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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. *SPOILER ALERT* "Devil's Descent" really is the essence of what Combat Mission is all about. But beware: 'tis not for the faint of heart. 1:17 So much senseless killing. All of this could have been avoided if they had just listened to their leader ("Wait to fire on my command.") But did they listen? No. Talk about "jumping the gun." 2:17 It's time to play "Spot the Atrocity". 5:35 So, how many shells can you stuff into a mortar tube, anyway? 6:24 Better cover your ears. I swear. 9:35 "We're taking fire." Well, thanks for stating the obvious, Lieutenant. Where have you been the last nine and a half "bleeding" minutes?! 12:40 Count the total number of shots fired. Win a prize.
  2. Thanks to the GI who actually steps on this guy before he goes on his rampage. Sometimes it's better to let sleeping dogs lie.
  3. There are glass ceilings and then there are glass floors. This one works on many levels. Ian. Good show!
  4. Love the two-point perspective here, Rinaldi. Guys giving heat, guys receiving heat. Can't get enough of these videos!
  5. Ferdinand. As in Porsche. Talk about German engineering. No, really. If you're gonna watch quality video like this, you owe it to yourself to get some quality headphones. Sennheiser brings out the mighty bass in each shell burst like no other.
  6. What was the name of that "war movie" with Brad Pitt they made way back in 2014? I don't remember either. Next time I'll just send Jorge my $13.50. Keep 'em comin,' kid.
  7. Ok. I saw "Fury". And I saw these three videos. The movie had an actor who is married to Angelina Jolie. But the videos are worth watching again. Thanks for posting.
  8. Kudos to you both, Marko and Burkey, for your generosity. Sorry to hear your plight, Sublime. Here's to a better year for all of us in 2015!
  9. I'm currently playing the third mission of the RT campaign as the Germans. The battlefield is equal parts wrecking yard and traffic jam...strewn with flaming tanks...mostly Russian. I never encountered this many tanks on a BN map. The size and openness of the field in RT is well suited to this type of battle. I'm seeing tank icons in my sleep!
  10. Scheiße! (I mean...Danke!)
  11. In other news, contrary to popular belief, Bill Murray is merely an "Honourary" Canadian, as opposed to Canadian by birth. You might say he's an actor of a different "Stripe".
  12. Peace and love to my brothers across the waves. May the sun never set upon your shores. PS - My uncles chose to defend democracy. And see the world at the same time. Talk about a win-win. Ah, sweet freedom!
  13. I'm currently engaging the Russians in the third mission of the campaign. And I've been gifted two 37mm AA guns with trucks. Problem is...I am unable to move the guns. Is this even possible? (I remember a discussion in the CM:BN Forum but do not recall the issue having been fully resolved).
  14. How very "Ontario" of you, Ian. I agree, though, anyone willing to look closely is rarely disappointed.
  15. @ Drizzt Do you have any children you might consider selling off? You could always make another one (between CM scenarios, of course.) Happy shopping!
  16. I see I'm in pretty exclusive company here. Any more Canadians in the house? Bill Murray would be proud. (He's one of us, eh.)
  17. @ Kuderian How about an AAR update? Been two weeks and counting...gotta get me my FI fix!
  18. Agreed. Sure there's a battle raging all around us on the screen. But one should "stop and see the roses". Am I the only one who spends half his time looking at the "game within the game"? From the finer detail of the killing machines right down to the signs on the shops. Check out the inscriptions on headstones and don't forget to look inside the buildings. The choice of wallpaper in some would stir even Oscar Wilde from his eternal slumber.
  19. Don't worry. Someone is working on a Forum Mod as we speak.
  20. Because Russians are known for their...hic...wine.
  21. Nice screenies there, Rapper. Rather foreboding, I must add, since I've just started the campaign as the Germans.
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