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  1. Upvote
    Hapless got a reaction from slysniper in IED's PLEASE EXPLAIN   
    Select the IED, then draw a target command:
    Target the ground nearby to activate it and the triggerman will try and detonate it whenever something gets close enough.
    Target a specific enemy unit and the triggerman will try and detonate it when that unit gets close.

    Bear in mind that if the triggerman is a potato, can't see, is suppressed, dead or generally unable to push the button, nothing will happen.
    There are also Blufor electronic countermeasures to bear in mind: the British Warriors in Breaking the Bank definitely have little ECM sets on them that may- or may not- prevent IEDs from being detonated.

    This is a quick, dirty video explanation which I would embed if I could remember how:


    Note that the triggerman is a green and -1 leadership potato.
  2. Like
    Hapless got a reaction from ncc1701e in IED's PLEASE EXPLAIN   
    Select the IED, then draw a target command:
    Target the ground nearby to activate it and the triggerman will try and detonate it whenever something gets close enough.
    Target a specific enemy unit and the triggerman will try and detonate it when that unit gets close.

    Bear in mind that if the triggerman is a potato, can't see, is suppressed, dead or generally unable to push the button, nothing will happen.
    There are also Blufor electronic countermeasures to bear in mind: the British Warriors in Breaking the Bank definitely have little ECM sets on them that may- or may not- prevent IEDs from being detonated.

    This is a quick, dirty video explanation which I would embed if I could remember how:


    Note that the triggerman is a green and -1 leadership potato.
  3. Like
    Hapless reacted to IICptMillerII in Shock Force 2 Beta Showcase Video   
    Hi everyone,
    Here is a cinematic video featuring Shock Force 2! This is meant to be a showcase, similar in concept to a gameplay trailer. Keep in mind this is footage taken from a beta build of the game, and things are subject to change and all that. Hope you all enjoy!
  4. Like
    Hapless got a reaction from nathangun in Lackluster documentation   
    If you really want to know what your units can see from what position and how fast they're likely to spot, just open the map up in the editor, recreate the exact circumstances, save as a scenario and then play it through a few times. You don't have to redo the entire force, just the relevant units. Then you can test it to death.

    Sure it takes a couple of minutes each time, but you get solid usable results and after doing this a few times you'll start getting your head around it.

    Depends a lot on how much you want to win But it makes a lot of sense to "wargame" through all your plans this way before the game kicks off anyway to get sort out time-distance questions and, obviously, how effective units are at spotting each other from different positions.

    The alternative is to rely wholly on experience... and experience is a harsh teacher because she gives the test first and the lesson afterwards.
  5. Like
    Hapless got a reaction from ratdeath in Modules and PBEM   
    I only stumbled on this a few months ago, but if you're playing someone with different modules and you're worried about what's compatible and what's not (ie. IIRC US armoured trucks are part of the British Forces module, not stock Shock Force), then you can check what units come from which module by pressing spacebar in the Quick Battle force selection menu:

  6. Like
    Hapless reacted to MikeyD in IED Mechanics?   
    The 3-D graphic representation shows:
    Small IED - one artillery shell wired-up into a bomb Medium IED - three artillery shells Large IED -  five artillery shells Huge IED - an aircraft bomb The vehicle suicide VBIED has an aircraft bomb in the back seat.
    Method of detonation includes cell phone, radio link and wire, all requiring a trigger man. The Achilles heal is the trigger man. If he's suppressed. distracted or killed then no IED BOOM. The detonation methods each have their own max range, susceptibility to jamming (which is in the game) and inherent failure rate.
     Syrian army fortifications includes an 'IED mine' which is a buried device triggered by a pressure plate. No need for a trigger man. No indication what the device is made up of but the boom is BIG.
    I don't think IED has changed much in the game since  CMSF1. I believe the trigger man was made a bit less likely to start shooting and give himself away. Plus the game's now got an electronic warfare setting that disrupts communications including cell/radio activation devices
  7. Like
    Hapless reacted to Lethaface in IED Mechanics?   
    From the manual page 93:
    IEDs: Improvised Explosive Devices (i.e. bombs). Three different types, in various sizes, are simulated in the game. The size determines the strength of the explosion and therefore ability to cause damage and casualties. The different types determine reliability as well as the distance at which the triggerman can be positioned.

