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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Spam and fried baloney? You lucky bastard! I would have given my right arm for Spam and fried baloney. I had to settle for breast milk instead. I suppose if it was good enough for my father, it was good enough for me.
  2. In many regards, Combat Mission is historically accurate. If, as you suggest it is lacking the French, it may be that the French were...how do you say...lacking.
  3. Where will the next generation of gamers come from if todays's edition is too immersed in a virtual reality to procreate?
  4. Survey says: 9 out of 10 gamers say Combat Mission is better than sex.* The 10th gamer was too "shagged out" to respond at the time. * The implications for the human race are undeniable. There are too few women gamers as it is. And too many men are otherwise occupied to "make love, not war". John Lennon was right.
  5. *SPOILER ALERT* You'll find the definition of "Overkill" @ 1:58 Thanks for sharing, Jorge.
  6. I can think of no better way to celebrate my thousandth post. (And they said it wouldn't last). Thank you for your indulgence.
  7. A threesome featuring both a Mac and a PC would have zero fallout. Try that with a redhead and a blonde.
  8. On that note, with CM you only pay for goods received once. With sex, you never stop paying. As always, YMMV.
  9. I recall having to pay for Combat Mission. I do not remember the last time I actually paid for s...On second thought, never mind.
  10. ...and with CM it doesn't matter if you can't remember her name.
  11. That is a...erm...loaded question, agusto. At least I'm not expected to engage in conversation after a mission...
  12. How I long for the the days of the floppy di(s)k...not!
  13. Then again...I have never had to put a paper bag over my computer monitor.
  14. Come on, now. Fat and ugly computers need lovin' too.
  15. Gentlemen, remember to always practice safe gaming. Your keyboard will thank you for it.
  16. In the words of John Lennon: "Happiness is a warm gun." Who am I to argue with that?
  17. Is it too much to ask to build a tollbooth that is Katyusha-proof?
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