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Everything posted by Thewood1

  1. A quick search on APS will bring up several discussions on it
  2. What grass mod would Chuck Norris use...
  3. I get it from many games, but I move on quickly...its a game. ARMA, CM, IL2, Command, etc. I have limited playing time and usually play a game for a while and then set it aside for awhile. I played ASL a lot as a teenager and felt CM1 was a better translation of ASL. I have beta tested many games, but still haven't gotten that compulsive feeling that a few people get with CM and many get with ARMA.
  4. I think you are just too close to the game. I have found that people associated with a software developer for too long, game software or business software, have a hard time dealing with people that have issues with the software. Its just human nature. I have seen this in factory automation software where an individual becomes an expert in the software and that becomes his identity. He becomes very cranky when people question any aspect of the software, as only an engineer can. Your perspective is completely different than someone who sees CM for the first time after playing ARMA or COD. You see the same issue with ARMA also. There are people who spend their whole young adult life modding ARMA and it has become their identity. They can't move on or get any perspective on how other people perceive the game. The fact you can't understand people not having the same wonder makes me think you just need to take a break.
  5. I think he was actually asking if there is an estimate on when its done.
  6. I tried to read through as much as possible... I didn't see cost mentioned anywhere. Light infantry tends to be a lot less expensive in a budget than a fully mechanized unit. By cost, I mean hard budgeted $, not in blood.
  7. I would also point out the some games like CMANO are virtually complete sandbox games. To complete CMBN is what...$120-140 or there-abouts.
  8. Heh...CMANO just went on sales on Steam and at its distributor for 50% off. It has been on sale before. I don't disagree with your point, but thought there was a little irony to be had.
  9. I thought a change was made in CMBN that target light at short ranges like 100-200m would let the crew us their small arms.
  10. Is the Stryker in CMBS the v-hull variant?
  11. I think BFC should just scrap the repository. It has been a sorry stepchild since its inception. Having it there just leads to expectations that it will work. At best it has been clunky, slow, and hard to find stuff. At worst it leads the community to believe that BFC is investing in non-revenue generating activities where the reality is that its not working...leading to disappointment. Let the community work it out separate from BFC. I think if BFC just expanded the storage for individuals and consolidated all scenarios and mods into a single thread, it would be better than what we have now. Otherwise, people are just on their own.
  12. I am a little amused. Within 30 minutes, I had win 8.1 looking and feeling 99% of win 7. And Win 8 is a little faster in a lot of my games. I don't even see the Start screen or lives tiles...and haven't in 18 months or so.
  13. I can't find the link, but someone did some testing on specifically in one the CM2 games. I know that is vague, but there is an unofficial answer out there somewhere. But don't bother looking for anything official.
  14. I also remember that Steve said there might be one more pack of some odds and ends for CMBN that would take a little beyond the MG time period. And a mention was made of a few amphibious vehicles. I never read anything about landing craft.
  15. I am not looking for a number, but your list makes sense...aiming, seeing, moving, follow orders, etc. What things are effected by those levels. Why not a list of them. Is it like with spotting, WYSIWYG sort of...I am interested in the sort of definition.
  16. This is kind of what I am getting at. Troops perform a number of actions and are impact by a number of things. Which ones are impacted by these modifiers. And while guessing is interesting, I have never seen anything from BFC about that in particular.
  17. I don't think BFC has ever officially defined what those particular modifiers really do. I has been asked a lot.
  18. Yeah, but no conclusion really came from it and it degenerated pretty fast. I was looking for something from BFC or BFC-like official channels. I separated this from that discussion on purpose. It seemed to work. That threads 5 pages could have been sorted out in one response like here.
  19. I also had a game where every single subsystem listed for an M1A2 was destroyed excpet the 120mm. Yet it was still sitting there pumping out hot death at anything that moved. It was being pummeled bu 125mm and 30mm and yet not a lick of suppression and status was listed as OK. It just seems weird that the crew would be unaffected by all the mayhem thrown at it.
  20. I am not sure it was removed completely. I think I have seen Russian units get suppression. I'll have to test it. It just seems crazy that you can completely strip an APC of all components and just keep pounding away at it with not a lick of effect on the occupants. Sitting in a blind tin can with 30mm raining on it should at a minimum make them nervous. That suppression is one of the main things that separates CM from other games, and now it seems part of that is gone.
  21. This has been brought up before... I have an M2 that has had almost every component destroyed. It is being pummeled by 30mm from some BTRs for a few turns. It has 0 suppression. Hasn't even hit one bar. Is this right? If a vehicle has all of its components knocked out and is still being hammered, shouldn't it be at least a little nervous. I have a 500Kb save that the forum won't let me load. If someone from BFC wants me to send it to them I can. Or someone can say that is how it should be. btw, there are no leader, motivation, or experience modifiers. They are all 0.
  22. Are they easier to spot with more people? My real-life assumption is yes, but not sure in game.
  23. With the slow pace of patches to individual games, it would be good to know the gist of what is not working right. I haven't played CMRT much yet and was about to start. Just wondering if I should just go back to CMFI/BN/BS
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