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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. I agree. However, I don't know if we will ever see non-combatants in CM. A work around is to use the un-armed spies as non-combatants. Several scenarios have used this approach. Below is a link to one such scenario where you must evacuate non-combatants (spies) from a consulate that is under siege (a little bit like Bengazi). It was originally made for CMSF1 but works in CMSF2. https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-shock-force-2/cm-shock-force/consulate-evacuation/
  2. The large church is the strongest building type in CM. Probably use the large church in combination with modular buildings to get the look you want. Below is a link to a post where building strengths, etc. were tested. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/123150-buildings-collapsing/?do=findComment&comment=1679833
  3. Okay, I've got one very small three scenario,branching test campaign compiled. Below are the notes I took and updated through reading the manual, trial and error and forum searches etc. I'm sure improvements and additional information can be added. Comments and advice are welcome. Directions and some examples can be found in the 4.0 Engine manual starting on page 113. Core Unit Scenario: Create and save a core units scenario file. The 3-D map will not be used in the campaign. The name of this scenario will be the title of the campaign. The units on the map (both red & blue) will be imported into the battle scenarios. The special campaign briefing (with strategic & operational but no tactical maps) and other information (title, description image) comes from this core unit scenario. If you want to make an eight scenario campaign you need nine scenarios. A core unit scenario file plus the eight battle scenario files. The victory / defeat script for the core unit scenario file is the victory/defeat script used at the end of the campaign AAR. Synchronization: If changes are made to the core unit after a battle scenario has been created, then synchronization between the core unit scenario and battle scenarios must be completed. Core units that were deleted from the original (previous version) battle scenario must be deleted again from the revised version. To synchronize open up the battle scenario file and Import the core Units again. Core Units already in the scenario retain almost all of their customization, such as placement, Group assignments, Orders, etc. (Implies some customization is lost, but not sure what) Battle Scenario: The 170x170 description image is not used by the battle scenarios. Import the core units. Delete core units that are not needed for this battle scenario. Add additional non-core units that are needed for this battle scenario. Campaign Script File: Create a txt campaign file. Refer to the example in the Engine manual. The easiest way is probably to copy a previous txt campaign file. Go through the copied txt file changing entries to the current campaign while referring to the examples. The file name of the txt campaign script file is also the name of the campaign. Compile Campaign: Put all the files (battle scenarios) for the campaign in the same folder with the txt script file. I created the folder inside the briefing folder. The core unit scenario can also be put in this folder but is not mandatory. Next do the following: 1) Open Editor. 2) Load core unit scenario 3) Click on make campaign (in the drop-down under 3-D Preview). 4) A window will open. Click Continue. 5) A window will open for you to locate the txt campaign script file 6) Select (one click) the campaign txt file. 7) IF no error a new file with the .CAM extension will appear in the campaign folder. ERRORS: Correct any errors and repeat the above steps. The editor counts open lines when it tells you what line has an error. A successfully compiled campaign will automatically load in the games campaign folder. You can’t open a campaign file in the editor. Close out of the editor and load the campaign as if you were going to play it. NOTE: The campaign creator (You) must keep the individual battles or lose the ability to make changes to the campaign. Also, I think below is how the Refit, Repair, Resupply & Rest work in the campaign script. It seems to be an all or nothing event in each of the four separate categories. Example: depending on the percentage roll for supply either all the fire teams and vehicles will be topped off with ammo or none will be. It is a percentage of the chance of unit wide resupply occurring instead of a percentage of the supply getting replaced .......... I think. I'm less sure on this. The conversation in a separate thread on the below issue went silent..... % chance of Refit = Replacing all destroyed vehicles and men in the core unit? % chance of Repair Vehicle = Repair all immobilized vehicles & bring all subsystems back to green. % chance of Resupply = Top off every fire team & vehicle with ammo % chance of Rest = Every troop & crewman is fully rested (vs tired, exhausted, etc.). Please point out any mistakes or improvements that could be made.
  4. CMRT September 1944. It may be month and year specific, not sure. I've done the above many times without paying attention to the month / year so I think it is fairly common. Anyways, I know September 1944 works in CMRT. Try that. Then, below in the UI set the mortars to "On Map" and the mortar ammo vehicles to dismounted. Since the mortar ammo vehicles are in the same unit they will combine into one ammo dump. If you want separate dumps you have to get ammo vehicles from different formations.
  5. I think it is just 3 hours but @George MC CMRT Der Ring Der 5 Panzer is very good.
  6. +1 NICE!!! I have the above unit crest on one of my old berets. I spent most of my time in the 313th MI Bn. of the 82nd (the unit crest in my moniker). But I also did a few months in the Division's HQ, HQ Company in the 1980s. The above crest was worn by HQ Company. Maybe a few other Division level units also wore it? I don't remember now. Of course we all wore the division shoulder patch except it was subdued on our BDUs. Cool mod, thank you.
