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Everything posted by Thewood1

  1. I would think that IRL, even if you have smoke in front of you, you can still fire through it at a suspected position...this is just a work around for that.
  2. I would like to point out all games make that same concession...unless you know of one that is 1:1 representation of reality.
  3. I would vote for nVidia as well. They seem to do a better job at OpenGL. I have used AMD/ATI's my whole life until a few months ago. I switched to nVidia and can't believe I didn't do it before. They are more expensive that AMDs, but worth it.
  4. How do you know they were perfectly good. A 25mm can strip all optics, etc. off a tank and immobilize it. That can be enough to force a bail
  5. How do you turn off trees blowing in the wind. I have tried to figure that out for years.
  6. I am just pointing out you have no experience with win10, or maybe even win8. You didn't ask a question, you made a statement. Win8.1 and win10 give some performance enhancements on some systems...over win7. Almost all the UI enhancements can be turned off or hidden. I can understand why you would have the "not broken, don't fix it" philosophy. But not sure you really understand win8 or win10.
  7. I have The main game files for all CM2 on a separate SSD and had no issues.
  8. I am curious what bench-marking you have done for 8.1 and 10. If you think 10 is rehashed 8, I am not you have even used 10. I can understand throwing some shade at win8. I find it a OK system, but the popular pastime is beating it up.
  9. The problem with Win7 is it still has vestiges of all the old operating systems as its foundation. Win 8 stripped that mostly away. Win8 sucked, But within five minutes of installing Win8.1, I had configured it to look and act almost exactly like Win7. Win10 is a good OS so far and is a good combination of traditional Win desktop and newer UI capabilities.
  10. btw, everything was top settings except v-synch. My benchmark is locked on to one Sherman moving down the road at View 2 from behind.
  11. I have benchmarked CMBN on Win7, Win8, and Win10. Barkman's Corner. Win7 - 26 fps, win8.1 - 32 fps, and Win 10 - 34. I7, nVidia 950 laptop for all three. Every time I do something to this computer, I use that scenario to test the impact on CMBN. Win8.1 and Win10 are much better gaming rigs for mid to high-end systems from my experience.
  12. Just went from 8.1 to 10 on an MSI laptop and a Surface Pro 3. Had to do a little fiddling with Nvidia but, for once, no DRM issues.
  13. I have read in a couple books that German gunners were particular about looking for Fireflies vs regular Shermans. They obviously looked for the long gun.
  14. Actually, I laughed at that. My best friend is from the UK and was ranting about things in the US and telling I have no clue what is going on and I said almost the exact same thing.
  15. You seem to be the only one with an issue with it...should BFC change something that's been in place for a decade or more?
  16. How about just buying the framework of GreenasJade or the Scenario Depot? I mean, out of the box, they are far better than the current repository on its best day.
  17. My look at this is just semantics between one view of a partial penetration vs a complete penetration. There is no law, its a label. The results appear to be the same.
  18. I thought a partial penetration means a breach in the armor, but the round didn't make it all the way through the hole. If it it didn't create a breach or hole, then it isn't a penetration...most likely just spalling.
  19. The report I saw is that India is not happy and is threatening to pull out. If that happens the PAK TA might never get beyond pre-production. India was funding most of that.
  20. This is one of those things where abstraction is the solution to not being able to handle all the potential variables that can be present in a situation.
  21. Even if it doesn't need LOS, its not fire and forget. You can't fire the missle and then pack up and run off somewhere else and set up with ever worrying about the missile. It still needs the radar being active for the missile to guide.
  22. For any old-timers out there... When I saw the thread title, the first thing I thought of was the old SNL skit, "What if Spartacus had a Piper Cub".
  23. I've seen some matrix forums have discussions about locked threads. I depends on the developer and mod.
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