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Everything posted by Thewood1

  1. Is the issue after penetration effects? How widespread is the issue? IS it only under limited conditions? Is it in all CM2 titles? I am surprised I haven't seen more discussion about it.
  2. I'm sorry, I must have missed it...I don't see profanity or aggressiveness in this post.
  3. This was debated to death back in the early CMSF days when CM2 features were a hollow shell compared to CMBB/AK. CM2 has come a long way in adding those functions and features back in. But there is still something missing in CM2 that I have never put my finger on. I am in a weird place where CM2 seems like too much work, yet CM1 seems so outdated when I play it. I actually sit for a while trying to decide which game I want to play, CM1 vs CM2, but usually just give up and go play Command or fly ROF.
  4. Game-wise, the HMG team also carries more ammo. That might be one of the biggest differences for a straight up infantry fight.
  5. If you want to simulate SOF in detail, I would think one of the ARMA games would be better at that. Especially a more mature one like ARMA 2
  6. I thought that was already discussed at length in this thread...did I mix that up with another thread?
  7. Don't forget that the price of a number of marketable materials also dropped considerably...diamonds, gold, silver, etc. The main sustenance for growth for Russia's economy in the short-term is weapon exports. That might be as much a factor in all this discussion as anything. That is why there has been so much concern over India possibly losing faith in the PAK T-50.
  8. Libya was a good example of what we now call the Iraq-syndrome (formerly known as the Vietnam-syndrome)...get involved without getting involved.
  9. Oh, yeah, the good old days for Iraq pre-2003. Let's see, a war that killed millions, another war that cost it its army, etc. Iraq is a mess, it was a mess under its pre-2003 regime, it will be a mess for a long time to come. All the 2003 invasion did was accelerate the transition from one mess to another.
  10. Isn't there a version of the T-84 in for Ukrain?
  11. I am not sure the manual is wrong, it is just written very ambiguously. It can be read into from either perspective. This is the umpteenth time this has come up. Steve came in to a CMBN forum last year and clarified that arcs have no effect on spotting in the open.
  12. At this point, I doubt there are many non-CMBN owners out there that would jump into the CMBulge game. I think that each of the major theaters is captured audience that doesn't expand more than a few new players that might offset current players not buying in.
  13. I use the screen edge a lot...legacy from the original CM games.
  14. Wiki states that 300 are in service. Several of the articles around stated a production order was issues in 2010 for the Army and Naval Infantry. The Ukraine BTR-70s have been upgraded to the point of being a good sub for BTR-80s. Probably better than using just a veneer of that only changes the graphics anyway.
  15. I thought the 82 and 82A were in service in limited numbers.
  16. I was referring to this line...it is uncanny, through and through. "It's a bit like when we were playing pacman, nobody complained about lack of physics modeling or shadow accuracy But in modern games, things look so much like real life that the tiniest faults start to stick out."
  17. Oh, no! Its an uncanny valley discussion. Sorry, couldn't resist a reference to a very old debate.
  18. AP rounds can and do penetrate without shattering in real life. Ricochets are no different. Sometimes they might shatter, sometimes they just gouge out some armor and deflect off. A lot of energy gets lost on deflection, especially if a significant mark is left on the armor.
  19. Scenario design...not sure civilians would be an option in quick battles any way. Otherwise building destruction would already be in there. That would be easier than putting civilians in
  20. I think you can already have penalties for destroying buildings if you choose. I play around with that all the time to limit indiscriminate shooting and blasting.
  21. It does when he is posting 1000 word posts in the middle of threads. He continues to use these forums a therapy session and he needs to stop. Talk about besmirching BFC's rep. I would hate to think of what new people think of some of his posts.
  22. This forum isn't a therapy session. If its that important, you need to go find some real help. This is just creaming out for attention from people who can't or won't help. Just stop posting and go talk to someone.
  23. John, you seem to be going into a posting frenzy again. Can I suggest you maybe back off for a couple days. It seems to be spinning out of control. Play the game for a while, take a break from posting, come back refreshed with a new perspective.
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