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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Am I the only one who thinks the Tank Commander of the first Sherman crew to bail bears a resemblance to Brad Pitt? Then again, The Real Brad would "go down with the ship".
  2. If it's mobile AA you're after, the 20mm x 4 Flakvierling may be just the ticket. It comes mounted on a halftrack.
  3. Thank you, Vein. So now that we have white flags, there's hope we may see a France 1940 module after all. Granted that is an awful amount of flags. Dare say more flags than soldiers to wave them!
  4. "Finding Steve"? He's with Nemo.
  5. I'll be in the theatre next door, watching The Penguins of Madagascar in 3D.
  6. Well played, Ian. You'd make a fine politician. BTW, what are you doing in October? We could use a Prime Minister.
  7. The Siege of Sevastopol would be a challenge to simulate. And a blast to play. Please BFC, make it so.
  8. Have you heard? They're making a sequel to this piece of dross (with apologies to "dross", I know you're out there). Working title: "The Fast and the Fury-less".
  9. A funny thing happened on the way to the movie theatre last month. My wife and I agreed on the theatre but not the movie. She ended up seeing "The Penguins of Madagascar" (in 3D, no less) while I saw "Fury". At least she got her money's worth. I'll say it again: I should have listened to her.
  10. I assume there is a lot of hand gesturing during these "moments of inspiration"? Especially among the Italians. And perhaps even a threatening tone from some of the Sicilians. A little known fact has the latter being rationed cotton balls prior to "inspiring" their troops.
  11. An oldie but a goodie, by George. Wagner would approve.
  12. It appears someone mistook this for the Canadians (are) Made For Insulting thread. My apologies to OP Stripes75 for the "threadjack". PS - I vote to make Banesy an "Honourary Canadian". Please show him the appropriate level of respect. PSS - If we can't make him Honourary can we at least make him Honourable? If not, can we at least call him Bill Murray? PSSS - Would someone please close this thread before my keyboard runs out of the letter "S"?
  13. I hear Gitmo's nice this time of year. But it ain't Nashville.
  14. I'm with ya, Banesy. Très immersif! Happy Hogmanay to all!
  15. There's a new sheriff in town. And his name is Panzer 424.
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