  7. +1. Interesting stuff. At a quick glance it seems like the 30 Panzergrenadier Commandments were to support these guidelines. I now have the Kindle edition of this book so I will give it a closer look.
  8. They are in the TOE of a formation. And on the map when mortars are set to "On Map'. The one the screenshot came from Panzergrenadier Battalion [armored], 1st Company, 4th Platoon (Heavy [armored]), 3rd Section (Mortar [armored]).
  9. +1 And thank you again. @Aquila-SmartWargames
  10. +2 Thanks @IanL. I'll take a look at those.
  11. I can understand this in modern titles. I have seen it myself. But not so much in WW2 titles for the reasons I listed in Erwin's post.
  12. In WW2 titles or modern titles? In modern titles with thermals etc. I could see this happening. I would not expect to see it very often in the WW2 titles. Unless of course you are playing against a human. My understanding is the Tac AI does not fire on tentative contacts. Only confirmed. So in a modern title it is possible that a TC with modern equipment has a confirmed contact on an infantry team in smoke etc. It is much less likely for a buttoned WW2 TC to get a confirmed contact. Maybe a tentative but the AI won't (as far as I understand) fire at a tentative contact. And there is the other issue where smoke is now more difficult to area fire through. If smoke/dust floats across the gunners sights they cease fire. So for a buttoned WW2 (so no IR) Tac AI to get a confirmed spot on troops in smoke and quickly fire on them would, I think, be unusual.
  13. If it was a H2H game it was probably the opposing player and not the Tac AI that had the Sherman fire at your team. The other player probably had at least tentative contact on your team and ordered his tank to area fire. He may also have had a confirmed contact from some other unit of his that spotted your sneaking team.
  14. +1. Thank you @George MC for the guidance & advise. I'll add some of the above, that I didn't already have, to my notes. If anybody else has any tips please post them. This topic is tagged with campaign, script & compile so people doing searches in the future will hopefully find this thread and learn something from it. Doing my own searches on this topic I have read and taken notes from other posts that are over nine years old.
  15. WOW. That worked and got me down to line 12. Three examples from the forum that I was using had the B lower case. But I just double checked the Engine manual page 117 and there it is upper case. "Sigh" Thank you Sir. Now on to line #12..................
  16. I've been attempting to compile a small test campaign. Just taking notes, reading forum posts and trying to understand how this works. I keep getting the following error: Incorrect syntax in campaign script on line 5. I have tried everything I can think of with line #5. I deleted, re-typed, copied and pasted Line #5s from other campaigns. I don't know what the problem is. Below are the first eight lines of the campaign script txt file. The editor is advising the problem is on line five. I seems like the editor counts the open lines. As a result I think the problem is with: [bLUE VICTORY TEXT] Congratulations! Any adult supervision would be greatly appreciated. /* Alarm Unit*/ [PLAYER FORCE] Red [HUMAN OPPONENT ALLOWED] No [bLUE VICTORY TEXT] Congratulations! [bLUE DEFEAT TEXT] You lost [RED VICTORY TEXT] You won. [RED DEFEAT TEXT] You lost. EDIT: The forum forces you to have open lines between the above text so I can't make it display as it does in the actual txt file. In the file there is an empty line after [HUMAN OPPONENT ALLOWED] No and then again after [bLUE DEFEAT TEXT] you lost.
  17. Okay, just read this and I'm trying to make sure I understand it. What is the answer? Do you get all 10 vehicles or just one? From reading the entire thread I think it is all 10 but want to be sure. Does this % chance work the same in all four categories? For example % chance of Rest. I have 30 exhausted troops. The percentage roll is in my favor so all 30 troops report for duty as rested? I think it is always an all or nothing result depending if you win the % roll or lose the % roll? Example: Refit = Every destroyed vehicle and KIA soldier is replaced or none are. Repair Vehicle = Every red subsystem is returned to green or none are. Resupply = All ammo supply for every fire team & vehicle is returned to Full or it remains in its current supply state (limited, scarce, etc.) Rest = Every troop and crewman are returned to rested or they remain in their various states of tired, exhausted, ready, etc. Thanks for your continued patience in this matter ......
  18. +1 That is both true and funny. Leave it to @domfluff to cut straight to the point.
  19. +1. Very cool to see in action. I think you might have missed HUMINT on the Hammer's location. That intel is one of the quicker ways to end the executions at the Ministry of Interior compound. But there is more than one way to save/recruit the condemned piexeltroopen.
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