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Kampfgruppe Engel, The king Tiger Mission

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Hopefully, BFC will release a patch that fixes this sometime. But with BFC you never know if it will be tomorrow or next year...

It's probably already fixed. And will be included in the next patch. Most scenarios are unaffected. People need to get a grip on this subject.

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It's probably already fixed. And will be included in the next patch. Most scenarios are unaffected. People need to get a grip on this subject.

Get a grip...? What good is it to the players that it is "probably already fixed"? How about releasing the patch, then?

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  • 1 year later...


Sorry to bring up an old thread..just started this campaign..I found sending a Lynx some pioneers in a jeep and mount my Tiger crew in a truck along with a stummel I did a quick smash and grab down the left hand side road with this small force along with a very quick mortar barrage. Managed to crew the Tiger but lost the radio operator..have now pulled this little force back into the defensive positions..now 40 mins left of the battle and I still have all my armour from the start of the campaign..just three are minus a crew member..I've pulled my first line Inf screen back as well as some of my armour..so far I've whacked 6 Allied tanks. Not sure if I'm best just pulling out altogether at this point as some allied forces are halfway up the map and moving quick esp on the right. My Tiger is in a pretty rough position..he has a keyhole view onto the main road but is way to close to the front line..he has just taken out a Sherman with what looks like 5 or 6 more following including an M10 or two.

Question will my tanks if they lose a member get re crewed at some point..also will my Inf get replacements soon?

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Sorry to bring up an old thread..just started this campaign..I found sending a Lynx some pioneers in a jeep and mount my Tiger crew in a truck along with a stummel I did a quick smash and grab down the left hand side road with this small force along with a very quick mortar barrage. Managed to crew the Tiger but lost the radio operator..have now pulled this little force back into the defensive positions..now 40 mins left of the battle and I still have all my armour from the start of the campaign..just three are minus a crew member..I've pulled my first line Inf screen back as well as some of my armour..so far I've whacked 6 Allied tanks. Not sure if I'm best just pulling out altogether at this point as some allied forces are halfway up the map and moving quick esp on the right. My Tiger is in a pretty rough position..he has a keyhole view onto the main road but is way to close to the front line..he has just taken out a Sherman with what looks like 5 or 6 more following including an M10 or two.

Question will my tanks if they lose a member get re crewed at some point..also will my Inf get replacements soon?

You'll get full replacements of ammo,infantry and vehicles in the next mission(mission 4).There'll be no replacements or ammo until mission six though after this,so be mindful of how you go.Check the briefings for arty ammo.Just a tip for mission 4 without giving anything away,make sure your tanks don't use up all their HE taking out strays,you'll know what i mean when the time comes.Good luck and have fun ;)

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Hmm. I never managed it to win this battle. Getting the KT wasnt a problem for me, but back then i didnt know yet that having my panzers roll over small hedgerows and fences and stuff like that is going to damage their tracks, so all my tanks except the KT were in a pretty bad shape due to my abuse of them as "bulldozers" in the previous missions. I started with 2 m-killed tanks and one with badly damaged tracks and had to use them as stationary gun positions...


But yeah, it is a great scenario, really unusual.


How does one put panzer in hull down position---look for a shell hole ,rise in ground etc. ????????????????????? Thanks again

Take a look at this image:


Larger version:


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The problem I found with the KT and other Tigers in other scenarios as well is that altho' they have enuff armor to survive, they seem to suffer from frequent gun hits and become mobile MG pillboxes rather quickly. Have no idea if this was addressed in any patches.

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Yeah, that is true.

Happened to me twice in 'KG Engel' only.

On how I retrieved the Tiger:

As I am very sneaky in playing tactical combat, I used the small dirt road in the woods on my extreme left flank and rushed trough one of the fields when I was on the same height as the Tiger. Nearly the same way back. Had a Halftrack to carry screening infantry and the Tiger crew and a Lynx plus two PzIVs allocated for the dash. Low gears in the woods, full throtttle in the open.

Went supersmooth with only one or two guys being hit. Not mutch opposition.



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  • 2 months later...
... but back then i didn't know yet that having my panzers roll over small hedgerows and fences and stuff like that is going to damage their tracks, so all my tanks except the KT were in a pretty bad shape due to my abuse of them as "bulldozers" in the previous missions.

Should damage to a tank's treads be cumulative or sudden and unpredictable? My impression from desultory reading is that the latter was more common.

