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  1. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to A Canadian Cat in Combat training ground near Luhansk?   
    Yikes, are you writing for our favourite conspiracy theory web site now?
  2. Downvote
    Kraft reacted to General Jack Ripper in VK 16,02 Leopard   
    It's already known that the Battle of the Bulge game is coming next, and that game will cover time until the end of the war, so putting the Maus into the game actually makes more sense than dropping everything planned for the next year or two to start working on a new game.
    Combat Mission has existed for 15 years, and in those 15 years there has not been a France 1940 game. Stop talking about it as if it's "right around the corner" or "just hasn't been gotten to yet". As far as I know, there are no plans for a France 1940 game, and there are no plans looking into the near future. Not to mention, we have already heard from Steve that production of Vehicle Packs and additional add-on content does not adversely affect the game development cycle, so I'd say we have a much better chance of seeing new vehicles and weapons, than some mythical early-war France 1940 game.
  3. Downvote
    Kraft got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in VK 16,02 Leopard   
    Adding pointless fantasy things into the game instead of covering real gaps in the CM lineup like france '40 is a waste of time. 
  4. Upvote
    Kraft got a reaction from agusto in VK 16,02 Leopard   
    Adding pointless fantasy things into the game instead of covering real gaps in the CM lineup like france '40 is a waste of time. 
  5. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to Apocal in Mild air support annoyance.   
    When directing a multi-aircraft strike with one JTAC, it is irritating when aircraft break off due to being unable to find a target and -- due to the one strike restriction in place -- cannot be brought back into play. As for solutions:
    1) Aircraft in a multi-aircraft strike will not break off as long as at least one aircraft spots something, i.e. all or nothing. Either they all break off due to failure to spot targets or they all stick around to continue hunting.
    2) A special status like "HOLDING" enabling them to be either re-directed by the original JTAC or snapped up by another available JTAC.
    3) Remove the one strike restriction.
    4) Allow unassigned aircraft to seamlessly join a strike already in progress.
  6. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to xIGuNDoCIx in Battle of Kherson   
    As you have probably seen I floated the idea of a grand PvP campaign a few weeks ago.  I received a fairly large response from both veteran and new CM players wanting in on the action. I have finished the back story and the individual team briefs as well as the rule set that both teams will use during this inaugural campaign.  This thread will be where I post the status of each battle and the progression of the campaign as a whole.  Both teams are experienced fighters and both will be ready to kick off the campaign within the coming days.  If you would like to view the rules that we have come up with the link is down below along with a link to a 4K Hi-Res copy of the campaign map.
    Here are the two teams that will be going head to head in "The Battle of Kherson"
    NATO Team
    Tyrspawn - General
    Schmoly War
    Russian Team
    Apocal - General
    Link to 4K resolution campaign map:
    Campaign Rules v1.2
  7. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to Thewood1 in M1A2sep (aps) vs. 2x T-90am (aps)   
    Man, you are full\of excuses.  Use FRAPS just for the test.  No one says you have to use to play every game.  Good God...does someone actually have to say that.
  8. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to Thewood1 in M1A2sep (aps) vs. 2x T-90am (aps)   
    Not friendly with Win8...funny I have had three win8 laptops and not a single issue.  FRAPS works perfectly fine with CM in Win8.
    I have to assume the issue is not very important.  Otherwise someone would just run a simple test in WEGO.  I see people coming in to complain, yet offer nothing to go on.  When tests are repeated, guess what...the issue is not there.  Again, if you want help fixing issues, bring something other than guesses, estimates, and propaganda to the table.  Its not about liking WEGO, its about not sounding like a child because your favorite toy broke.
  9. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to LukeFF in Request to BFC Please Disable Emoticon Default   
    For those that are newer to the site, the reason Kettler gets such a hard time is stuff like this, which he's also posted in the past here as well:



    I certainly don't hate the guy, but I also can't take him seriously.
  10. Downvote
    Kraft reacted to John Kettler in John Kettler's Omnibus Thread   
    The purpose of this thread is to provide a central location into which I can put information and the like which I deem significant and worth knowing about, as well as my own observations and opinions, subject to the usual BFC rules, as well as certain request and strictures coming from BFC. In this way, there should be no further thread proliferation and "real post" ranking issues. Other members are, of course, welcome to participate in what I post, but I ask that you be respectful. Argue against the ideas I present; don't attack me. As some may have noted, I have formal requests in to the Mods to kill two separate threads. If they choose to do so, that should further alleviate matters on the CMBS Forum as a whole.
    John Kettler
  11. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to Hister in Uh so has Debaltseve fallen?   
    I think time constraints prevent him from doing so. He does probably follow all the conflict zones but not at such detail as with the Ukrainian one. Since Ukraine is directly connected to his work (CMBS) he probably had to spend so much time on it plus it's obvious this is not only work but also his passionate hobby. 
    Correct Steve?  
    I must say I really enjoy reading his insights about Ukraine written in previous and in this thread. Quite remarkable he is doing this. Not many developers out there of any game type that would be so active on the forums not to say Steve is rather unique in that I don't know of any other who would be discussing such topics.
  12. Downvote
    Kraft reacted to DreDay in Uh so has Debaltseve fallen?   
    Steve I honestly don't have the time or the interest to go through your multi-page tirades (75% of which seem to be self-reflective notes and are of no value to me what so ever).

