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  1. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Heirloom_Tomato in Which to Buy?   
    Since all the WW2 titles are all sold as the newest and most up to date there will be no difference in how the game functions between titles. That said, the game with the most variety you are looking for is the CMFI+ Gustav Line bundle. July '43 to May '44, only game with this long of timeline. Only game with two Axis nations, and yes the Italians play very differently. Only game with summer heat and winter blizzards possible. The variety of units is also unmatched for a base game and one module.
    There is only $20 difference between the base game and GL bundle. If you are looking to only buy one game, for now, and will be playing a lot, the extra $20 goes a very long way to expanding the game. As well, Battlefront have a new module for CMFI in the works and hopefully it will ship in the next 6 months to a year. This will expand the game through to May '45 as well as adding new nations, units and TO&E changes. 
  2. Upvote
    sttp reacted to MikeyD in Which to Buy?   
    I might get an argument on this but if you're new to the game you might want to buy a title that's 'general' in nature, not specialized.
    By that I mean CMBN is great but its Normandy Hedgerow fighting, which can be vexing for a new player just learning the ropes.
    CMBS is modern war at its most lethal. Fun-fun-fun... except if you're just starting out and struggling.
    CMFI (starting in 1943 Sicily) is less overtly lethal with mid-war armor, and the terrain isn't as 'specialized' as Normandy bocage. It captures southern Italy well.
    CMFB (the Bulge title) has all the good stuff of CMBN but you're beyond hedgerow country and into pine forests
    CMRT has the same eastern European terrain as CMBS but is 74 years earlier.
  3. Upvote
    sttp got a reaction from Heirloom_Tomato in Modern Day to WW2 worth it?   
    If you want a totally different environment from what you already have, I'd say go with Fortress Italy. It offers probably the most unique look and feel of all the WW2 titles, IMO. Plus lots of varying landscapes -- flat, to huge hills and mountains. Plus it has snow, if you want, like Final Blitzkrieg. Plus... CMFI base game also has tons of content. (It seems like there's more than the other titles, but I'm not positive.)
    CMBN would come in 2nd on my list, but the big determinant in enjoyment of that title is going to be whether a person likes the hedgerow style of fighting. It's very different. Maybe check out a few CMBN AAR's to see if that style appeals to you?
    I've gotta say though... you really can't go wrong with any of the WW2 titles. They're all a blast in their own unique way.
  4. Like
    sttp got a reaction from sburke in Modern Day to WW2 worth it?   
    If you want a totally different environment from what you already have, I'd say go with Fortress Italy. It offers probably the most unique look and feel of all the WW2 titles, IMO. Plus lots of varying landscapes -- flat, to huge hills and mountains. Plus it has snow, if you want, like Final Blitzkrieg. Plus... CMFI base game also has tons of content. (It seems like there's more than the other titles, but I'm not positive.)
    CMBN would come in 2nd on my list, but the big determinant in enjoyment of that title is going to be whether a person likes the hedgerow style of fighting. It's very different. Maybe check out a few CMBN AAR's to see if that style appeals to you?
    I've gotta say though... you really can't go wrong with any of the WW2 titles. They're all a blast in their own unique way.
  5. Upvote
    sttp reacted to SgtHatred in The state of CMSF2   
    Everyone seems annoyed that the inevitable happened and the release date slipped but all I can think is how annoying it is that this means that the patch for 4.0 games has also slipped.
  6. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Vet 0369 in CMSF2 New Belligerent ?   
    I began in war gaming with Avalon Hill's Squad Leader, progressed to Advanced Squad Leader, and finally online with CMBB. I must admit that I have a major character flaw. I don't pay any attention to the warts in the game or what I think it should be able to do, but can't. I accept the game as is, because for all it's bugs, problems, and limitations, IMHO, it's the best game set in the industry. The only thing that really gets my hackles up and causes me to bare my teeth is when someone complains that the BF support service is bad. I've had a number of issues that support helped me resolve, and if they couldn't help me, the next e-mail was from Steve, who once worked late into Christmas Eve to help me resolve a licensing issue, and finished by thanking me for my support of BF.
    I respect and appreciate the help and guidance of the many grognards in the Forums (even if I don't always agree with their answers), who for the most part have the patience of Saints. If you've ever answered the telephone and had someone immediately launch into a tirade because they were transferred from one number to another until they get back to where they started, and then was then disconnected, you know what I'm talking about. Unfortunately, the Forums are anonymous and too many feel that they can be insulting jerks because they are hidden. If you are one who doesn't treat others with courtesy and respect just because you don't agree with them, then YOU are the problem! (Occasional lapses due to illness, bad days, extreme frustration excepted.)
