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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Except for any user-made stuff that has been made available over the years. That's not BFC's responsibility of course.
  2. Nice Phil, although I'm haunted by what looks like bocage. I guess it's not though in CMFI? And the River Kum is very straight, I like some curves...
  3. Pierre, never mind all of that annoying stuff. Continue with your work on the campaign my friend . Just make sure it's WW2 (so stick to CMFI in this case). I'll test it if it helps?
  4. So it's a VDV? Hang on, the Russians already have a VDV, might get confusing .
  5. Respect . Respect again, I am a true newbie, 2020 vintage. When you get sorted and perhaps have played JoMac, I'll be happy to learn lessons from an 'old master'. And yes the forum is a little quiet in places (not in others) but it ain't dead yet .
  6. I think it's possible but you need the man @BFCElvis.
  7. of course. And back to the 'serious' stuff, Five Bridges is going well, so far...
  8. Just had a random thought, let's copy in @Mr.X and give some credit for great work in his upcoming campaigns. I've just played some of the Five Bridges campaign and I would happily pay money for it even though I won't have to. Perhaps a donation to a charity of Frank's choice will be an appropriate gesture. Or to Ukraine, whatever works... But that wasn't the random thought - that was that you might wish to change your username Frank, now that Elon has become Mr X. Okay it's a Friday night ...
  9. I have two already going, just down from three, plus testing (also for Mr X - great stuff) plus another couple due to start in the coming days. Would be happy to play you but perhaps not just now unless I want to keep everyone waiting. Maybe in a week or two?
  10. That reminds me of some absolutely bad-*** panzergrenadiers I had in CMFB 'A Muddy Affair'. They had some mighty kahoonas... Anyway great pictures as always, even if they take forever to appear even on a 700 Mbps download. And congratulations!
  11. Sorry it had to be me. If you like Pumas, have you played CMBN Cats Chasing Dogs? Didn't go quite how I expected but fun.
  12. It's well-produced but I think I would change the statement at the start a little, along the lines of 'The following is very, very loosely based on old schoolroom history books and includes things that did not happen, things that were not present during the battle and works of fantasy as far as numbers and formations of vehicles and aircraft etc. etc.' But it does say it's for entertainment not education, so that's a start .
  13. Just to prove how anally retentive some people are - that's not a Puma . The 20mm gun and open turret suggests it's a Sd. Kfz. 234/1, whereas the Puma was a Sd. Kfz. 234/2. Unless my eyes are playing up . Some more retentive than me say Puma was not an official designation or even a nickname, but I quite like it.
  14. My experiences are more in line with yours my friend. Perhaps luck will favour us more in future.
  15. You may have a point there, but I'm no expert (as you can tell ).
  16. I don't think so, not if your gunner can't get a LOF but they can. For example a Stug behind a wall might never get a LOF over that wall, but an enemy can still hit the upper parts of the Stug. Going back to the OP, they may just have spotted you quicker. I'm sure we've all been KO'd by an unseen AT gun (with or without an elite crew).
  17. That's probably the answer here as far as moving British troops around. For me lorry and truck are interchangeable, but in WW2 truck may have been more common parlance? In modern usage we don't talk about trucks on the road, only lorries. And there are too many of them, but for undeniable reasons .
  18. A quick thought is that their LOS may not be the same as your LOS. For example you might have a buttoned up Stug with poor observation (not to mention soft factors), they might have an opened up IS2 with better observation. LOF can also be different, your Stug gunner being 'low' may not be able to target the IS2, while the IS2 gunner in his turret can target your Stug. Etc. But that may not explain what you've experienced .
  19. Wiki says 113,000 were built. That's for the Universal / Bren Carrier. Other similar vehicles were additional of course. It's a big number though... EDIT - only 57,000 up to 1945 though. Must read and digest before posting .
  20. Come on guys, it'll be ready when it's ready. Whatever 'it' is. Until you hear otherwise, that means you can hope for anything.
  21. Good luck with that my friend . Even if you or I tagged in Elvis (or Steve) I would not expect an explanation to be forthcoming. And I mean that as no criticism to anyone concerned. As for the Barkmann situation, I played the 'revisited' version and saw no such problems. I did have other problems and in the end only popping smoke and support from infantry with panzerfausts saved Barkmann for another day. It was a German victory but I don't recall what flavour.
  22. Just a thought but 80% of German casualties are often said to have been on the East Front. But there were of course some Lend Lease Shermans there as well . Can't argue with that, also bearing in mind Soviet production of T34s etc.
  23. As a 1946 'what-if' perhaps against the Soviets, the Super Pershing is interesting. In CM game terms I can't see BFC modelling what was literally a one-off using bits of added Panther armour. I was kinda hoping they might do the stock M26 though, but I don't think I'll hold my breath.
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