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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by agusto

  1. I found some vids of the FSA using truely medieval weaponary: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6d6_1366572893 http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d4c_1366575109
  2. Sorry if i ask something that has already been answeared before (i didnt follow the AAR for the whole time), but are those SITMAPS something you did manually (ie Photoshop) or are they a new feature of the upcoming Gustav Line module? They kinda look like a mixture of both.
  3. +1 for customizable SOPs. IMO the SLOW command we currently have models 2 different styles of military crawling wich is IMO why it appears to be excessively exhausting. IRL you can crawl as you see it animated in the game (using knees and arms) but you can also "crawl" just using your hands wich on the one hand provides more conceament because you keep a lower profile but on the other hand is much more exhausting. The SLOW command in the game is probably something between those 2 crawling styles.
  4. Wow that s awesome. I have always wished for a scenario like that after watching all those videos on the internet.
  5. I know a great forum game! What type of Panzer is this? My bet (without beeing a cheater and looking through the vehicles in the editor): Tiger I. Nice screenshots btw @ Detoxer194.
  6. That would be great, indeed. I mean, i know you can do this currently by having a series of waypoints with 15 secs pauses each and assigning a target briefly command to each of the waypoints, but thats IMO cumbersome when compared to the ability of stacking multiple target briefly commands on a single waypoint.
  7. Operation Orchard (Iraq) and Operation Opera (Syria) both targeted nuclear reactors that were still under construction and not underground facilities. AFAIK Iran already has an operating nuclear power plant in Bushehr and several more are currently under contruction. We could conclude from this 1) that Israel hasnt attacked Irans nuclear reactors yet becuase they dont believe they would scuceed in doing so or that they dont believe this would be decisieve in preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons and 2) that there is no benchmark Israeli Air Srike that serves as proof that Israel has the capabilities to destroy underground uranium enrichment facilities.
  8. The video that started this thread (Men vs Tanks 1) is a compilation of video clips made by youtube user "naTanks comesSpace", the same guy who created the "Men vs Tanks 2 "video.
  9. The shreck team was only an example and i was refering to independant special weapon teams.
  10. I believe this depends on 2 factors: 1) Whether you get reinforcements between two campaign missions or not. If you have Squad X wich has Y weapons it picked up during the previous mission and this squad is (randomly) selected for beeing reinforced before the following mission, they will also be re-equipped with their standard gear. That first point is just my observation, not sure if its true. and 2) Special weapon teams are always reinforced and get their special weapons replaced if they arent anihalated (yes, i know its not spelled like that, but i m too tired right now to look every third word up in the dictionary). So if you have a 2 men shreck team for example and the shreck guy gets killed and the ammo bearer survives, you will get a new shreck guy in the next mission, complete with a new shreck. I am pretty sure this second point is true, IIRC its either stated like that in the manual or i read it in a comment made by Steve.
  11. If you bomb the ventilation shafts, the personell inside the underground facilities is going to die, nothing else. Just wait until the bombardement is over, build new shafts, continue as planned. That wouldnt be a decisive action, only a delaying one. An Israeli nuclear first strike on Iran? Seriously? That would turn the Middle East into nice theme for future iterations of CMSF, i mean guess how its neighbors are going to react. Such a drastic action would probably also deprieve Isreal from the US/Western support and without that support, Israel wont survive the following war. Between 2001 and 2005, roughly 20% of Israels military budget came from US tax payers (Foreign-Military-Financing-Programm), the Israeli Airforce is 100% dependent on the US equipment wise. I dont believe Israel on its own is going to be able to permanently prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons without using them themselves. They maybe can delay it (as they did in the past), but without a successful ground invasion of wich Israel alone isnt capable, Iran is ultimately going to get its nuclear weapons. @Vanir Auf. B: Werent there US Presidents who said that a nuclear armed North Korea was unacceptable?
  12. Really? I think that in CMSF i once carried a Javelin i picked up from one campaign mission over to the next, but i could be wrong,.
  13. Humans are most creative when it comes to blowing each other up. The artillery delivered UAV was what impressed me most in this video.
  14. Recently the successor of the video that started this thread was uploaded to youtube; Men vs Tanks 2: Compilation of ANNA clips filmed with SAA T-72/BMP onboard cameras. Contains footage we havent had yet in this thread IIRC. 59 Minutes. 1080 HD. English subs.
  15. In some cases the set-up zones allow placing units within the enemys LOF without the player beeing told so in the briefing and it also not beeing obvious that placing a unit at a certain location might not be the smartest idea, giving you a nice surprise on the first turn. But that is a really, really rare occurance.
  16. Wich leads to the question if it makes a difference if i give mines "veteran" or "conscipt" experience in the editor. Will AT mines with -2 motivation run away if a tank approaches them? And what about the fitness of mines?
  17. AFAIK cmmods.greenasjade.net used to host CMSF mods in the past but when i try to accsess the CMSF section right now it shows me an "Application Offline for Maintenance" message. So my guess is it will come online again in the next few weeks. Btw wich CMSF mods exists that arent at the Repository?
  18. Well, it is a wargaming forum. The only long, hard barrels we are supposed to talk about are attached to rotating turrets, i guess.
  19. I think that is a clear indication that this was not an active tank. Probably the story behind the vid is like that: the rebels disabled the tank (mobility kill), the crew bailed out and ran away and because the rebels knew they wont be able to neither repair the vehicle in the field nor move it away, they decided to destroy it so the SAA wont be able to retrieve it and put it back in action. That would at least sound plausible. I cant believe they would be so stupid to attack and active tank Hollywood style with a grenade down the barrel.
  20. Another Al-Nusra video documenting 1) assembly of a VBIED, 2) planning of the operation by using google maps and 3) execution of a massive VBIED attack on an apearent SAA base: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3d2_1363039227 The vid has a several minutes long interview with a man who is probably the driver (the guy with the long hair who gets all the hugs before they sit a round a laptop, planning the route the truck will take). Would be interesting if someone could give even just a rough translation of what his motivation was to do this. I think what looks like the tanks gun firing is actually just the explosion of the first grenade that was thrown down the barrel.
  21. That is a great choice for a map to play . I have wanted to see more of that map from the moment i saw a bit of it in the Gustav Line videos with the AA guns that came online last week or so.
  22. You should take a look at the mathematics that are behind of what he says. To bad we dont have a smilie that points a gun to its head . Like that: http://t00nfish.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/awesome-guy-smiley-headshot-z00m.jpg @Erwin: Those are interesting test results. Thanks for posting.
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