    Bottom line of this rant is my advice to realize that NOTHING IS EVER PERFECT, and to just enjoy playing the most amazing game set out there.
  7. Like
    sttp reacted to LiveNoMore in Rimini Airfield   
    Hi All,
    I have been working on a three-part H2H scenario dealing with the battle for Rimini Airfield.  This was a part of British 8th Army’s Operation Olive assault up the Adriatic coast. It took place in mid-September 1944. The 1st Canadian Division, which included the Greek 3rd Mountain Brigade (their first and last major engagement), New Zealand 19th Armor and 22nd Motor Battalion. In front of them were a combination of the German 1st Fallschirmjager Regiment, 162nd Turkestani Battalion and various support units.
    By the 15th of September the 1st Canadian had moved up the coast were just south of the airfield. They needed to take the airfield before moving onto the town itself.
    Lieutenant-General Sir Oliver Leese, commander of the 8th Army had this to say about the battle; "The battle of Rimini was one of the hardest battles of Eighth Army. The fighting was comparable to El Alamein, Mareth and the Gustav Line (Monte-Cassino)."
    The morning of this battle the Canadian Saskatoon Light Infantry had probed north up the coast road and been stopped by fierce resistance. And this is where the battle begins. 
    I broke the battle into three parts:
    1. Santa Maria, which was the assault on the small village and church complex called Casalecchio, west of the airfield. 
    2. Miramar, the assault up the coast road 
    3. Rimini Airfield, the final attack on the airfield. 
    Using the same map, I isolated the fighting areas for Santa Maria and Miramar. Then used the entire map for the Airfield.

    Overall map

    Saskatoon waiting for help.

    PzIV on overwatch

    Knocked out Panther Turret Bunker
    Special thanks to BobWillett and Rocketman for all their help, input and play testing.  I hope to have it at the Scenario Depot in the next few days.
  8. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Ryzen CPU - Intel latest Gen latest tech vs cm2   
    Action squares every 4 meters instead of every 8 would be incredible. 4 times the processing horsepower would be (theoretically) needed, sure, but I think modern systems could handle that.
    Cannot WAIT for the day we've got a new engine in our hands!
  9. Upvote
    sttp got a reaction from sburke in Combat Mission Wishlist/Thoughts   
    A few weeks ago, the CMx2 ww2 forums went almost an entire day without a single post -- something like 20 hours with no new posts anywhere in the CMBN, CMFB, CMFI, or CMRT forums. So I'm wondering if discouraging new threads from new members just because those topics have been discussed before is really what we want here??? Yes, there've been tons of wishlist threads. However, in almost every single one there's a new feature suggested that no one had ever mentioned before. So, at least my opinion, these are pretty useful every now and then. It's possible, though, that it should be moved to the general discussion forum.
  10. Upvote
    sttp reacted to George MC in Any replayability built into the Peiper scenarios?   
    Even if there are multiple AI Plans for every mission in the campaign - you can't assume that a/ you'll pull a different AI Plan (as the chances of selecting a different AI plan are pretty random i.e. the game does not remember which AI Plan you drew on any one mission) b/ even if there is only one AI Plan for each mission you don't know that or even if you just luckily pulled the same AI plan that you'd played previously
    if you don't and you try to play the AI plan and it is, in fact, a different AI Plan, well...
    So all in all given the above and assuming you don't go digging - you would have to assume that you are not playing the same AI Plan and attack accordingly. Enjoy
  11. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Kaunitz in Flavor Object limits   
    I'm certain that most veteran map makers already knew everything below, but I wasn't able to find this kind of info when I did a forum search. Maybe it'll be useful to anyone delving into the editor for the first time....
    So, after lots of testing (by creating grids of 64 water spigots per 8x8 meter action square, lol), I've now made more sense of how to accurately place flavor objects and keep them where I want them. Or at least predict where they'll end up after a reload of the 3D environment. The logic is apparently pretty straightforward:
    It seems that flavor objects just snap to the southwest corner of whichever 1 x 1 meter grid spot you place them on. So it's just that both grid coordinates are truncated, i.e. the decimal portion is just stripped away. A crate placed at, say, x=7.88 y=23.88, will just eventually migrate itself over to (7,23)... not to (8,24), even though (8,24) was much, much closer.
