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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. I would put in a ticket or wait for @BFCElvis to come along - he will sort it I'm sure. Interestingly CMBN bundle was my first CM title and and I had no problems with it, sorry to hear about yours! EDIT: my memory is playing tricks, RT was my first but CMBN was second. Then FI and then FB and then F&R - all with no problems.
  2. @37mm that looks great. I may have missed this but is Monster Mash II available as a download somewhere? Monster Mash made me buy RT (my first CM title at the time), and Monster Mash II looks great fun too. Okay, as a guess reading the next post it might be in the mod pack, downloading now but it's canny slow like even on a 300mbps download. So after a while, I think it might be WINTER Monster Mash, will try it tomorrow hopefully.
  3. Me too, would've gone for 10 if it was available . Have the emojis just changed by the way...
  4. +1 to this. John @BFCElvis will get you up and running I'm sure.
  5. This seems like an earlier version of Clash of Armour? Will go for C of A v10 instead. Great work on all of this as always @kohlenklau.
  6. +1, hope you have it sorted but if not help is at hand (albeit some time later ).
  7. I seem to have missed v9 but I did have v8 ready to go, will switch to v10. As you know I tried v6 and some earlier ones . Also grabbed The Behemoth?
  8. I feel your pain as I have been there myself. Had to restart a few times, plus accept that I'd lost a lot of time in one of the scenarios. As well as rubber banding, I had vehicles drive down the road and instead of going over the bridge they drove downwards through the bridge towards the river... Groans and a lot worse were heard . Anyway glad you're back on track, hope it continues.
  9. I just tried this as Germans in @kohlenklau's Clash of Armour v5. Got soundly trashed, but in the interests of no spoilers I'll stop there. Give this one a go if you haven't already.
  10. That is good news Phil, as long as you behave yourself . Looks like I'll be trying this battle one more time when v4 comes along .
  11. So V3 tried as Axis ( End result for me was better than v1: Luftwaffe not mentioned this time .
  12. I have just grabbed it Phil. As you know I had a lot of fun with what I think was the first version. Thanks for your hard work once again!
  13. Does that mean you're busy on new scenarios George? I do hope so. Of course 'free time' means you don't get paid for it .
  14. You are too kind, the thanks are due to you for your amazing efforts and skill. I also plan to test a bit more .
  15. I take it that means you found an on-map option? Anyway, no worries I had the same problem some time ago with other weapons (88s I think). You live and learn (as I've said more than once today ).
  16. I'm still more than happy to try any new scenarios @kohlenklau. Really liked the Crete vibe on the ones so far (or perhaps the Greek vibe) .
  17. Somehow I missed this , downloaded now though, thanks again .
  18. I'm still loving the Winter Mod, thanks to you and the rest of the team .
  19. As above, but I would add that if you buy one of the bundles you can 'save' on the full price of all components. For example CMBN big bundle parts would seperately cost $160 but the bundle is keenly priced at $110. Assuming you want all the parts, but who wouldn't .
  20. I have no criticism, but the work of Aris @Fuser shows us the way. He's not been around recently but his work still shines like a diamond. And I don't mean in a Pink Floyd way.
  21. What if we clubbed together and supplied a wee dram, would there be any chance of fixing it?
  22. La la la, my fingers are in my ears (or rather over my eyes)....
  23. I played my first ever QB approximately 14 months ago, so I imagine nothing much has changed in that time. Trying to work out if it had would be equally time consuming .
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