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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. I'm a bit late on this discussion but it reminds me of the thread I posted about a CMFB quick battle where the AI selected 9 or 10 Sherman Flails and one or two infantry units. The flails advanced with their turrets facing backwards. My Jagdtiger, Jagdpanther and accompanying friends had an unsurprisingly easy time of it. While I had fun, I suppose I felt that my careful setup and movement was a waste of time, even though the map was very good. Other QB experiences have been better, and in fact some have been memorable for good reasons...
  2. When I'm commanding Panthers I seem to have a lot of gun and sight damage. My 'nodes' are usually fine .
  3. No worries, it's good to say it how you feel it . In most circumstances anyway .
  4. Ermmm, no, that's not what I meant. They don't force me to upload screenshots, why would they? I use it because it works and doesn't give me the loading screen every time like pressing the Windows PrintScreen button does. And the limit I referred to is on the forum here, nothing to do with Nvidia. I can only post 1.95MB of pictures, after which I must delete old ones to make space. And the old pictures then seem to disappear from the threads.
  5. I believe this is correct, or at least PrintScreen has alway given me the loading screen instead of in-game shots in the WW2 titles. To get around it, I use Nvidia's graphics software to capture, Alt-F1 seems to do it. Sadly I can only post a few pics anyway before my allowance is gone, and often deleting previous ones in my profile 'store' removes them from whatever thread they were in. I've seen suggestions that remote hosting (Imgur or whatever) is a better soultion but haven't bothered yet...
  6. Great job Phil, but on a minor note I think perhaps the 8's are upside down (i.e. the larger circles should be at the bottom)? Please don't shoot the messenger .
  7. Sadly I don't have one in my Z folder....
  8. No worries. It would be nice however if we did have the T-26. And the T-28, T35 etc. etc. Not to mention KV1 and KV2. Oh no, I did just mention them .
  9. Perhaps that should have read T-70? It's a bit early for it, but it is in the game.
  10. Assume you've checked all the usual blunder-possibilities? Like putting the file in the right game but wrong folder, or in the wrong game but right folder etc. etc.? Is the name of the file actually new? Does it show up if you change it to another name? Are the preceding saves also 60MB as this would suggest size is not the problem? I'm sure you have you my friend so sorry if I'm stating the obvious .
  11. I use Mord's lovely portraits for all of the WW2 titles, how might yours compare? I could try them and compare but perhaps you already have? EDIT: Meant to say welcome!
  12. I like a bit of electronic dirge. If only I could find my ears I'm sure it would sound even better...
  13. Bienvenue @Mr. Matos, je suis plus francophile que fracophone mais je vous souhaite bonne chance. And yes, please direct any grammatical corrections to Google .
  14. Does it have to be a campaign? There are some excellent standalone scenarios - for example anything by @George MC. If it does have to be a campaign, I have had great fun (and pain) from Final Blitzkrieg campaigns, and also from an unexpected source which was @kohlenklau's Fortress Italy 'Wacht am Rapido' made I believe some time before FB came out. Thinking about all of these, they all have great '3 dimensional' maps and the need to use or cope with elevation changes on CM maps is one of my favourite things about the game.
  15. Yes indeed, having just played one of his scenarios set near the Corinth Canal in Greece I can say that the idea has great potential. Needs some careful selection of forces of course. If anyone can do it @kohlenklau can . I mentioned this to my better half yesterday, to which I received the expected response - "what are you going on about now?". Oh well, history is not for everyone .
  16. And I would accept that. It seems however that the OP and his opponent are finding the exception to the rule in their game.
  17. I for one have never really considered this, but I think observation backs it up and I would not doubt your word. Is it right that it is so? On a HT or even a Panzer IV perhaps it makes little difference but what if I penetrate the rear of let's say a Tiger and it goes straight out the front with no slowing, no deflection etc.? Of course I fully realise it's not about to change, and given that I hadn't considered or even appreciate fully why it is so, I won't be losing any sleep over it .
  18. Semovente 90/53 - unless it has changed, 9 AP and 3 HE: Bit of a rare beast according to the manual (only 48 produced) or even rarer according to Wikpiedia (30 produced). So rare that I've not used one, but will look to do so now...
  19. Agreed, I've just tried it although I already have it. RT etc. seem to work okay, but not FI. Maybe something out of the blue is about to be announced (says he hopefully)... @BFCElvis is the man who can help.
  20. In some cases you have the choice of on or off board, look for options at the bottom left of the selection screen for those units.
  21. For opponents, you could also try posting here: https://community.battlefront.com/forum/126-cm2-opponent-finder/
  22. If that's the date, you make a fair point. They might have just left them out all the time though? I don't fly a flag from my parapets so I wouldn't know whether etiquette dictates nightly furling.
  23. Well thankyou kindly sir, I've returned the favour - you deserve it! Now if only I could see my cup somewhere...
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