    My point is pure and simple – your "analysis" (which IMHO is not a right word to use for what you do) is biased and slanted. Every single one of your arguments on the subject that I've read is formulated with intent of making excuses for the Ukrainian side; marginalizing any of our (Western) responsibility for the mess that’s going on there, and accusing the Russians of all the ills. You speak on those matters with position of authority, which is definitely backed up by extensive research; but not by any kind of original ideas or conclusions (which is why I propose that you follow a formulated model). This wouldn’t be too bad on its own (especially if you were writing this on a Russian forum), if your model and your conclusions were not the exact replicas of what we are already fed in our mass media… so I have to question the value and overall benefit of all the research that you have done. That’s my personal take on it (and let’s just say that I am no scrub when it comes to this subject matter either), but it appears that many other forum members who have tried to take you up on this (many of whom are actually from the areas in question, have studied the conflict no less than you, and happen to have first-hand exposure to what you read about on Google-translate from some blogger-de-jure) ; but you either shut them up as “Russian Propaganda” (thankfully you have not put me into that bracket yet), or drag them into your endless debates where you never allow yourself to deviate from the model and dismiss other people’s views (including personal accounts) as less relevant than your beliefs (that’s where I see myself fitting in right now). This makes for a very dull and one-sided debate that might be enjoyable to you, but few others.

    I have been warned by several forum members (who are obviously smarter than me) to avoid getting into debates with you on this subject due to their complete fruitlessness, but I saw it otherwise. Now I hear their point loud and clear. So if you consider someone bowing out of the debating you because they see it as fruitless and don’t get any enlightenment from it, then by all means call it “avoiding the tough questions” and “running away”… as I’ve said to another poster here – I certainly would not lose any sleep over it…

    I am sorry if the above sounds harsh, but that is my honest take on your self-imposed status of an expert and a moral authority on “All Things Ukraine”.

    I do very much enjoy your games and I hope that our disagreement here would not lead to your (and your colleagues’) response to my (technical and much more tangible) suggestions in game-related threads - which in the past has been stellar and is very much appreciated and valued by this loyal customer.

    Peaches and luv!
  13. Upvote
    Kraft got a reaction from George MC in Ambush - no spoilers   
    Lovely map, setting and mission, it really looks and feels believable. So many details and on a map small enough to not ruin my frame rate completely with all the objects.
    The sniper team at the far left end of the map was really a pain for me, I wasted so much time and ammo on their location just for him to poke out again and again to kill the poor guy who is now supposed to do the buddy aiding to the medic before him. That bastard took atleast 5 of my men out of the fight for good and wounded several - while still being alive at the end of the game, in the same spot. I'm not sure why my BMP-2s and BTR-70s could not convince him to leave his little position - in my experience the volume of lead going his way and exploding around him would've pressed every non fanatic into crawl back a few tiles.
    The air support wasn't helping at all and actually counter productive - killed more Ukrs than Russians and I even had to cancel them in the end because they started shooting ATGMs at my convoy, luckily a tree ate it.
    I had more luck with the river, one got stuck for a moment. I lost just a single BTR-70 during the mission - he took an RPG to the front after he got out of the water and close to the road where he was supposed to provide overwatch for my Inf clearing the building. Although I had a lot of overwatch covering the BTR they failed to spot the squad inside the building (had Infantry just across the road from the building and they got not a single vague sound marker or anything that could've warned me - blind and deaf idiots ), they repaid the deed greatly though.
    Best scenario I've played in any of the CM titles. 
  14. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to panzersaurkrautwerfer in Why doesn't the US Air Support roster in CMBS have the A-10 on it?   
    He comes.  The lamentations of the ground dwellers will be heard to the heavens, and all laid low at His passing.  It has been foretold in Prophecy.  
  15. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to Vanir Ausf B in Russian Optics and Spotting in general   
    I have finally got some time to look into this. Despite being an uncooled device it is not clear to me that the TIM 5000 is necessarily less capable than the Catherine FC. It does have a lower resolution, but it sees further into the infrared spectrum than the Catherine FC and has a more powerful zoom.

