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  1. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to Ithikial_AU in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    If anyone wants to try this out play through the CMBN stock campaign "Road to Montebourg" and then again with the more 'realistic' version PaperTiger went back and recreated and to take advantage of units added to the game family after the base game. The big change for my mind was that most US non-airborne troops switched from 'regular' to 'green' to reflect the limited combat experience 4ID had at the time.
  2. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to FancyCat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Would disagree on the bridge as not a war winner, its a highly symbolic target, its destruction would seriously harm the image of the Russian state both domestically and internationally, proponents of Russia needing internal dissent to help conclude the war, the bridge's loss is essential for that internal dissent to increase, irregardless of whatever supply/military value. 
  3. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to kimbosbread in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    If we get access to the new KGB archives, it will be very interesting to see which politicians and parties were directly supported. I think we can safely guess some of them, but I bet there would be some interesting surprises.
  4. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to Artkin in FIX THE BOGGING ALREADY!   
    Four vehicles immobilized within 700m of the corner starting zone. One mtlb, one bmp-3, two t-90a. Everything except the bmp-3 was set to "normal" speed. Bmp-3 was set to "Quick".
    This is completely insane, why haven't you guys fixed this yet. This isnt fun, nor is it realistic, it's a joke.

  5. Like
    Raskol got a reaction from IHC70 in The year to come - 2024 (Part 1)   
    Hello Steve, any future posibility to include additional WW2 Eastern Front representation, such as Romanian and Hungarian forces? I heard some units were around that area back in 44.
    Thank you!
  6. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to Duckman in The year to come - 2024 (Part 2)   
    It's Kursk.
  7. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to Paper Tiger in Dinas Rework in progress   
    I'll post my progress on this campaign in this thread from now on. For those who don't know anything about this campaign, it was my second Red v Red campaign made for CMSF way, way back in the days of the release of the USMC module and its setting is a Syrian civil war scenario where some Syrian generals attempt a coup. The premise is that the coup is launched with thunderclap surprise and so rebel forces are put into action as soon as they mobilise. While a good number of divisions will 'wait and see', the regime has a number of divisions that are 100% loyal so the rebels are on the clock as the more time they take to accomplish missions, the more time the regime has to assemble its own forces to oppose them.
    This means that time limits will be reasonably strict to reflect that pressure and so casualties are to be expected to accomplish your goals. However, the campaign gives you quite a large core force of which one company and support (usually tanks) is drawn to perform the mission.
    One point is that some of these maps are very large and so it would seem like it's a bit of a stretch just to have a single company when a battalion would be better. For example,

    A single company? To take THAT?! Are you HIGH?" And this...

    In both these situations, the friendly forces arrive in small packages and so the action unfolds over time. My plan is not to change the nature of the campaign too much and keep the player's forces small and have lots of artillery support as well as as many 'cool' toys as I can find in the Syrian OB to play around with.
  8. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to sburke in Fallujah Map for Future campaign   
    I was working on a SADR city map.  I may release a portion of it as I'll never finish the full map.  It will just crash CM at this point.

  9. Upvote
    Raskol got a reaction from benpark in Downfall: Enjoying the module?   
    Hello everybody!
    I have complete the 3rd mission of the Remagen Bridge campaign and boy it was brutal fight.
    Spoilers ahead:
    In the end, I ran out of ammo, and unfortunately, most of the cowardly pixel troupen refused to fight. I had to improvise by deploying as frontline troops: mortar men (which is normal), drivers, ammo bearers, and the remaining officers. Units resorted to using pistols and grenades in the final minutes.
    Surprisingly, the Volkssturm proved to be quite effective in taking out tanks and taking HE shells to the face. Overall, this mission was unforgetful experience. 

  10. Upvote
    Raskol got a reaction from sttp in Downfall: Enjoying the module?   
    Hello everybody!
    I have complete the 3rd mission of the Remagen Bridge campaign and boy it was brutal fight.
    Spoilers ahead:
    In the end, I ran out of ammo, and unfortunately, most of the cowardly pixel troupen refused to fight. I had to improvise by deploying as frontline troops: mortar men (which is normal), drivers, ammo bearers, and the remaining officers. Units resorted to using pistols and grenades in the final minutes.
    Surprisingly, the Volkssturm proved to be quite effective in taking out tanks and taking HE shells to the face. Overall, this mission was unforgetful experience. 

  11. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to user1000 in CMFB v2.11 patch is now available   
    WOW Thanks for listening to community feedback and rolling this out in lightening speed.
  12. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to Frenchy56 in CMFB v2.11 patch is now available   
    The new scenario made me notice that the US Army does not have the appropriate M43 uniform appearance option starting in April 45.
    The only option is Standard (M41).

