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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Haven't noticed any yet - I assume you mean random noises that you weren't expecting?
  2. Thanks for that . How are you doing my friend?
  3. +1 It didn't catch me out, but it isn't the clearest of clear.
  4. I have a set of BFC installs and now a set of Steam installs. For example, a BFC one here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Final Blitzkrieg\Data into which I put a Z folder containing mods. And a Steam one here; C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Combat Mission Final Blitzkrieg\Data into which I haven't yet put a Z folder but I will. Am I misunderstanding your point, as the folder structures look very similar to me?
  5. I hear that, and agree . We can but try to make the case...
  6. I'm sitting firmly on my hands as I only 'discovered' CM in 2020. I know, which rock was I hiding under! But I'm liking the Pershing so far, that might change soon though as I'm playing US in a PBEM of Pershing vs Tiger...
  7. I'm not sure that bodes well for our PBEM Dave . But I don't think I'm facing a horde of King Tigers. Don't answer that...
  8. I also forgot to mention a 90mm round bouncing off the front of the Sturmtiger. But they were not supposed to be anywhere near 90mm guns, so my 'scenario' is perhaps a little abstract. Anyway the one that lit up the world was a side shot, I assume taking out all of the ammo (not sure how or even if that's modelled but it looked like it).
  9. Your tag isn't quite right, you have to select it from the drop down when it appears as you type @ B F C E etc. And you'll get this @BFCElvis. But I think John is not the one to discuss your question...
  10. That's what I was going to say but wasn't so sure so didn't. But yes binoculars should help and I think they do.
  11. I just used the editor to test this. I got it a bit wrong as it was a flat map and units were close to each other . Traverse certainly works okay on Pershing, need to make or load a hilly map for elevation. What I did see that I've never seen before was the effect of first a Sturmtiger hit on a Pershing - devastating - and second the effect of a Pershing hit on a Sturmtiger - wow!. The whole world went white, and the crater that was left was huge.
  12. Great to hear. Understandable, and looking forward to it.
  13. @Ithikial_AU is the man to ask I think, he produced this wonderful update: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/cmbn-other/jujus-ui-mod-v6-unification-mod/
  14. Of course! UltraDave and I have already started 'Metal on metal (Pershing vs Tiger)' as a PBEM. I have the Pershings (and other stuff).
  15. Many thanks to the team - it looks great. First PBEM is under way. Not a biggie but there's a slight issue with the description and save name for Pershing vs Tiger (they look like they were retained from Comet vs Panther), @Ultradave has reported it. The new assets look very nice.
  16. I've loaded up most of those tanks in the editor and in-game a lot of them (but not the smaller ones like the Stuarts) do allow riders, so I think it's just the vehicle pictures in the manual that look like they don't - they are probably mostly copies of pictures from elsewhere? And yes the Pershing appears as a Medium. A good-looking one at that .
  17. Hey I'm not that old (based on time on the forum at least ). We have lost a few shining stars lately for various reasons, so I'm very happy to see you're still doing great stuff.
  18. Nigel, I might be a slow to say it but it's great to see your recent work. Love it .
  19. Hopefully soon . I had forgotten your predicament, but when you're ready we can fight. That doesn't sound good, but it will be .
  20. I tried to visit the site where Probus got the document but was inundated with security warnings. And then I thought, in any case I let my CM gunners aim where they like. Which is the centre of the target I think? I have no control over that.
  21. Me too JM . I think BFC (probably Steve) said end of January, but not knowing what Slitherine might do did not specify an exact date. Anyway, if you have it tomorrow or whenever, we should start a PBEM my friend. Although I also have a few others to start...
  22. Slitherine is the 'publisher' for CM on Steam, BFC is the 'developer'. Slitherine: https://www.slitherine.com/ and then there's Matrix, which I think is pretty much the same thing (hmmm): https://www.matrixgames.com/ Anyway if you buy CM at either of these or BFC you can get a Steam key.
  23. I think you need to prioritise. Forget work, food, family, pets, etc. . I get drawn into individual movements maybe too early, often after splitting just in case. Takes a while on the bigger battles for sure.
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