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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. John, I think we have to take a deep breath and release the anguish about things we can't influence. I totally agree with you and there are many more subjects of such thoughts (military or otherwise), but we can't do much about them. Or can we? Ask me after I've won the lottery . Nice video by the way...
  2. My member has never been numbered (ooh err) . Anyway, I'm very happy to be here, for which thanks are due to BFC including Junior Member Steve @Battlefront.com.
  3. For some reason Glenn it feels like you've been here forever. I mean that in a good way of course . And it's not like I've been here that long either. More seriously, your output of scenarios in a short time has been magnificent. I'd vote for no ban...
  4. Wow, just wow @NPye. Great work . I also agree with @JM Stuff - to me it should look like it looked - but I also understand the reasons for the bans.
  5. Well you still have them, it just needs a bit of hovering over the name/portrait to see them, or inspecting the said person's profile. While I agree with what's said above I think they made the place look nicer . And to use Erwin as an example, with a reputation of 1.2k (not too accurate now, but hey ho) it does indicate to me that he has had a lot of useful / nice / welcoming / whatever input. Which I know he has, but only from my comparatively limited experience.
  6. Well there are worse things in the world going wrong, but yes it's all a little odd. Thanks for the answer though, as always . And now anyone else please feel free to tell me to get on with playing the game instead - I know it already .
  7. It seems to have accompanied the white paint splodges across our portraits, the hiding of 'like totals' and the rounding of post numbers into 'k' once they reach 1000. Why any of these things have happened I'm not sure? Possibly in the interests of perceived 'graphic design'? I'm sure @BFCElvis will know - he obviously has far better things to be doing than answering me, but I haven't bothered him for a while . EDIT: I forgot to include that our titles have also disappeared. For example Warts'n'all is no longer a Sad or Dead Puritan, how sad.
  8. Great stuff thanks Glenn, downloaded (from your site in my case) and installed, loads up fine. I am of course aware I'm supposed to be doing other things .
  9. Just wondering if you installed all of the battle files in the same folder, or inadvertently they have ended up in different locations? Mine are all here: C:\Users\Username\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy\Game Files\Scenarios
  10. Phil, I think you really are the legend that you recently denied . Puke away my friend...
  11. I think I was lucky (in the right place at the right time perhaps, but no more spoilers ). My HTs and infantry didn't fare so well as the panzers... It's a great scenario and map and an idea well executed.
  12. I just tried a great little scenario 'Rescue that beast' by @slysniper (thanks it was good fun). It has one small bridge which my Panthers crossed beautifully first time, but on the way back 'no way Jose', possibly due to some infantry crossing the bridge. They and the beast diverted through the river bed. However, to my surprise this worked, and a Total Victory (on Iron) was achieved. Noticeable to me was effective air support, even if some of it hit an already knocked out tank.
  13. I like this option, but it may not be that easy to set up in a campaign.
  14. +1 (or more) to all of this, totally agree. And get @Lucky_Strike's work for sure if you're looking at BN.
  15. Great stuff, you are a busy man. FWIW this one also downloaded and installed fine, and loads up nicely. Like you, I also had most of the ASL stuff but it is no longer in my loft, what a shame. There are some other games which partly draw on ASL content as well, like Tigers on the Hunt for example, and I'm sure a lot could be converted by someone like your good self . Must try the editor myself a bit more seriously than I have so far...
  16. Well it loads up just fine. Now I just need to give it a proper try .
  17. I just downloaded and installed from @Canuck21's site - all okay here. Thanks for another new scenario by the way. EDIT: just for fun I just downloaded it again from @Bootie's site and again, no problemo. Perhaps whatever the problem was has been fixed.
  18. Yes, great news @Ithikial_AU , much appreciated thanks and there's no hurry. I'm ready to download whenever it's ready . A huge thankyou is due to @Juju as well for his great work in what we already have .
  19. Oases, mirages, tents, camels... maybe I'm getting carried away now. Looking forward to this .
  20. There are 4 here if you don't have them already: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/category/cm-red-thunder/cm-red-thunder-campaigns/ And the rest I probably got here: https://community.battlefront.com/forum/97-cm-red-thunder-maps-and-mods/
  21. I have 18 and that includes F&R. Where are the rest? I really need them in my life... Oh and I also only have 26 in BN, including all official add-ons/packs. Is the comment on readme files etc. the answer?
  22. I hope you're not talking about me my friend, I do send feedback even if it results in multiple house demolitions . Happy to give anything you send me a go.
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