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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Well, if they weren't "Ghosts" at the start of the scenario, they certainly are now.
  2. The envelope please. And the winner of The Best Strawman Argument of the Year goes to...
  3. @ IanL Those two Shermans wouldn't happen to belong to the infamous Ghost Division, would they?
  4. Sweet! BTW, Earl Grey, do you take one lump or two? (Inquiring minds, you know.)
  5. You say tomayto, I say tomahto. You say Jon, I say John.
  6. What was the title of that movie they made back in 2014? The one with Brad Pitt?
  7. Lucky man. I'll get there one day. In the meantime, I'll keep livin' the dream.
  8. If nothing more, it would serve as a cautionary tale to any troops lacking in motivation.
  9. @ Lt Bull A well placed arty round dropped in the vicinity should get those loaded trucks moving. Nothing says "move" better than the risk of friendly fire.
  10. You won't be disappointed. The open terrain with wooded areas scattered throughout makes for a most challenging environment. I'm currently playing the final mission of the German Campaign. Tank battles all around. Arty drops all over the map. I can barely keep track of who's hitting whom. Caught in the crossfire. And lovin' it.
  11. I can see the similarities. I imagine having a passenger bail is a lot like what the CO does in CM after hitching a ride. Except for the part where you, the driver, are taking enemy fire. I hope.
  12. Not so fast, Paul. The follow-up question is this: How many of those rounds hit the mark?
  13. Would you serve red or white wine with that?
  14. "What do you cook at home for dick?" English 101: Today's lesson is the appropriate use of capitalization.
  15. They are the unsung heroes, the vehicle drivers. "Come here. Go there. Wait 'til I get back." Man's other "best friend". And yet, when all Hell breaks loose, he's the one who keeps his head. Until he doesn't.
  16. RIP, Private Dunkin. Less dunkin', more duckin', methinks.
  17. That wouldn't be the Gramma Nazi, would it?
  18. From now on, it's Spam or nothing for me!
  19. Mom, is that you? (It's all coming back to me now. I gave up smoking the same day I gave up drinking from mammy's teat.)
  20. Breast milk's sounding better all the time.
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