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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. I think there may be a misconsception of who is a 'Dev' here? Using Jon Martina as an example, he has previously done some great work on scenarios (I'm playing one - CMFB Hot Time in Hatten - as a PBEM right now), but as far as I know he is not an employee of BFC. So is he one of the Devs you're referring to?
  2. Sorry my friend, work's Christmas Skittles got in the way. And if anyone should read this and have no idea what I'm talking about, think bowling in a rustic but charming Somerset pub, with 9 pins and rather basic decor on the alley. But of course RMM, you will probably know it from your time in Somerset many moons ago...
  3. Actually I have more Veteran than Crack, with a few Regular thrown as well. But your point may be correct anyway.
  4. I feel almost as yawny as he is. But credit for a little bit of news I suppose.
  5. Well central heating. First problem was radiators only warming up when water heating was on. Cause - 3 way diverter valve not working properly, turns out it was the valve header not clicking over far enough to send a micro-switch signal back to the control unit. Solution - swapped in a new header, more electrical than plumbing. Solved! Second problem, by coincidence a thermostatic radiator valve started 'wetting the floor', with leakage coming up round the valve stem even when it's shut off. Youtube suggests a way to change the valve without draining the whole system. While contemplating the pros and cons of attempting this (I ain't no plumber), I've had a tray under the valve collecting leakage. Oddly this has now slowed and almost stopped. And no the system isn't devoid of fluid . Of course the system has been refilling with fresh water, with no inhibitor. So I still have some work to do on this problem. Wait, we are on the 'Combating Plumbing Missions' website aren't we ?
  6. Yes, that's what I suggested above and BFCElvis confirmed. As he said though Steam users (and others I suppose) may not know about Bootie's CMMODS site. Having said that, the first thing I do when I get a game like CM which I know has user-made mods, scenarios, campaigns is find out where I can get my grubby hands on them.
  7. OMG, I am struggling to imagine that . Kudos to you for even attempting such a thing .
  8. Perhaps the suggestion was that running for example CMBN, CMRT, CMFB and CMFI at the same time would cause problems. I'm not sure I'd want to do that, but our friend @Artkin may have a reason to do it.
  9. Okay ya got me there, I don't usually try to run more than one game at time. I usually play a turn of a PBEM in one title and then close down and move on to the next one. If the criticism is that you can't run four instances of CM at the same time it seems a little unusual to me, although I acknowledge you did say you used to be able to do it.
  10. Haven't had that here, RTX 4060 Laptop with latest drivers. No issues at all so far, fingers are crossed.
  11. . Is that really Charles' tag? I think it's actually @Battlefront? Hello Charles if you get to read this .
  12. I don't have the Steam version of any CM title running here (yet), but I see no reason why the btt file can't be located in the Steam directory and sent off to Bootie in the time-honoured fashion. Should work just the same I would think? @BFCElvis can you confirm or deny ? @Bootie would you happen to know if any submissions to your fine repository have been from Steam players? I imagine you may not be able to tell, but just thought I'd ask.
  13. Nice Chris, I can see my Spaniels doing that. PS I'll be back in Hatten shortly my friend.
  14. Excellent news. Can you throw us a bone please Frank, there aren't many of those available right now .
  15. How very dare you say that about me Phil! No wait, you were referring to certain other folk at a certain software company. About which I would not know. As for your good self we will never know the ratio as CM is not 'work' for you, although you get through an awful lot of work on it. And long may that continue my friend...
  16. The BFC website login details aren't necessarily the same as the ones for the forum (this site). And of course if you happened to have changed your username here, it won't have changed your BFC website username. That may not be anything to do with it, but just a thought.
  17. You're not joking there Frank. It's a huge amount of work and it's great . PS Just caught this post after playing PBEM turns of CMRT Monster Mash, CMBN Boy's against men and CMFB Hot time in Hatten. What a game this is.
  18. I hadn't really thought about that. Thanks for today's lesson, appreciated. Got any more ?
  19. Love it Frank, you have done an amazing job. Unlike my play-testing, but I'll continue .
  20. Particularly as I don't believe the thread is actually monitored or acted upon in any way by BFC. I would be happy to find out I'm wrong about that, but until I do I think this thread is just a sounding off place where users air their thoughts to each other on improvements. There are similar 'bug' threads in the various forums.
  21. Ouch! Great illustration of what they can do though, with luck and/or good planning, and maybe only for a short while.
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