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In a combat situation, if there is little time to check on things, tighten lugs, etc, then the problems are going to seem sudden and unpredictable, but you can bet they were the result of cumulative occurences.

It's like any mechanical device. It may function perfectly until the day it doesn't, but chances are whatever happened could have been predicted and possibly even prevented with enough oversight.

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  • 9 months later...

Well this is no fun at all. With only my 81mms, and those with limited ammo, since the trucks got iced by spotting rounds in scene 2 (yes, both of them), and a bazooka in the hedge near the KT, I don't believe the smoke will last long enough to let me get the tank away before it's immobilised. With my Panther's tracks on their last legs, literally, I can't afford to lose the only system capable of standing up to Shermans (PzIVs suck dead dog gonads; they die to 37mm fire on their front aspect, and there's potloads of that about) without gaining a replacement. So it's time to run away, ceasefire on the turn my last unit exits, and move on to the next scenario.

I'll give the smoke a go, but it's 8 whole rounds, and one has to land in the right place before the zook takes out a track on the KT, which took about 90s in the first try.

Edit: well that didn't take long. One clean miss, a near miss and one Hit: Wheels, and the KT is immobilised by a zook round or Rifle Grenade at 59:15, as the second smoke round comes in. Real glad that I didn't bother plotting all the zerg-rush-to-get-the-Tiger moves this time; would have been a terrible waste of time. Who knew KTs were so vulnerable?

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I loved the campaign. I recall it was easy to rescue the KT by creating holes in the hedges with charges and getting the crew and escort to the KT and driving it out in relative safety.

The real pisser has been that enemy tanks seem to regularly hit the KT gun every time I have had a KT and disable it, so it becomes merely a mobile MG bunker. Have had that happen more times than one would think reasonable. I don't see that happen with other tanks. (Hope a patch may have fixed that, but have no idea.)

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I loved the campaign.

Apart from this one issue, I like it too.

I recall it was easy to rescue the KT...driving it out in relative safety.

Driving. There's the rub. Perhaps no one else has had a zook team within (without checking) 40m of the objective at game start, but I can't conceive of any plan, not predicated on getting a lucky mortar shell drop (either a smoke directly between the offending enemy team and the KT, or an HE hit directly on that team) in the first couple of minutes, that would allow me to intervene and prevent the tank's immobilisation. Perhaps an upgrade since everyone else played the campaign has changed the probability of an "A Team" from a US infantry unit having a zook, or I've hit a "Rare" AI Plan which has a different deployment putting that crippling tube in range of Teh UbahKitteh.

...enemy tanks seem to regularly hit the KT gun...I don't see that happen with other tanks. (Hope a patch may have fixed that, but have no idea.)

ISTR someone did observe something similar with ordinary Tigers, and that something was done for that model to change the chance of an end-on gun hit. Whether that applies for KTs, I guess I'll have a small sample of in the rest of the Campaign, assuming the KT is included in the "force refresh" in between Tiger Poaching and Hunters in the Mist

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  • 1 year later...


OK I made it through the first scenario almost intact. I had all of my armor, and lost very little infantry. The second scenario my PZ IVs weren't available. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? So I slogged through and took the all the objectives in the town, but my infantry got seriously whacked. I lost one of the Stummels, and both Lynx. I took out three of the five Ami reinforcement Shermans, and all but one of the on map armored vehicles with panzerschrecks. I was really hoping I would see those PZ IVs again! Nope. So the second scenario was a draw, and I got the rescue the KT scenario next. Still no PZ IVs! I'm not sure why, when I was so careful with my armor in the first scenario, the game decided I could do without the PZ IVs.

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  • 1 year later...
On 25/4/2012 at 10:35 PM, Amizaur said:

And seriously - avoid ANY hull down position. Even being behind a hedge.


You want enemy tanks aiming at center of mass of your tank's full silhouette, this way on medium ranges most of the shots will land on front hull and lower parts of the turret. You want to aviod situations where enemy tanks would be aiming at center of mass of your KTs upper part, where the gun is...


Exactly opposite, to the real life... IRL you would prefer hull-down positions.

I thought I was the only one to discover this secret, but now I realise @Amizaur found it four years ago. Seems the Germans were quite stupid to build their tanks with such heavy armour on the front hull, and then be stingy with the armour on the turret.

After all, the turret is the most exposed part of the tank. And it's a relatively small area, so adding some more centimetres of metal wouldn't really break the weight budget.

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