    If there's already another flavor object at (7,23), the new object will replace it. Which goes to what Bulletpoint said. (Thanks.)
    Also, predicting which part of a given flavor object will snap to that lower left / southwest corner of the 1x1 map grid spot seemed weird at first. But I think it just depends on the particular object -- specifically, where the (0,0) point is on its 3D model. It's usually the upper left corner of the object -- whichever corner is northwesternmost when the object is oriented in its default position. So it may not be the pole of a telephone pole, for example, that'll snap to that southwest grid position, but instead it'll be the upper left/northwest corner of its particular 3D model. It may be more complicated than all of that, but this rule has held true for about a dozen objects I've tested so far, plus it just makes sense from a programming perspective....
    Hope this helps someone. I like adding lots of flavor objects to maps, and things are much easier in the editor after being armed with this knowledge.
  12. Like
    sttp got a reaction from LutzP in QB map pdfs   
    These are pdf's with large, labeled pictures for every QB map, covering CMFB, CMFI, and CMRT. I always get frustrated trying to remember which QB map is which, and having to load up the scenario editor just to find one gets really, really old. So I created these.
    I'll eventually put these on CMMODS. As soon as I finish the CMBN one, which is a significantly bigger task, and has had to take a back seat to a different project I'm now invested in. So I decided to just post these here, now.
    Can someone please let me know if these links work for plain ol' public download / access? If not, I'll repost proper links in a new thread. Dropbox recently got rid of its "Public Folder" feature, and the new way to accomplish almost the same thing is not very intuitive....
    Here ya go:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jffokwaq2w017bj/CMFB - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/3l4xpbdhps0mgq6/CMRT - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4rh9ya8wbe3tldr/CMFI - Alol QB Maps - lower quality.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9vhj33u708h0f9/CMFI - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    *NOTE:  the "lower quality" CMFI pdf is actually the same quality as CMFB's and CMRT's -- plenty good enough. The higher quality CMFI pdf was my first, though, and features lossless images... which is great, except that the file size is almost 300MB.
  13. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Bulletpoint in QB map pdfs   
    These are pdf's with large, labeled pictures for every QB map, covering CMFB, CMFI, and CMRT. I always get frustrated trying to remember which QB map is which, and having to load up the scenario editor just to find one gets really, really old. So I created these.
    I'll eventually put these on CMMODS. As soon as I finish the CMBN one, which is a significantly bigger task, and has had to take a back seat to a different project I'm now invested in. So I decided to just post these here, now.
    Can someone please let me know if these links work for plain ol' public download / access? If not, I'll repost proper links in a new thread. Dropbox recently got rid of its "Public Folder" feature, and the new way to accomplish almost the same thing is not very intuitive....
    Here ya go:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jffokwaq2w017bj/CMFB - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/3l4xpbdhps0mgq6/CMRT - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4rh9ya8wbe3tldr/CMFI - Alol QB Maps - lower quality.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9vhj33u708h0f9/CMFI - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    *NOTE:  the "lower quality" CMFI pdf is actually the same quality as CMFB's and CMRT's -- plenty good enough. The higher quality CMFI pdf was my first, though, and features lossless images... which is great, except that the file size is almost 300MB.
  14. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Ivan Zaitzev in QB map pdfs   
    These are pdf's with large, labeled pictures for every QB map, covering CMFB, CMFI, and CMRT. I always get frustrated trying to remember which QB map is which, and having to load up the scenario editor just to find one gets really, really old. So I created these.
    I'll eventually put these on CMMODS. As soon as I finish the CMBN one, which is a significantly bigger task, and has had to take a back seat to a different project I'm now invested in. So I decided to just post these here, now.
    Can someone please let me know if these links work for plain ol' public download / access? If not, I'll repost proper links in a new thread. Dropbox recently got rid of its "Public Folder" feature, and the new way to accomplish almost the same thing is not very intuitive....
    Here ya go:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jffokwaq2w017bj/CMFB - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/3l4xpbdhps0mgq6/CMRT - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4rh9ya8wbe3tldr/CMFI - Alol QB Maps - lower quality.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9vhj33u708h0f9/CMFI - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    *NOTE:  the "lower quality" CMFI pdf is actually the same quality as CMFB's and CMRT's -- plenty good enough. The higher quality CMFI pdf was my first, though, and features lossless images... which is great, except that the file size is almost 300MB.
