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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Coming soon indeed - 25th January if Slitherine got it right. I assume that's UK time (haha) so the 25th starts in less than 2 hours. Oh the hype... In reality I'll pick it up tomorrow night if it's out...
  2. Yes, good point - Churchills, Shermans, Stuarts etc.. Perhaps the graphics in the manual are wrong, let's hope the game isn't.
  3. Thanks, after trying this the other day and it didn't work, it does now. Release date on Slitherine is showing as 25th (tomorrow).
  4. If you mean the comment about Paypal (perhaps a joke, who knows) was taken out of context, Frank was not to blame either for the comment or taking it out of context. As has been said above he had nothing to do with the comment and had no intention of taking anyone's money. And now we are where we are, with Frank having asked for his account here to be deleted. Not a good result.
  5. Yes, they're all on the site OldSarge linked to above. The link is also in 37mm's footer.
  6. I did a first test with the 3.7GB CMBN all-in-one, looking for campaigns and scenarios. Numbers, not quality of course, but who knows. I had several campaigns that weren't in the all-in-one, it had a couple that I didn't. I now have them . I had a few scenarios that it didn't have, it had over a hundred scenarios (or versions of) that I didn't. I now have them as well . One reason I can think of for some of this is that I previously didn't download H2H-only battles as I didn't play PBEMs. But that's mostly what I do now. I'll proceed with the other title all-in-ones.
  7. @BFCElvis can help I'm sure. Sorry John, I'm always tagging you.
  8. Interesting, thanks. I was aware of the all-in-ones (I've even directed people to them) but hadn't downloaded as I thought I already had pretty much everything. Obviously that's not the case...
  9. I'm not seeing that in my CMFI campaigns folder, and I have all of the add-ons. Is it available somewhere other than FGM, as I can't see it there either?
  10. Thanks for that. Having just played it as a PBEM against @cbennett88 I was very interested. In our PBEM I was the US, but I'll stop there in case I drop any spoilers.
  11. I think the only problem is that the thread suggesting people PM Frank to register their interest has been locked, but people can of course still do that. I've also been in touch with John (Elvis) to clarify that it was never Frank's intention to charge for his work, and it seems the JoMac Paypal comment (nothing to do with Frank, and made in jest I assume) was largely to blame for the locking. On a more positive note, I'm testing the Five Bridges campaign (albeit slowly, sorry Frank ) and would highly recommend it.
  12. Most definitely, and it's easily done by accident. Can you post a screenshot including their 'way-paths'? No worries if not...
  13. As said elsewhere JM, it's sad news about your loss (of HD). As you know I had a similar experience, but for sure my HD did not have all of the modding work that yours did. If you can revive your friend somehow that would be great. If not, obviously you will have to repeat the work .
  14. That is fantastic. Same thing years apart (and main guns apart I think, but who cares about that).
  15. I'm interested in this. I've always assumed face is just to point tanks, guns and yes infantry towards something you think they'll want to shoot at*. Which isn't that far away from what you're saying. But I wouldn't have thought of facing your guys at every waypoint. EDIT: * or present their front armour.
  16. Yes I see that JM, that is a great loss. You still have the HD, so could its contents be rescued by a 'professional'? Having said that, I tried with a local 'professional' and ended up doing a better job myself with a 5 Euro cable from Amazon*. * Other sellers are available...
  17. I think their legs are in the stowage compartments? I pity the poor chap sitting up front. Rider casualties are interesting though, I've just been playing one of Mr X's upcoming RT campaigns and took an approaching T34/85 with a full deck of riders on board under fire with small arms, MGs and eventually 75mm Panzer IV shells. The riders took no casualties and seemed not to have a care until the 75mm rounds came in.
  18. That was exactly my experience, and for a while I managed 'conversation' and retrieval of useful things. But then darkness descended, so to speak. For what it's worth, setting up all of the CM WW2 titles again was relatively easy if that is the concern, although John (Elvis at BFC) did help me from his golf course on a Friday night .
  19. Happy to see that's not the Churchill in the previous post.
  20. Clear my diary for next weekend. Oh wait, it's already clear .
  21. I think there are a few who prefer to go direct, with the thinking being that BFC get all / more of the money that way. But I know what you mean, and I've just grabbed Steam keys and Steam copies of all of my CM stuff (except FB as it's not on there yet, despite me trying to get it, DOH). And yes, the bit about needing F&R should have been included on Steam.
  22. Now worries JM, I appreciate you being here. That's a shame, we are losing something. A bit like Phil who is taking a break, but his reasons are different. I laugh at your description, not your predicament. I also experienced a similar thing last year when some stray liquid (coughs and ) may have somehow found its way inside my laptop. I'll blame the cat, but that's a little unfair. Cutting to the sad end of the story, I had a hard disk which only occasionally let me look inside it's wonderful contents and copy some out. And then it decided enough was enough. But life goes on...
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