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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Yes John, now you're talking. I just know this will be a part of Steve's yearly update he talked about earlier today. it. And if it's not I'll crawl back down my hole. That doesn't sound quite right but you know what I mean .
  2. I mean this as no criticism to anyone, but I think a lot of folks want 'expansion content', by which I mean new time periods on certain fronts and new factions on those fronts (a good example would be the talked-about CMFB expansion to the end of the war, including Commonwealth forces). These are not things most people can create with the editor, although I'm sure Phil @kohlenklau could give it a try with his 'fake lobster' approach . Of course a lot of folks also want early war etc. but we've had those questions answered before.
  3. I might be wrong but I don't think there's a CMCW demo.
  4. Fair enough. I'm not sure about Second Front - I gave it a try but the graphic side of it is not to my liking. CM gets a lot of criticism for graphics but it is more to my taste than Second Front. More importantly though my friend, I think I was supposed to be suggesting a new PBEM?
  5. Excellent work and the same to you. Can you offer any advice on this, as I usually cock it up .
  6. To be fair I think Peter was unwell for quite some time and maybe lost the 'urge' when he got back. But I now what you mean. I was enjoying that game when I very belatedly found CM. I haven't played it since.
  7. Okay, thanks for that. I'll keep looking (more closely). As for the AT rifle rounds, I would not want to be hit by one of those. Or anything else for that matter . @cbennett88 we will need to look out for this .
  8. Sorry if I've missed the answer, but I've been asked if AT rifles ever fire at enemy infantry. I don't think I've seen it, but the AT rifle teams do of course use other weapons against infantry. So do they only use the AT rifles against vehicles and AT guns or have I just not caught them firing at 'soft' targets?
  9. +1 (or more) to that. Having played some of the battles in those against Phil himself, I would say he did a great job. And he's continuing similar excellent work (hi Phil, you can pay me later )...
  10. Dave, feel free not to answer this as it's not really fair to ask you, but I'll ask anyway. Are all of the things on 'the list of things to fix' actively being looked at by Charles or whoever? I would imagine some kind of 'order system', like: these ones absolutely need to be fixed urgently as they ruin aspects of the game these ones need to be fixed but not so urgently these ones would fix historical accuracy these ones would fix appearances these ones are a waste of time even thinking about etc. Not necessarily the above but you know what I mean...
  11. Here's an example from the CMBN purchase page on BFC: ***IMPORTANT*** Not all Intel integrated and AMD video cards will play the game. If that is your only video card try the demo before purchasing It's not so clear on Steam, where the same title only shows; ***IMPORTANT*** Not all Intel integrated video cards will play the game. I'm Nvidia anyway...
  12. So likely a biased and inaccurate account ? I googled but as you say there are a lot of books on the subject. If you ask a specialist book shop, like for example https://www.foyles.co.uk/ here in the UK, they may be able to source it, given enough info - like more than a brown binding .
  13. Well they could take the keys with them . Which is of course why other crews can't jump in and drive off...
  14. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/what-is-designation/heritage-highlights/did-oliver-cromwell-really-ban-christmas/ Well who could blame him (sorry, you)?
  15. Hang on, he got 12 and you only got 10. I thought it was mirrored .
  16. Fair point , as I have indeed done this several times in CM in different titles. Including this week in CMBN with an injured driver and a 'good order' loader jumping back on board a StuG after a couple of turns contemplating the universe and their roles in it. The StuG now moves again on my orders, but I'm not sure it will do much more... don't tell my opponent @RMM. Another example some time ago was a full Tiger crew which re-crewed after bailing as a result of a Sherman 76mm hit. They were slow to get their mojo back, but as far as I can recall they became useful once again. The Sherman had worse luck.
  17. Agreed Phil. And the same for the CMFB expansion? If you insist:
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