    * Wire – shortest distance (about 100m), 10% failure chance
    * Radio – medium distance (about 300m), requires line of sight, 20% failure rate
    * Cell phone – long distance (about 600m), 10% failure chance

    IEDs typically consist of the bomb itself and the triggerman. The bomb is placed during the setup phase like any other unit. Once placed, it cannot be moved again. The triggerman, however, can be relocated.
    VBIEDs: vehicle based IEDs, or in other words, a civilian vehicle stuffed with explosive material. VBIEDs are driven by a suicide bomber with the intention to come close to an enemy unit and detonate the device. A VBIED team typically consists of one driver and one spy. The driver’s function is to drive the vehicle and trigger the explosion, while the spy is used to designate the desired target from a safe position outside of the vehicle.
    Using IEDs and VBIEDs
    In game terms there is very little difference between operating IEDs (i.e. roadside bombs) and VBIEDs (i.e. vehicle bombs). As you read this section consider everything you read about an IED applies to a VBIED unless specifically noted to the contrary.
    In order for an IED to detonate it must first be activated, otherwise it remains inert. To activate an IED, select it and choose the Target command from the Combat panel, then click on the map to arm it. If you want the IED to target the first unit that comes near it, click anywhere on the map. If you instead want to target a specific enemy unit, click on that unit and the IED will ignore other possible targets. You can re-designate the target at any time by repeating these steps.
    Activation is not just a matter of specifying a target, however. For activation to occur the triggerman, at the time the Target command is used, must be in good shape (e.g. not panicked), have an undamaged trigger device in its inventory, be within the maximum range (and/or LOS if required) of the IED, and pass a reliability check. The reliability check determines if the IED itself, or the ability to detonate it, has failed. IEDs that malfunction can’t be made to detonate no matter what. If there is a change to one of these factors, such as the triggerman being eliminated, then the IED remains activated but will not detonate until all requirements are fulfilled again.
    VBIEDs differ from IEDs mostly in terms of mobility. VBIEDs are driven by a suicide bomber with the intention to come close to an enemy unit and detonate the device. A VBIED team typically consists of one driver and one spy. The driver’s function is to drive the vehicle, select a target and trigger the explosion, while the spy is used to help the driver find possible targets from a safe position outside of the vehicle.
    The VBIED automatically detonates once in proximity to the first enemy unit that comes near it. No activation is needed like for IEDs.
    You can also select a specific target for the VBIED. In order to do this, select the VBIED, and choose the Target command. Next, click on the desired enemy unit to target. However, keep in mind that vehicles are generally viewed with suspicion so going after the first vehicle is generally the only practical thing to do. As long as the Target command remains active, the car will only detonate when the selected target unit comes into proximity. Other enemy units will cause no detonation. Targetting a specific unit allows you to let part of a column pass by and detonate the VBIED later. But keep in mind that this is increasing the chances of the enemy to spot you, as well.
  8. Upvote
    Hapless reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    MINUTE 15
    Okay this was a VERY busy turn… and sorry once again for the amount of media.  I hope it isn’t too hard on your internet connection. 
    I ordered my Abrams to immediately start to reverse while it was reloading.  I did not want it to get into a gun duel if it wasn’t ready… when the gunner yelled “SABOT UP!” and while still moving in reverse the tank fired and killed the Leopard... killed him dead and was never spotted in return.  I had also ordered one of the LAVs nearby to pop smoke in front of the M1 to cover it… turns out that wasn’t needed.

    T90 #2 fired and killed the Warrior near the Water Tower... so hey, yeah, the Syrians are capable of killing stuff. 

    One British dismounted team is in the field between the now dead Warrior IFV and the T-90s… that means the second Warrior arrived at its unloading point unseen, but now I know about where it is.

    1st Mech Infantry Platoon’s HQ team dismounted and armed with a Javelin, crawled into position hoping to get a spot on the Challenger that my Abrams hit last turn… towards the end of the turn he took aim and let the Javelin loose... it flew true and killed the enemy tank with a top hit.

    Up near Hill 41.1 another team armed with a Javelin spotted a Scimitar and quickly destroyed it.  By the way, it takes about 20 seconds to reload the launcher and be ready for another shot.  Both of these teams will be reloaded and ready for action early next turn.

    It didn’t go all my way though… the BMP-3 platoon moved forward, remember I was hoping to spot the Warrior platoon which should be to their front (and probably very close)… well, they moved forward just fine, then quickly lost two of the three BMPs, the first to an unknown shooter... I believe to one of the Warriors I was looking for...
    …the second fell to the remaining Leopard tank.