    Seen in CMFI R2V at the same date :

    The Sherman V texture still does not include the bow MG.
    Look at the bottom right :
    From the patch:


  13. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to Mik093 in Preview: First FanMade BattlePack for CM Red Thunder   
    Hi, even though the main topic has been closed. Is it still possible to join the list?
  14. Thanks
    Raskol reacted to Mr.X in Preview: First FanMade BattlePack for CM Red Thunder   
    There will be a (last) short delay of some days 🙈
    I am still working on two missions, which I decided to rework. 
  15. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to markus544 in The year to come - 2024 (Part 1)   
    Please forgive me in advance for my extreme lack of knowledge on what to me seems to be and inordinate amount of time crank out these CM games. Steve mentioned 10 years ago that it took to complete CMBN, Yeah, that's right. I retired 13 years ago, and I was playing it before then. The business model involved in the development and all the computer work required and all the research that goes into these titles to me seems somewhat staggering. I was in Law Enforcement for almost thirty years, and I spent a lot of time investigating traffic accidents and other criminal activity. While I am in no way making a comparison to my prior work than what the Battlefront folks are doing is to say this. The dedication and hard work that is put into these "games" that we all love so much, certainly for me and I'm sure for everyone else out there in "Battlefront" land is greatly appreciated. Whatever Steve and his coworkers decide to work on is fine with me. I own every title put out. I will conclude my remarks with this. I am 63 years old, and I hope to the Lord above I am around to see and "play" the next full installment of whatever it might be.
  16. Like
    Raskol got a reaction from Centurian52 in The year to come - 2024 (Part 1)   
    Hi, everyone! I'm confident that we'll be getting the 2nd part update any moment now. Both Kursk and Tunisia '43 seem like amazing options. However, I'm leaning towards something bold, like Stalingrad '42.
  17. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to dragonwynn in Fallujah Map for Future campaign   
    Ive had this map of the Fullujah Jolan District on my hard drive for over a year working on it little by little. It's still being tweaked. I would like your thoughts on it. Ive tried to keep it reasonably accurate and still make it playable. It is 1376m wide and 1440m deep. It included the rail station and the large cemetery. To do the cemetery and not having the typical burial facilities that Iraq used, I had to improvise by creating the tombs with the smallest single story buildings in the editor and submerging them into the ground. Then make them all look the same. It's not perfect but hopefully will give the impression of a large cemetery.
    Since I am planning on making a campaign of the battle I would like some thoughts. I can use the entire map and have the action at battalion level combat with a lot of moving pieces, or cut the map in sections for a smaller scale action. Or a combination of both. Obviously for those who are not fans of MOUT combat this will not appeal too. But for those that do it should be a urban slugfest.
    Anyway here is the link to some quick screenies so take a look and let me know what some thoughts are. I am still tweaking it, height adjustments, terrain tweaks etc.
  18. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to Artkin in The year to come - 2024 (Part 1)   
    My bet is that it will be Kursk, which is unfortunate since I plan on committing to it myself 
  19. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to Centurian52 in The year to come - 2024 (Part 1)   
    Ok. My prediction is only that the next western front WW2 title will be Tunisia 1943. I do not necessarily predict that the next title will be WW2, or that the next WW2 title will be on the western front. I would also be very excited for Kursk.
  20. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to Centurian52 in The year to come - 2024 (Part 1)   
    As I've said several times recently, I can almost guarantee that the next western front title will be in North Africa. In fact it is almost certain to be Tunisia 1943.
    They haven't gone backwards since Sicily because they prioritized finishing up the late war first. The late war is finished. There is no direction to go now but back. The next step back in time from Sicily 1943 is Tunisia 1943. It's going to be Tunisia 1943 next.
  21. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to Grey_Fox in The year to come - 2024 (Part 1)   
    This was actually rolled out to IIRC CMBN several years ago, but the people on the forum cried like bitches until it was reverted because they like to pretend they could call in precision air strikes in 1944.
  22. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to Mr.X in Locking my BattlePack topic   
    Of course 👍🏻
    There will be a last (small) delay of maximum 1-2 weeks🙏🏼 Sorry for that, but reworking some missions costs more time than expected and I want to give you high quality content. 
  23. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to benpark in DF Master Maps List/Images   
    There isn't a listing for the big maps I made for the DF module included anywhere, but I'll attach some images of each them here for some visual reference for people looking to use them for their own purposes. These were either chopped up for the campaigns, QB's, and for the Rethem scenario that I made. There's a good deal of territory that wasn't used, as well.






    Erft Kanal:


  24. Like
    Raskol reacted to Vacillator in The year to come - 2024 (Part 1)   
    @Ithikial_AU is just rounding off the corners and polishing the chrome.  I think 😉. 
    And absolutely no disrespect intended for the hard work...
  25. Upvote
    Raskol reacted to Sequoia in The year to come - 2024 (Part 1)   
    I have a hunch it will be more than a few days until we get update part two (unless I missed something Steve said).
    Some general recollections of old posts by Steve.
    Western Front WWII sells best followed by Eastern Front.
    No new North Africa Family planned. It sells fourth best after even Italy.
    They will never cover Arab-Israeli wars.
    They will never do a Pacific WWII family. The engine works best with combined arms battles. Thus both sides need significant combined arms forces so both sides can have campaigns.. (CMA was the exception to this but it was developed by a third party). Also there are terrain challenges with jungle.
    They will not do a Vietnam family. See above.
    What does that leave us?  My first guess is another Red Thunder module that may include Finns.
    Of course Steve once said they will never do Cold War gone hot. Then a group of volunteers stepped forward and changed that. Perhaps that is happening again. I also recall Fortress Italy was moved way forward due to an investment by a private individual(s) but I don't think they will ever reveal the details on that.
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