  15. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Aragorn2002 in CMRT Module 1 Bones   
    Superb. Perhaps some more attention for winter pine trees, but that is already nicely modded by Benpark, so that's covered too, I guess.
    I never know who's who on this forum and who belongs to the 'team', so not sure about that.
  16. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Dynaman216 in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    They took care of the problem with adding any new models and such was a nightmare.  Now they have the "problem" that the TACAI is very complex.  The biggest problem right now is the infantry running away from entrenchments but that same fix also gave us infantry that spread out when moving forward instead of moving in a line to get shot like ducks in a row, Shooting around corners, and a couple other items I forgot.  I can easily see how that code base is a pain to work with.
  17. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Ghost of Charlemagne in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    Great news about the patch and CM:SF2, it was long awaited.

    Any chance of a special effects pack/module in the future?
    It would include full 3d explosions, improved explosion craters based on the kind of ground (i.e. on hard ground like a paved road or rocky ground the crater would be much more shallow), more detailed building destruction (i.e. each building floor is divided into numerous "destruction-sections", instead of just one), flammable buildings, terrain and flora, blood and gore and animations for wounded pixeltruppen.
    Would anyone else be interested in such a pack/module?
  18. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Kaunitz in QB map pdfs   
    These are pdf's with large, labeled pictures for every QB map, covering CMFB, CMFI, and CMRT. I always get frustrated trying to remember which QB map is which, and having to load up the scenario editor just to find one gets really, really old. So I created these.
    I'll eventually put these on CMMODS. As soon as I finish the CMBN one, which is a significantly bigger task, and has had to take a back seat to a different project I'm now invested in. So I decided to just post these here, now.
    Can someone please let me know if these links work for plain ol' public download / access? If not, I'll repost proper links in a new thread. Dropbox recently got rid of its "Public Folder" feature, and the new way to accomplish almost the same thing is not very intuitive....
    Here ya go:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jffokwaq2w017bj/CMFB - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/3l4xpbdhps0mgq6/CMRT - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4rh9ya8wbe3tldr/CMFI - Alol QB Maps - lower quality.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9vhj33u708h0f9/CMFI - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    *NOTE:  the "lower quality" CMFI pdf is actually the same quality as CMFB's and CMRT's -- plenty good enough. The higher quality CMFI pdf was my first, though, and features lossless images... which is great, except that the file size is almost 300MB.
  19. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Ales Dvorak in QB map pdfs   
  20. Upvote
    sttp got a reaction from Waycool in QB map pdfs   
    These are pdf's with large, labeled pictures for every QB map, covering CMFB, CMFI, and CMRT. I always get frustrated trying to remember which QB map is which, and having to load up the scenario editor just to find one gets really, really old. So I created these.
    I'll eventually put these on CMMODS. As soon as I finish the CMBN one, which is a significantly bigger task, and has had to take a back seat to a different project I'm now invested in. So I decided to just post these here, now.
    Can someone please let me know if these links work for plain ol' public download / access? If not, I'll repost proper links in a new thread. Dropbox recently got rid of its "Public Folder" feature, and the new way to accomplish almost the same thing is not very intuitive....
    Here ya go:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jffokwaq2w017bj/CMFB - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/3l4xpbdhps0mgq6/CMRT - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4rh9ya8wbe3tldr/CMFI - Alol QB Maps - lower quality.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9vhj33u708h0f9/CMFI - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    *NOTE:  the "lower quality" CMFI pdf is actually the same quality as CMFB's and CMRT's -- plenty good enough. The higher quality CMFI pdf was my first, though, and features lossless images... which is great, except that the file size is almost 300MB.
  21. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Rokossovski in QB map pdfs   
    These are pdf's with large, labeled pictures for every QB map, covering CMFB, CMFI, and CMRT. I always get frustrated trying to remember which QB map is which, and having to load up the scenario editor just to find one gets really, really old. So I created these.
    I'll eventually put these on CMMODS. As soon as I finish the CMBN one, which is a significantly bigger task, and has had to take a back seat to a different project I'm now invested in. So I decided to just post these here, now.
    Can someone please let me know if these links work for plain ol' public download / access? If not, I'll repost proper links in a new thread. Dropbox recently got rid of its "Public Folder" feature, and the new way to accomplish almost the same thing is not very intuitive....