    Damn… I should have sent a dismounted team over the ridge to find those IFVs.  The BMP-3s never spotted a thing… yikes.  I am worried about those Warriors and I need to find them ASAP.

    Still two enemy tanks, one light tank, and an IFV knocked out for the loss of two BMP-3s... I’ll take that exchange ratio every time.

    I also received my final reinforcements.  I will post about them in another installment.
  9. Upvote
    Hapless reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    You misspelled armor Bud.   
    Yes, the round was APFSDS... though the hit decals are too large for the penetrator rod.. I need to make a report about that. 
    Remember also that I purposefully took the M1A1 instead of the M1A2, and though I;m not sure of the armor difference between them, the M1A2 should be more survivable against the other western tanks.
    Did anyone notice that in the last few turn reports there were no black floating icons?  Progress!
  10. Like
    Hapless reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    MINUTE 8
    A relatively quiet turn… I think Baneman has hunkered down, at least temporarily.  Next turn it should liven up again as my T-90s, all three of them will move into hulldown positions, my LAV-ATs will be in their hulldown positions and a couple of the LAVs will also move into hulldown positions.
    Only a few minutes until the main body arrives.  I will admit that I am disappointed that I haven’t had more contact with Baneman’s forces and been able to attrite it at all.  It is taking much longer to deploy and reorient than I expected.  I will have more pieces in play next turn than any previous.
    The USMC dismounts achieved the OBJ GARNET (touch) this turn… the T-90s will be passing them to go into their positons next turn.  Real curious how Baneman is planning on countering my tank threat.

    MINUTE 9
    In trying to get the LAV-AT #6 into a good firing position where it could see into the enemy rear area I pushed it too far... it ended up not being hulldown when it was spotted by the Leopard 2 and was hit, at first losing its weapons, then suffering a wheel hit  becoming immobilized.  Once that happened it was just a matter of time before the Leo found the range and dealt the killing blow.  That was a waste of a crucial piece of weaponry that is 100% on me.  

    The advantage in playing large scenarios like this is you can absorb losses like this more easily... if this had been a company scale engagement losing that one piece of equipment might have been terminal… in a Battalion sized engagement it is a blip, as long as it doesn’t become a trend!
    T-90 #2 moved into its hulldown position, spotted the Scimitar it was sent to kill... however, though it fired twice, one was a miss and the second round hit the corner of a building… damn.  Baneman’s luck has to end at some point.  This is the third vehicle (Scimitar near the ruined farm and Marder hit by two of the LAVs) that I got the drop on, the other two he was able to withdraw to safety.

  11. Like
    Hapless got a reaction from Kaunitz in How much do you roleplay?   
    Full contact, all the way.
    On the one hand, it feels impossible to either ignore or expect an opponent to ignore the things that CM inadvertently clues you in on: the sound of enemy mortars, holes magically appearing in fences as the enemy drives through them, being able to back plot tracer fire or penetrations through vehicles back to where they came from. Its much easier to keep things simple and say "Do whatever, just don't bomb my setup zone".
    On the other hand, exploiting these clues almost always encourages reasonable tactical behaviour anyway: better keep your mortars moving to avoid counter-battery fire, better smash through some walls or fences as part of a deception plan, better play pop-up with your tank destroyers.
    Even things like splitting your squads and platoons and leaving them out of contact has a cost-benefit decision attached: do I as the player want more information by spreading my troops out, or do I want them to be able to share information between themselves and benefit from being in contact with the platoon HQ? Its nice to have a recce screen out in front. Its not nice to see it crumble at the first sign of contact because the individual teams are scared and alone.
  12. Upvote
    Hapless reacted to General Jack Ripper in CM:FI AAR SLIM versus Bletchley_Geek   
    We open with a lecture of sorts about night fighting, barbed wire emplacement, and move on to the first minute of real action.
    From now until the end of the battle, fighting will be bloody, violent, and without much letup.
  13. Like
    Hapless got a reaction from Glubokii Boy in map of quick battle ?   
    On the quick battle setup screen you can change the type in the top left:

    In the scenario editor its on the mission tab under description at the top:
  14. Upvote
    Hapless got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in map of quick battle ?   
    Trying checking you've got the right kind of battle selected in the quick battle menu- if the map is an assault, then it won't show up if you've selected meeting engagement.
  15. Upvote
    Hapless got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in map of quick battle ?   
    On the quick battle setup screen you can change the type in the top left:

