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  1. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Erwin in Fire and Rubble Update   
    To me what is surprising is not the length of time it takes BF to produce product given the tiny development staff, but the fact that BF is still in business after 21+ years and AFAIK the only and last surviving developer making realistic and brilliant tactical wargames for our tiny niche within a niche market.
    We should not begrudge these guys from wanting to make some money from MOD even though that surely has delayed all entertainment product development.  My only hope is that BF is making the money they deserve and are not getting exploited.  My experience in the US DoD development game is that the sort of products that BF has been developing for us gamers would cost million of dollars - and many millions more when developing for a government agency.  These products would cost the customer many hundreds of thousands of dollars - very easily many millions.  We are getting them for $60-$70 bucks!  The biggest software bargain of all time.
    The choice may be slow development of entertainment COTS vs no product at all.  Yes, we're all impatient.  But, we must consider the commercial realities.
  2. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Warts 'n' all in Fire and Rubble Update   
    No one wonders  "what's going on", Marvin Gaye told us the answer to that one back in 1971.
    In the meantime I think that a certain someone is not just "stubborn and stupid" but so arrogant that he feels the constant need to tell us what we think about the way Steve and the other boys in the band run their company.
  3. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Freyberg in Fire and Rubble Update   
    I get that some people, a small vocal group of people,  are disappointed. I just wish they'd have the humility not to constantly flood the forum with petty bitching
  4. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Freyberg in Fire and Rubble Update   
    I don't really get your point.
    But I do find that there's a small gaggle of really vocal weirdos on this site who work hard to create the impression that the customers are dissatisfied.
    Having played the game since the last Millennium, bought every game and module except Afghanistan, played them incessantly and enjoyed them all, I feel some loyalty to the BF team and would like to play my part in dispelling the impression that the average, normal buyer is unhappy.
    They're a small development team. The product is amazing. I don't care how many delivery dates they overshoot, I just hope they keep going.
  5. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Bubba883XL in Fire and Rubble Update   
    these are looking great, but wasn't the M43 hat more common that the peak cap? will we see the M43? one thing that has always impressed me was the details in the uniforms...HAPPY NEW YEAR BATTLEFRONT TEAM!!! 🙂
  6. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to mjkerner in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    Nice stuff there, Macisle!
  7. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Warts 'n' all in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    "It says here that a lot of men fire their panzerfausts too early."
    "Yes, my Heinrich has the same problem."

  8. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Dan Dare in Fire and Rubble Update   
    yes we need a mod...one that change the sidecap to the m43cap...
  9. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Warts 'n' all in Fire and Rubble Update   
    I don't remember there being a "promised" release date of 8th January. @BFCElvisdid mention the fact that the 8th is the birthday of the lead singer from Bromley Dave and the Self-publicists. Of course my old eyes may have missed the word "promise" and I am happy to be corrected on that.
    Exits stage right humming "Hot titties and worn-out shoes, Barry Obama always sang blues. Ribble Valley I like your style, Ribble Valley go that extra mile." ------------------------------------------>
  10. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to waffelmann in Fire and Rubble Update   
    We need someone, who can make a good texture for the (new, coming) fieldcap to use for the gebirgsjäger (edelweiss):
    This could be eventually a fine mod!

  11. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Warts 'n' all in Fire and Rubble Update   
    It was certainly a lot better than Xmas '44. And the chaos of the spring '45. But it still couldn't have been much fun.
    Of course there weren't any "Brits" there, although there was a number of British troops in the city. As for "Soviets", they were freely elected workers councils, and ceased to exist when the Bolsheviks banned any non party member from standing for election.
  12. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in Fire and Rubble Update   
    I'd imagine xmas 1945 was an awful lot better than 1944. 
  13. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Lucky_Strike in I'm sure we've seen this. I found it fascinating   
    Unabashed self-promo
    Available here:
    and on the CM mod warehouse IV:
  14. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to umlaut in I'm sure we've seen this. I found it fascinating   
    Nice video. Like  Warts I dont  find it really surprising, but it is great to get a more detailed description of bocage.
    This inspired me to do a  bit  of experimenting in the editor to see if  it would be  possible to create the different kinds of sunken roads/paths in the game. Unfortunately, I  think we would need something in between the current options to get it just right. The current options seem to be a bit too much or too little: If you place a footpath between two rows of bocage ("Wide bocage" video),  then I think the "road" becomes a bit too wide. 
    But  if you place the two  rows of bocage right next to each other ("narrow bocage" video), it is not possible to create a sunken road/path between them.

    I use the great bocage and plant mods of @Lucky_Strike  and @Falaise.
  15. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Ithikial_AU in Fire and Rubble Preview: The Anatomy of What Goes Into a Stock Campaign Release   
    Apologies if there are still typos and flow problems in the post above. It's been a work in progress in drips and drabs over the past week both in and out of hospital. My Dad had an operation last week so there have been constant visits. Will review again after the holidays before the next part.
  16. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in Fire and Rubble Update   
    I've suggested in the past that Uncons should be able to administer Buddy Aid to opposing units, essentially finishing them off (all wounded would be killed) and stealing their guns.....This would give a player a genuine incentive not to leave anybody behind in the presence of Uncons and it would make them a much scarier opponent to boot (as they should be IMHO).
  17. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in Fire and Rubble Update   
    To be fair I was thinking more of guys in trenchcoats & fedoras, maybe swapping out their MP-40 models for Thompsons.....With a bit of imagination (& a few mods) you could make use of the new Opel saloon car and some Soviet trucks to get some real 'Al Capone' action going. 
  18. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Rinaldi in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    From an AAR I've been making of 'Cut off at Kovering What if' that has been quite literally months in the making - I have been far too busy to put the finishing touches. As frustrating as my inability to get back to Canada for x-mas is this year I am (secretly) looking forward to the free time to put a ribbon on this one. 

    Scenario is initially a frustrating bit of rompo pallo for the Allied attacker, too little frontage, too little cover and too many men. Once you get stuck in though I find the Germans begin to unravel swiftly. 
  19. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Sulman in I'm sure we've seen this. I found it fascinating   
    I had no idea of the characteristics of the small sunken tracks. Unreal.
  20. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in Fire and Rubble Update   
    Very cool....Love the 'uniforms'. 
  21. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to waffelmann in Fire and Rubble Update   
    Cool! Thanks!
    But is it maybe possibleto make a screenshot a little bit closer?
    My old eyes hardly see any detail....
  22. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to danfrodo in Fire and Rubble Update   
    poor buggers.  they are gonna get smashed.
  23. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Anonymous_Jonze in Fire and Rubble Update   
    Wow. Awesome job! Is it possible to add some of those field caps to the wehrmacht/ss? 
  24. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Vacillator in Question CMRT   
    So much so that I've just added Final Blitzkrieg to my collection, so I now have all WW2 content (acquired in the order RT, BN, FI and FB, all since May) 🙂.  Now all I have to do is find time to play it all 😉.
  25. Like
    quakerparrot67 reacted to Aragorn2002 in WW2 christmas reading....tips   
    You're welcome, Danfrodo. It really saddens me to realize that with people like this kind and modest gentleman also a world is disappearing. A little taste of what getting older really means, I guess. 
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