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Everything posted by Thewood1

  1. I have bought stuff recently from the store in the last two years. But now when I go to checkout, the exp date for the cc only goes to 2022. My two cards both are 2023. Anyone else have this issue?
  2. Can I ask how you found that? I looked, what I thought was, everywhere.
  3. Can someone point me to the 4.0 upgrade bundle. I can't find it anywhere on the store pages.
  4. IIRC, you have to extract it to a temp folder you create and run the exe.
  5. Has any one gotten the upgrade bundle working on Windows?
  6. Do ATGM missile ever miss long? I don't ever remember see it in CM games.
  7. I don't think its any way close to being realistic that we should expect development beyond sequels, modules, and packs for the current engine. Its literally taking years to develop new games and modules. We still have modules in the wings for all the games except CMBN, and that is supposed to get at least one pack. Looking at modules for CMFI, CMRT, CMBS and CMFB, there are a couple years of work right there. Now add in that we are also expecting BFC to put out at least 1, and possibly 2, east front games plus modules, and we are looking at 3-4 years of development left to round out CM 3.0. I would expect CM 4.0 to be mixed in there somehow, or maybe an entirely new engine. That probably adds a year or two to the curve. Unless BFC goes out and hires a bunch programmers and 3D artists, we'll be lucky if they can maintain the above pace, let alone to go after a game like France 1940 that isn't even being considered right now.
  8. I have always associated the stuttering with sound. I stopped using sound mods years ago because some of them caused very noticeable stutters when a lot was going on. It took me years to figure out and a confirmation post from Steve that sound chews up a lot of resources.
  9. Just thought this is appropriate and coincidental about around a discussion about VBS3. http://grogheads.com/forums/index.php?topic=16837.0
  10. I think there is a mis-perception of Iron mode for people who don't use it. Comms and contact is a lot more difficult. Especially for keeping troops in contact by sight. Troops have to be closer to stay in contact. Too many people only look at the enemy sighting as the only difference. There are a lot of subtle differences in maintaining unit cohesion in iron mode. I would suggest playing it for more than a single game and anyone used to playing on the lower levels will slowly realize why its called iron.
  11. Wow...who would have guessed at that stuff...
  12. The military might be lethargic and stupid as an organization, but the people typically aren't. Grass roots support got Harpoon and Steel Beasts military contracts, as well as a few other very good wargames. It just requires the game filling a specific training need, beyond just historical interest, and the right people believing in it.
  13. I am not sure if you are asking if people use it or if its in the game. A simple search...
  14. The 5 number is with commercial and government removed. But I can't find that link. This report confirms your overall number of 12 Mb as average. The bad news is that less than half of the US has 10 Mb or greater speeds. And again, this includes business and government, which tend to have significantly higher speeds because they pay for them and have the infrastructure. https://www.akamai.com/us/en/multimedia/documents/report/q3-2015-soti-connectivity-final.pdf So the short of it is 10 Mb isn't some crappy bumkin number. It is most likely a little above average. And my less than 1 Mb number turns out to be non-metro US.
  15. wiki states overall average is 5 mb. That counts commercial connections which average very high. Verizon did a study last year that stated only 10% of us households have broadband...that would be greater than 15mb. I'll track the links down.
  16. btw...something is skewed somewhere. Complaining about a 10 Mb line seems weird. That should be plenty fast enough for most things. Besides, the average connection speed for residential in the North America and the EU is less than 1 Mb. My family lives in the Rangely Mountains in Maine and they just got DSL. Couple a hundred baud.
  17. It might be placebo...but the performance seems a lot better than CMBN on the really big scenario...as much as you can compare.
  18. I would differ on the calculations and LOS being a major hurdle in performance. With the game between turns and not doing anything but processing graphics, FPS barely changes. Even when giving orders and running the game, the FPS only dips slightly. But pan the camera across the map and that is when the stuttering starts.
  19. I am a little skeptical that its all related to the calculations on the fly. For one, it seems to make no difference in realtime or wego play. Most of the calcs should have already done for a replay, but I see no difference in fps. For the second, in wego, I run tests where I have not moved a single unit just to see what happens. No perceptible impact on FPS. I am sure the calcs plays some role, but I am not sure how significant it is
  20. My experience with all the CM2 titles is on a good rig, even with 30-40 fps, there is a noticeable lagginess. This is on all types of maps. Trees, hedges, and unit density seem to have the biggest impact. FPS doesn't seem to be impacted, but the lagginess is always there. I have noticed this with Intel and AMD CPUS, as well as Intel, nVidia, and AMD GPUs over the years. I have never wanted to take the time to test all permutations so its anecdotal.
  21. Written poorly is poor term. Written for the processing capabilities for 2004 might be more accurate. Most likely leaves it lacking on being optimized for anything past a pentium CPU. If all you play is CM, then a low-end CPU with a high single core clock speed is more than adequate. If you need more than that for other things, well, set your expectations appropriately.
  22. Another part of the point is the Mac/iOS market. iPad obviously isn't in the plans any more. And the iOS PC market is still very small and even smaller as a gaming platform.
  23. Part of my point is hope BFC will eventually stop using OpenGL. Its obvious, and has been since early 2000's that it was going to eventually die. BFC has fought the good fight, but blaming the card companies for not support a standard few people are developing on is just yelling into the wind.
  24. That is one thing I would always recommend...nVidia if all else is equal.
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