    In the scenario editor its on the mission tab under description at the top:
  16. Upvote
    Hapless got a reaction from Falaise in map of quick battle ?   
    On the quick battle setup screen you can change the type in the top left:

    In the scenario editor its on the mission tab under description at the top:
  17. Like
    Hapless got a reaction from Badger73 in map of quick battle ?   
    On the quick battle setup screen you can change the type in the top left:

    In the scenario editor its on the mission tab under description at the top:
  18. Upvote
    Hapless got a reaction from waclaw in AAR Video- The Best Bridge in Holland   
    Thanks very much for the comments guys!
    Umlaut I think you've got a point actually- the default icons are pretty much self-explanatory. Obviously there's some personal preference involved like you say, but putting them back on is a damn good shout. Its already all recorded so I can't change it for this game, but its something to think about for the future, thanks.
    Heinrich505- glad you're liking it man. I'd love to have the camera down there all the time, but its not a PBEM game so I don't get the replay and I don't want to miss what's going on in the bigger picture. Its a bit of a compromise, but it sounds like I'm on the right track.
    Part Two is up!
  19. Upvote
    Hapless got a reaction from waclaw in AAR Video- The Best Bridge in Holland   
    Thought I'd dip my toe in here with an after action video. Its a medium sized, quick battle meeting engagement, I'm playing as the Germans and my opponent is playing as the American army. This is just the intro and the first few turns, more to follow as soon as I get time to edit it all together...
    (I'm liking the shiny new forum- embedding youtube is much easier)
  20. Upvote
    Hapless got a reaction from IICptMillerII in AAR Video- The Best Bridge in Holland   
    Thought I'd dip my toe in here with an after action video. Its a medium sized, quick battle meeting engagement, I'm playing as the Germans and my opponent is playing as the American army. This is just the intro and the first few turns, more to follow as soon as I get time to edit it all together...
    (I'm liking the shiny new forum- embedding youtube is much easier)
  21. Upvote
    Hapless got a reaction from Wicky in AAR Video- The Best Bridge in Holland   
    Thanks very much for the comments guys!
    Umlaut I think you've got a point actually- the default icons are pretty much self-explanatory. Obviously there's some personal preference involved like you say, but putting them back on is a damn good shout. Its already all recorded so I can't change it for this game, but its something to think about for the future, thanks.
    Heinrich505- glad you're liking it man. I'd love to have the camera down there all the time, but its not a PBEM game so I don't get the replay and I don't want to miss what's going on in the bigger picture. Its a bit of a compromise, but it sounds like I'm on the right track.
    Part Two is up!
  22. Upvote
    Hapless got a reaction from Wicky in AAR Video- The Best Bridge in Holland   
    Thought I'd dip my toe in here with an after action video. Its a medium sized, quick battle meeting engagement, I'm playing as the Germans and my opponent is playing as the American army. This is just the intro and the first few turns, more to follow as soon as I get time to edit it all together...
    (I'm liking the shiny new forum- embedding youtube is much easier)
  23. Upvote
    Hapless got a reaction from Lethaface in AAR Video- The Best Bridge in Holland   
    Thought I'd dip my toe in here with an after action video. Its a medium sized, quick battle meeting engagement, I'm playing as the Germans and my opponent is playing as the American army. This is just the intro and the first few turns, more to follow as soon as I get time to edit it all together...
    (I'm liking the shiny new forum- embedding youtube is much easier)
  24. Upvote
    Hapless got a reaction from umlaut in AAR Video- The Best Bridge in Holland   
    Thought I'd dip my toe in here with an after action video. Its a medium sized, quick battle meeting engagement, I'm playing as the Germans and my opponent is playing as the American army. This is just the intro and the first few turns, more to follow as soon as I get time to edit it all together...
    (I'm liking the shiny new forum- embedding youtube is much easier)
  25. Upvote
    Hapless got a reaction from waclaw in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Ah, Operation Flashpoint and Arma: experience the short, sharp terrifying life of one your pixeltruppen. Loads of fun.
    Talking of short, sharp, terrifying pixeltruppen experiences here comes the start of my latest video AAR:

    Its a pity you can't prepare buildings for defence, booby trap things or barricade the streets etc, but hey ho.
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