhouse by the milkman. Not sure why he left them by the window rather than the door though. Mrs Nelson will have to step outside to get them which will get mud on her slippers..

Yes, it is the attention to detail I like.

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Thanks to that remark I decided to fire it up and go right back to the beginning have an open mind. And... It's in Devon. Now that is a coincidence because I happen to be staying in Devon this weekend of the Jubilee. And.. Aah there's three bottles of milk been left outside the farmhouse by the milkman. Not sure why he left them by the window rather than the door though. Mrs Nelson will have to step outside to get them which will get mud on her slippers..

Yes, it is the attention to detail I like.

Ahh but see you aren't looking closely enough. See an MG team has LOF AND LOS to Mrs Nelson's door. Now the milkman knowing how action spots work, realized she was a sitting duck for the MG team if he placed the milk at the door. Smart thinking man that he is, he found a covered route (using smoke from the diesel truck he drives) to the window allowing Mrs Nelson to retrieve her milk out of LOS of the MG team. Now that is detail.

On the other hand, you sir are avoiding the Queen right after the release of CMCW. Very unpatriotic of you. Mrs Nelson and the Milkman will be informed.

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Give it time my friend...patience. BF will get there. By the way, my favorite time period of WW2 as well.

-Never meant they could put a fork in things and call 'em done! I'm looking very forward to seeing that stuff myself. I spent more time with early war equipment in CMBB than the later gear. I'd love for them to do a Battle of France module, too (but I know that's probably not going to happen).

Ah yes patients... Hence my reasoning for still plugging away with CMx1 for my earlier war period battles, Ex. Gazala, Tobruk, the drive for Moscow, Kursk etc... Until CMx2 goes that route, I may be an old man before I switch completely.

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I started playing CMSF some time ago and thought it was great. But like a fool I thought there must be something better. Off I went and spent many months and much money, looking for a "better" tactical wargame. OK, I discovered the John Tiller "Squad Battles" series, which I like, but generally speaking I hit a wall of frustration. When I saw that CM "Normandy" was available I waited and waited but eventually caved in and bought. Wow! blown away! If only I'd not wasted so much time and money on other games! Now I'm back playing Combat Mission.

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How's the gown, 88's? The one that does up down the back? Have they let you take the corks off your forks yet?

Ouch, my first typo (mind you, 218 posts only) after years and years on these forums and I hear about it... This place rocks. Gotta watch those grammar Nazi's, they will shoot you right between the eyes if you are not careful. :D

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I started playing CMSF some time ago and thought it was great. But like a fool I thought there must be something better. Off I went and spent many months and much money, looking for a "better" tactical wargame. OK, I discovered the John Tiller "Squad Battles" series, which I like, but generally speaking I hit a wall of frustration. When I saw that CM "Normandy" was available I waited and waited but eventually caved in and bought. Wow! blown away! If only I'd not wasted so much time and money on other games! Now I'm back playing Combat Mission.

If you haven't previously checked out the first incarnations of CM (CMBB, CMAK) and if you like the theatre's that they provide (Africa, Russia etc) I would scoop those up as well. The game engine, as others I am sure will let you know, is dated. However the theatre's are right up my alley and I still enjoy what they provide.

There is a campaign layer for a core force that you can try out using RobO's quick campaign generator (and automated Excell spreadsheet for CMAK and CMBB). Links for these can be found on the other forums CMAK and CMBB.

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Had to finish my story about the sniper Team, their flank did not receive much more action, what action that was received, other troops handled. but I did move them into this building and pretty much forgot about them. End of game results show that I was off on my numbers a little. I am pretty sure this might be the best sniper action and results that I have ever managed out of a team

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Though I wouldn't expect Bagration (the first OstFront game) to be out before 2020, personally, and then I think the plan is a module a year going forward to end-of-War, only then going earlier. So maybe sometime in the middle of next decade you'll get some Barbarossa action...

...which means I'll NEVER get my Marines vs Japanese.

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Though I wouldn't expect Bagration (the first OstFront game) to be out before 2020, personally, and then I think the plan is a module a year going forward to end-of-War, only then going earlier. So maybe sometime in the middle of next decade you'll get some Barbarossa action...

And you know this how? :cool:

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Lots of assumptions there, but not unreasonable given what we have seen and been told. Assume that the recent schedule of 9 months development time for each module and a generous 1 year for each base game, and 3 modules for each game:

Dec '12: CMBN Market Garden

Sept '13: CMBN 3rd module

Sept '14: Bulge Basic Game

June '15: Bulge module 1

Mar '16: Bulge module 2

Dec '16: Bulge module 3

Dec '17: Shock Force 2 basic game

Sept '18: SF2 mod 1

Mar '19: SF2 mod 2

Dec '19: SF2 mod 3

Dec '20: Bagration base game

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