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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Phil, your picture reminds me of how much money I spent on boxes of 1/72 and 1/32 soldiers , loved it.
  2. Thanks John, I love the BFC support too . Hope things can get sorted for @Hafer.
  3. No worries my friend, most here are old men with a few exceptions . Elvis will sort you out I'm sure but I suppose he may be doing other things like eating or sleeping . I must have been lucky, installing all content for RT, BN, FI and FB with no issues, but that was on Win10 so not sure about Win11...
  4. John, thank you for your advice and taking the time to warn me, appreciate it. I'm a fairly recent PBEMer in all WW2 titles, but I'm starting to get my butt kicked less frequently . And I have never played real time, only WEGO. I will consider your advice and it's my own fault if I still go down that modern road .
  5. Don't know about refined, but that is to my taste. Looking forward to it .
  6. I have none of the above, being a WW2 type of person. But for sure, you are tempting me...
  7. Liked a bit of KLF in the past. As someone who is from 'up North' but has lived in the South West for a long while, I can neither agree nor disagree .
  8. Are you in the UK? UK prices (only shown after logging in) went up after Brexit. What a great idea Brexit was - not! If you're not in the UK, my apologies and I'm not sure why your price goes up like that... It's worth it anyway, although I base that solely on WW2 titles.
  9. Thanks for the good advice. Haven't been hit by this problem yet, but I'm sure the time will come. I have liked but not subscribed .
  10. Folder is empty for me too. Don't think it was some time ago... Yes, will wait for an update...
  11. Yes this happens to some but not others, not sure why. If it's deliberate that's fine, but what triggers it is a mystery to me...
  12. Phil, I prefer this to the version you sent me, which read 'Please REAM ME first'. LOL. Great work by everyone on all of these scenarios though!
  13. Yes, and I spoke a little bit soon, one of my Stuarts decided to 'detour' around the house in question, out to the right flank and then back to the road - no idea why. The other three didn't, and not the re-mounted advance tank either. I saw infantry first, but I know exactly what @Warts 'n' all is referring to and where it's coming from. Reinforcements have arrived, needed to adjust their facing and turn them around to get them going in the right direction. In the interests of no spoiler alerts I think I may shift to PMing?
  14. A bit late on this one, but I have started it. Treadheads oh yes please . An initial comment is that my Stuarts negotiated the zig-zag remarkably well, but I probably have grief to come. Anyway thanks are due!
  15. I've played a few of @kohlenklau's tiny/small scenarios recently. From partisans in Poland and Italy to small battles in North Africa and Greece they were all great fun, some single play and the larger ones against the maestro himself, thanks Phil. If small size is an issue (ooh err) I'm sure making it a bit bigger is not a problem (ooh err again).
  16. No need to thank me Phil, the thanks are due to you. Your suggested changes make sense to me as I could feel your pain at times .
  17. Not for the first time . Thanks for the explanation, as I read it that PBEM+++ will be something that will have to be paid for.
  18. I've downloaded it from the link above and will give it a go. Thanks for making it .
  19. The plot thickens (or is it the fog?). So, 'not for nuttin' means it comes at a cost? I've been on Steam for a long while, but have not partaken of PBEM there, so please forgive my ignorance.
  20. I totally agree with you, but I think I've read more than once the BFC does not see a financial case to go back to earlier Ost Front, either as DLC or a new module. Happy to be wrong about this of course, and I'd be one of the first to stump up a dollar (or two).
  21. Hello from me too, nice shots and I think I see @Lucky_Strike's lovely Hedgerow Hell flora in the top one?
  22. George, this all looks really great (as usual for your good self, no pressure ). Looking forward to it, and if you need any play-testing done...
  23. Nice shot, hope the troop in the middle foreground has just noticed his laces need attention .
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