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Everything posted by Thewood1

  1. I was reading the new Osprey T-64 book and it stated that some UKR T-64s were lost to RPGs because there ERA was date-expired and therefore much less effective than it should have been. How often do you have to swap out tiles if this is true?
  2. Typically, a unit like this is on a timetable and can't slow down or pause for tactical niceties. If they stop to try an infiltrate, they might expose the flank of an adjacent unit. So Higher levels of command know they will take losses crossing the field. That is a decision higher command makes with risks considered. This is all assuming communications is working perfectly and higher command is competent. We as players many times lose sight of the decisions that impact small unit battles around a unit in real life...from arty allocation, to ammo supply, to flank protection, to higher-level recon, etc. We work in a nice little cocoon with a set piece battle where our goals are clear and hitting reset is possible. More scenarios should be developed where you lose your arty support, have your ammo misplaced, get hit on the flank, have enemy tanks show up unexpectedly, have the objectives change mid-advance, have delays in orders, etc. It wouldn't be fun, but would give you a little more perspective on what small unit commanders in the Ukraine might be facing.
  3. I am surprised they were able to get permitting to restore, load, and fire the cannon. It is tightly restricted for this very reason.
  4. I would think a great anti-APS tool would be a good general artillery barrage stripping off the APS. APS requires a lot of components working together very quickly. I would think a good stonking could strip some of that off. Not sure if that is reflected in CM or not.
  5. Maybe I am not remembering correctly, but isn't there an EW setting for scenario designers that will limit a lot of comms. Can you make that purchaseble as a setting in QBs?
  6. Maybe it does...for the time to load...anyone check?
  7. I thought this was an interesting comment from Matrixs Games' Command thread regarding the Russian strikes in Syria... quote: Additionally with the recent footage of Russian airstrikes being shown from the perspective of the targeting systems as featured in the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_HZJ55w8Qc I am surprised and interested by two things. 1. The FLIR imagery is of a very low quality compared to what is available today on strike aircraft in the West. The scene is completely lost when a hot object is in the field of view, this demonstrates a lack of processing algorithms to adjust gain and contrast to keep the entire scene in view. This effect can be seen on US Flir imagery from the 1991 war for comparison. 2. The FLIR is running at only about 8FPS, they are intentionally restricted in framerate as this is in accordance with a Western designed FLIR that is following Export regulations to other countries. FLIR systems usually run at 60Hz or more when possible to limit lag and not miss important details of the scene or for tracking moving objects. end quote. A lot of the guys commenting on that forum are former mil or mil tech people with a deep understanding of sensor tech.
  8. I think the M1 has a LWS today, just not the automated reaction system. Just an uneducated view.
  9. in this thread... http://grogheads.com/forums/index.php?topic=9450.msg246980#msg246980 ...you mention the issues with drm that are being worked on. also note this thread has some data on drm isues from the bfc forums. I have the emails where it is mentioned the issues are known by bfc and there is nothing that can be done except contacting the help desk when they en.
  10. And yet a few people have issues with it obviously...you can keep talking smack, but don't be surprised when your comments are called out.
  11. I never knew that about the windows...can that be used as a cheat? Just curious.
  12. There are also all kinds of commercial issues with using customer content. Lawyers would have to draw up agreements. I am sure it is a lot simpler for a small company to avoid that hassle.
  13. The reason there is push back on the comments is terms like this... "murca far superior in tanks" and "suspicious" You really are saying you don't understand why someone would think your posting style is a little aggressive?
  14. My point stands...there are more than a couple people with issues. I'll find the link to grogheads where it was discussed. You'll note people don't discuss it here because this is the end result. I tried to present a balanced argument about the issues with comments throughout about BFC addressing them. I have tried to show I understand the difficulty in managing IP issues and DRM implementations. My point is, again, it not just a couple people.
  15. Both Schullencraft and Elvis have dealt with me numerous times. I have at least 7-8 gsclean emails over the last few years. And that is not counting other activation issues. When you guys reply, you reply with gsclean very quickly...but it has taken as long as 48 hours to get a response. I have no issue with response times...but when I have the time to play, I have little flexibility in it. So by the time I get gsclean, I have no time to use it. So let's say we take your number of 1%. Most companies are striving for six-sigma levels of service. That seems to be a fairly poor mark. You obviously aren't reading my posts. I explicitly say its not a widespread problem. But I am pointing out that its not just 1-2 whiners. Go back and read the support threads. Saw someone at grogheads did a quick analysis on a few dozen DRM issues that required intervention over a year. Not an ungodly number, but enough o make most software companies sit up and take notice. You yourselves have changed your install and DRM systems a couple times. I am sure you didn't do it just for fun. I completely understand the difficulty in managing IP and DRM systems. I have actually done it before at a company called Intellution/GE. But we never deluded ourselves that DRM issues were isolated incidents. If we had more than 10 in a year, there would be hell to pay. And that was on software selling for $10k an install.
  16. Thanks for replying to a six month old comment. Btw, your own tech support people have conceded the issues with the DRM. Again, in the spirit of keeping a six month old thread going, Making changes in PC configs an exercise in having to contact support and get the gsclean utility is not an isolated incident. While its not exactly widespread, I always weigh in when one of the beta brigade tries minimize it or give the impression the specific customer is doing something wrong. Over the last couple of years, the DRM has had issues. They are not isolated. BFC has attempted to fix them. It has taken years. It is better. There are still some issues. I am pretty frustrated at times that people like me who have the issues are made to feel we are doing something wrong, when tech support admits it is an issue with the DRM.
  17. So the DRM isn't stopping the pirates...I thought that was the point of us paying customers having to deal with it.
  18. While the post is a little sketchy...its more than just one person who has had issues the DRM and activations. Take a walk through the support forums after a release. Most issues get resolved, but I have never done a reinstall without support having to send me the rsclean tool to fix activations.
  19. That is a great report to read...it mirrors many of the things you see in CMBS.
  20. I have always thought its pretty simple...if the game is too expensive for you, its probably not the game for you. Especially when a number of other people don't agree. The price is an investment to keep the expansions coming. For almost all regular players, that is an investment well worth it. For those who are used to games where the graphics are the centerpiece, it probably looks expensive because with with those games, you just have to wait a couple months to a steep discount.
  21. Another cool feature is a little self-restraint and self-awareness...that feature works most of the time, but as we can see, not always.
  22. Does SweetFX work with OpenGL...never tried it. I had to giggle a little on your misspelling...
  23. I don't give a crap about any font obsession...I am just tired of coming to the site looking for information and finds from the community then having to wade through post after post from you in particular. With most of it just stuff you have googled. I really wish there was a part of the forum built for you to post your stuff. It would save me some time. Examples...again...first 9 of ten threads in the tech section are from you. A couple of them are OK and reasonable, but most look like they are from someone who does't understand the game or how to use the computer its on. At this point, I skip any thread started by you. But your posts push interesting stuff off the page and force me and others to go digging.
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