    Here ya go:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jffokwaq2w017bj/CMFB - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/3l4xpbdhps0mgq6/CMRT - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4rh9ya8wbe3tldr/CMFI - Alol QB Maps - lower quality.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9vhj33u708h0f9/CMFI - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    *NOTE:  the "lower quality" CMFI pdf is actually the same quality as CMFB's and CMRT's -- plenty good enough. The higher quality CMFI pdf was my first, though, and features lossless images... which is great, except that the file size is almost 300MB.
  22. Upvote
    sttp got a reaction from Badger73 in QB map pdfs   
    My Quick Battle Maps folder for CMBN has almost 900 maps. Is there a way to tell which QB maps came packed in the original game, and which came from which particular module / addon? File date helps a little, but not as much as you'd think..... I'd consider installing the game on another laptop and taking note that way, but I'd hate to use up one of my limited number of installs just for that.
    Since there seems to be demand, what I may do is just release the CMBN version in pieces -- first with only the original game's QB maps, then uploading newer pdf versions as I add Commonwealth Forces, Market Garden, etc....
  23. Upvote
    sttp got a reaction from Artkin in QB map pdfs   
    These are pdf's with large, labeled pictures for every QB map, covering CMFB, CMFI, and CMRT. I always get frustrated trying to remember which QB map is which, and having to load up the scenario editor just to find one gets really, really old. So I created these.
    I'll eventually put these on CMMODS. As soon as I finish the CMBN one, which is a significantly bigger task, and has had to take a back seat to a different project I'm now invested in. So I decided to just post these here, now.
    Can someone please let me know if these links work for plain ol' public download / access? If not, I'll repost proper links in a new thread. Dropbox recently got rid of its "Public Folder" feature, and the new way to accomplish almost the same thing is not very intuitive....
    Here ya go:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jffokwaq2w017bj/CMFB - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/3l4xpbdhps0mgq6/CMRT - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4rh9ya8wbe3tldr/CMFI - Alol QB Maps - lower quality.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9vhj33u708h0f9/CMFI - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    *NOTE:  the "lower quality" CMFI pdf is actually the same quality as CMFB's and CMRT's -- plenty good enough. The higher quality CMFI pdf was my first, though, and features lossless images... which is great, except that the file size is almost 300MB.
  24. Upvote
    sttp got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in QB map pdfs   
    These are pdf's with large, labeled pictures for every QB map, covering CMFB, CMFI, and CMRT. I always get frustrated trying to remember which QB map is which, and having to load up the scenario editor just to find one gets really, really old. So I created these.
    I'll eventually put these on CMMODS. As soon as I finish the CMBN one, which is a significantly bigger task, and has had to take a back seat to a different project I'm now invested in. So I decided to just post these here, now.
    Can someone please let me know if these links work for plain ol' public download / access? If not, I'll repost proper links in a new thread. Dropbox recently got rid of its "Public Folder" feature, and the new way to accomplish almost the same thing is not very intuitive....
    Here ya go:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jffokwaq2w017bj/CMFB - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/3l4xpbdhps0mgq6/CMRT - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4rh9ya8wbe3tldr/CMFI - Alol QB Maps - lower quality.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9vhj33u708h0f9/CMFI - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    *NOTE:  the "lower quality" CMFI pdf is actually the same quality as CMFB's and CMRT's -- plenty good enough. The higher quality CMFI pdf was my first, though, and features lossless images... which is great, except that the file size is almost 300MB.
  25. Like
    sttp got a reaction from ratdeath in QB map pdfs   
    These are pdf's with large, labeled pictures for every QB map, covering CMFB, CMFI, and CMRT. I always get frustrated trying to remember which QB map is which, and having to load up the scenario editor just to find one gets really, really old. So I created these.
    I'll eventually put these on CMMODS. As soon as I finish the CMBN one, which is a significantly bigger task, and has had to take a back seat to a different project I'm now invested in. So I decided to just post these here, now.
    Can someone please let me know if these links work for plain ol' public download / access? If not, I'll repost proper links in a new thread. Dropbox recently got rid of its "Public Folder" feature, and the new way to accomplish almost the same thing is not very intuitive....
    Here ya go:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jffokwaq2w017bj/CMFB - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/3l4xpbdhps0mgq6/CMRT - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4rh9ya8wbe3tldr/CMFI - Alol QB Maps - lower quality.pdf?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9vhj33u708h0f9/CMFI - All QB Maps.pdf?dl=0
    *NOTE:  the "lower quality" CMFI pdf is actually the same quality as CMFB's and CMRT's -- plenty good enough. The higher quality CMFI pdf was my first, though, and features lossless images... which is great, except that the file size is almost 300MB.
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