    Catherine FC
    Spectral Band: 8-12 μm
    Field of view (FOV):
    Wide FOV : 9° x 6.7° Narrow FOV : 3° x 2.2° Electronic zoom (x2) : 1.5° x 1.1°
    Image resolution: 754 x 576
    TIM 1500
    Spectral band: 7.5 - 14 mm
    Format 640 x 480 28 mm pitch
    Field of view (horizontal) Wide 10.1°; Narrow 3.3°
    Electronic zoom 2x, 3x, 4x
  16. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to snake_eye in Donetsk Airport map   
    Donetz Airport with some Russians troops in the damaged terminal




  17. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to Thewood1 in Request to BFC Please Disable Emoticon Default   
    Could I ask you to put all of your semi-game related topics into one general modern equipment, Youtube videos, tank porn, and random links thread.  The first six threads are yours, and 7 of the threads on the first page of the forum are yours.  Some good threads that are directly game related are getting pushed off the first page.  At the pace you are going, all the threads on the first page will be yours and have only a passing connection to discussing the game.
    Or move them to general discussion.
  18. Downvote
    Kraft reacted to John Kettler in Request to BFC Please Disable Emoticon Default   
    Emoticons are fine, for those so inclined, but the only one I've ever used was entirely accidental, wholly unwanted by me and occurred on this Forum because I was tired and forgot to deselect the blasted check box. Respectfully request you make traditional writing the default setting and Enable Emoticons a user selectable option.
    John Kettler
  19. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to agusto in Static defenses   
    "Its alrigth honey, we can try it again later"
  20. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to Tank Hunter in Soviet tank training required destruction of an enemy tank within 60 Seconds!?   
    You're right this is from the CAT competition.
    Here is the data I have from the book
    Team                  -   Tank         -   Time between Detection and Hit - No Of Hits - Hit %
    USA                   - M1 Abrams -   10.2 sec                                  -  44-45       - 93%
    The Netherlands  - Leopard 2    -   11.9 sec                                  -  46           - 96%
    West Germany   - Leopard 2    -    11,9 sec                                 -  42-45       - 91%
    West Germany   - Leopard 1    -    16,2 sec                                 -  45           - 93%
    Belgium             - Leopard 1    -     16,2 sec                                -  41            - 85%
    UK                    - Chieftain      -     13 sec                                   - 38             - 79%
    USA                  - M60A3        -     14,1 sec                                 - 37            - 77%
    Canada              - Leopard C1   -    16,2 sec                                - 34            - 71%
    As you can see UK did not excel in any way, their detection times was decent but hit probability was not so good compared to top tier.
    What's interesting is comparison between Leo tanks, look at the times, it seems that those are what you could expect to get from Leo tank since it does not differ from country to country, hit % however is another story. Canadians had 71% in Leo 1 while the Germans had 93%
  21. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to Schmoly War in Uh so has Debaltseve fallen?   
  22. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to panzersaurkrautwerfer in Uh so has Debaltseve fallen?   
    1. Pyotr.  Stalin was already taken, so rock will do for now.  
    2. Taylor Swift (she just doesn't know it yet)
    3. The secret hero of defeat of HATO in the Novorussia front will reveal himself to both exist and be the spawn of Putin at the proper time, astride two Armatas, each driven by bears fed only with the most tender of the homosexuals.  
  23. Downvote
    Kraft reacted to Stagler in Buttoned or unbuttoned spotting.   
    Sadly, there is no model or proven method of proving that any sensors ingame actually work. Its just an arbitrary chance based on time and distance it seems when your actually playing.
  24. Upvote
    Kraft got a reaction from LukeFF in How to use the Khrizantema?   
    Sure, obviously the murica bias is also why the same engine limitation makes every US recon vehicle useless
  25. Upvote
    Kraft reacted to Kieme(ITA) in Kieme's modding corner   
    Kieme CMBS BTR-80-82
    Special thanks to BTR for providing the ideal green base textures
    This mod covers the BTR-80a, 80ak, 82, 82a and 82k variants.
    IMPORTANT: this mod comes in 3-tone camo and dark green versions, please make sure you choose only one to use.
    3-tone camo download: https://app.box.com/s/epo5cea3s33l42p55vzr04lm5cov1o2l
    3-tone camo preview:

    Plain dark green download: https://app.box.com/s/2gm061govy27eoxgp9cftxgmpclvr31y
    Plain dark green preview:

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