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Everything posted by Thewood1

  1. I literally just upgraded from a 1Tb HD to a 1Tb SSD two days ago. In CMBS, load times are 20% faster. Also, the micro-stuttering I used to get as I moved the view around the map has disappeared. Turns don't seem to process any faster, but anything that had any form of disk access is a lot faster and smoother.
  2. " Yes, the "X" almost always means a key that needs to be entered has not been entered. " That should be stickied somewhere or in the knowledgebase. I encounter this a lot when having to reinstall CMBN, and now CMFI.
  3. I think its the old conundrum for CM games. Older PCs seem to play it better than newer or cutting edge machines.
  4. Faster single core is most important. CM has not progressed to take advantage of anything beyond a single core. More cores will help other stuff and games like ARMA3, but CM, except some minor off loading of background tasks. In fact, it might sound regressive, but faster i5s are better than an i7 with more cores.
  5. I just want to point out a few years ago I was told the original CMFI license was redundant once 3.0 came out. Yet I needed it here. So I wouldn't be so quick forget about the original license if you bought original CMFI. I would keep it around with an activation or two handy.
  6. Got it working,what...7 hours after first attempt. I entered all four serial numbers 2-3 times with no feedback other than the game wouldn't activate. The helpdesk got back to me a few minutes ago to tell me CMFI and 4.0 activated, but 3.0 and GL didn't. They have no idea why. I tried re-entering both twice, got the error "x" on 3.0, but GL finally activated the second time and that seemed to activate everything else. Holy crap... Not sure if anyone can learn anything from this or not.
  7. What happens to these activations? I have completely lost track. Having to re-activate stuff due to upgrades chews up an activation doesn't it? If it does, do we get that activation back or is it gone forever?
  8. Funny, BFC installs always default to a specific directory. I have always had to change as far back as I can remember.
  9. I don't have the bundle. Still waiting on a response from BFC.
  10. Temporary and solvable, but the hour wasted now is an hour I won't get back. I have limited gaming time and get a little teed off when I spend a few hours of it screwqing around with activations...again. Obviously you have to activate everything. But nothing is activating. I have submitted a ticket. At this point, I never know how many of the activations I have left. I thought at one point we were going to get something where we could check how many we have. Did that go away when the activation/year went away?
  11. btw, Isn't the order of activations in the instructions backwards? I thought you did the main game and then modules and upgrades. edit: just tried a complete uninstall and reinstall with the new mega installer. Same issue. I can't even get the original CMFI to activate.
  12. OK, downloaded the windows upgrade. It says CMFI 2.0 Upgrade on the BFC download page, but assuming since its in the bundle page, its the 4.0 upgrade. That and the fact that it never says CMFI 4.0 upgrade makes me wonder if I got the right one. But the crux of the email is I am following the stickied install instructions and after install, I enter my 4,0 bundle serial number into the activation tool. I get a narrow little box with an "x" in it and no response the activation was successful. Is that right? I want to confirm before I move on to the other activations. I love these games, but am damned close to a point where the hassle just isn't wortth it. btw, as an added bonus, the installer never creates a short cut to the activation tool. I have to go find it in the Battlefront directory. That happens with other CM games as well.
  13. CMNAO is an amazing game. And the pace of updates is incredible. They have won a couple defense industry deals recently also.
  14. But I thought he was talking about his experience in CM1...no action spots.
  15. Are you sure you're thinking of the right game.
  16. Out of curiosity more than anything else, does this have anything to do with the delay? http://grogheads.com/forums/index.php?topic=19156.0 Haven't seen Phil post in awhile.
  17. Steel Beasts has this command and it can be tripped immediately, on time, based on casualties, type of incoming fire, and maybe a few other parameters. Its great for scouts and advancing into unknown forces. In fact, it can be automated to let the AI choose the best fall back position also. It is a very useful command especially for lighter armor and infantry scouts that you might only want to withdraw if they are seriously over-matched. IIRC, you can even have the unit withdraw and take an alternate route based on the type of resistance met. Its simple to set up and, following what I understand is common tactical planning, I do it on most units advancing with minimal intelligence. In short, It is one of the commands I miss moving from SB to CM.
  18. I would assume so. But as DoD involvement develops and they start feeding in more precise data, I would assume there would have to start thinking of export controls. That would mean building a wall between pro and retail versions. But one thing I will point out, they probably know more about most their covered topics in aggregate than us.
  19. No, the database is locked down. You can add and remove sensors and weapons, but you can't alter platforms. You joke about the use in other countries, but now that they are a DoD provider, I think it has become a concern.
  20. My point all along was that you can test what is being discussed. Not that you would necessarily enjoy it.
  21. Yeah, Command isn't for everyone. You have to be pretty committed because it can get very complex very quickly. But in a simple sandbox scenario, like an F-35 vs an S-400, you can build that in less than 5 minutes. It does have over 400 scenarios, with maybe half of them being air only with some CAS thrown in. But, again, it is so detailed you really have to have a pretty good understanding of the subject.
  22. The game Command at Matrix does a good job of laying a lot of this debate out. You can simulate BVR/WVR through several generations of aircraft/ECW/AAW to see how both tactics and strategy evolve with new technology. I have gamed out F-22, F-35, and SU-35 encounters with and without ECM and AWACS support on both sides. And you can do the same with varying SAM generations. There was a fairly recent debate on the S-400 that was interesting. SOme of you are most likely playing it already.
  23. Funny, but I am doing the same thing with Steel Beasts and CMBS. There are some concessions I'll have to make because SB is geared more towards early 2000's at best. I have been looking for a scenario about the right size and this looks like this one might work. Thanks.
  24. OK, then why have any of it. Its a simple request. Put a mouse-over. Googling can help, but its also full of holes as to what exactly BFC might have modeled. btw, AA weapon systems have been known to use IR sensors for obvious reasons. I mean, you can throw all of the sources you want at this. But my main argument still holds that all of the info is there, why not let us see it. If it comes around as being too hard, well then that is a different argument.
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