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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. John, John, John. How can you talk food at a time like this? Can? Food? Food in a can? Who needs tanks and trucks? Send us some Spam!
  2. Pardon the pornographic pun but you "nailed it", Kip.
  3. Dude, you've gotta set the bar somewhere. I mean, we all have standards.
  4. Who or what is this "Peng" of which you speak?
  5. How do you think the good people of Port Townsend feel? BTW, belated congratulations. I'll look forward to receiving an invitation in the mail (or as you would say, "in the male").
  6. If, as Myles suggests, it could be 2016 before the next RT release, so be it. If it's as good as the original, it'll be worth the wait. Of course, I'd be more than grateful for any scenarios and/or campaigns that came down the pipe sooner - as opposed to later. Fingers crossed.
  7. And they moved to Port Townsend (in the state of Washington, where you are not allowed to love another man - but neither Toblakai nor Michael Enema can be considered men, either biologically or otherwise - yet bestiality is kosher) to spread their demon seed and...oh yes, I almost forgot...the word of God. And they lived unhappily ever after. (Hey, don't blame me. Its all written in The Good Book.) Inshallah. (That makes five posts in ten minutes. But then, who's counting?)
  8. And their offspring shall herald the coming apocalypse. As children of the Devil are wont to do. And it was good. Except for the part where we could no longer look forward to upcoming modules from BFC. (At least one of us is trying to stay on topic).
  9. So, it's decided then. Toblakai and wife Michael shall wed. Between them they share a wit...and a bed. (Damn, if those aren't lyrics from a country song I don't know what is.)
  10. Seriously, the two of you deserve each other. When's the wedding?
  11. @ Toblakai [Hey, who knew I could count? I wonder if Jesus loves me, too.] @ Michael [i'll take the Enema and I'll be thinking of Toblakai the (w)hole time] Emrys I'll save the middle finger for you.
  12. @ Pope Ian Al Kanadi Damn Catholics. They told me to say twelve "Hail Mary's" and all would be forgiven. Or sumfink like that. Can you believe it? I mean, who has time to say twelve Hail Mary's? Do you realize how many threads* one could "troll" while doing something life-changing like saying Allah Akbar Maria a dozen times? (*Besides this one.)
  13. My apologies to the OP, Reiter and to IanL. We now return you to your regular program.
  14. Am I the only one who finds trolls annoying? Especially those of us who hijack the thread with their own personal agenda. When did this thread go from being about upcoming CM modules to "things Toblakai would like to see added to the wish list"? There is barely enough room on this forum for one troll, never mind one who comes across as holier than IanL.
  15. ...and don't hold back on the wafers.
  16. I, for one, vote that we make IanL the next Pope. Because if there's one thing this world needs, it's another Pope.
  17. On second thought, I don't believe those are actual "hits". Was that not the East Front camo at Kursk?
  18. Guess the correct number of hits. Win a prize!
  19. I have found that a "Slow" command usually "unbogs" the vehicle. YMMV
  20. Funny you should refer to that "other" forum as the BS. I tend to think of any forum in which I participate as The BS, if you catch my drift. In future, Battlefront may wish to consult its forumites prior to releasing a prospective title, if only to avoid a potentially awkward acronym.
  21. Apologies to the OP. We now return you to your regular program.
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