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Everything posted by agusto

  1. I ve never tried to demolish a building in CMx2 with demo charges. Usually i use artillery or tank cannons for that purpose and it has always worked for me.
  2. And for those among us who understand german here is "Hitler und der Leasingvertrag":
  3. I do it same way as Bulletpoint: if i feel the game engine kinda cheated on me, i reload the game. I save regularly to avoid me getting information from these reloads that i wouldnt have got without them. For example yesterday i accidentialy gave a tank crew a "bail out" order instead of a "pause" order and they all died as a result .
  4. Two psychiatrists meet in Vienna in 1944. The first one greets with "Heil Hitler!", the other one replies "What? Heal* him yourself!". *(German "heil" = imperative of "to heal"). A man goes to the doctor in germany in 1942 and says "Doctor, i think i am suffering from an inferiority complex.". The doctor replies: "I have good news for you! You dont suffer from an inferiority complex, you are inferior!"
  5. AFAIK he was never promoted beyond the rank of Gefreiter (=Corporal? I thought Gefreiter = PFC) because his superiors thought he was not suited for a leadeship position. They were kinda right, werent they...
  6. Well, Hitler has never been particularly famous for his sense of humor. I remeber that i once read in Joachim Fests Hitler biography that he (Hitler) found it funny to talk about disguting stuff while eating togather with his subordinates in order to spoil their appetite.
  7. Assaulting buildings can be done in a similar way in WW2: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=82927
  8. Yeah, but sometimes a heavy fire mission would be wasted ammunation if you just want to surpress an enemy formation. That depends on calibre and rounds per square meter.
  9. If you want surpress an enemy a slower ROF can create a longer lasting effect. Or somtimes you maybe just want to harass the enemy for a couple of turns without wasting too much ammo. Also, IIRC, your artillery battery will need more time to "regenerate" after a heavy fire mission than after a light or a medium mission, depending of the amount of rounds fired. After quick/light mission your battery will be able to fire another mission after a shorter amount of time than after a long/heavy mission.
  10. IIRC: Quick: 2-4 rounds Short: 6-12 Medium: 12-18 Long: 20-28 Maximum: all available ammunation I mostly use short and medium missions.
  11. Several ultra close calls for rebel technical: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBDeHGFN9Dk
  12. I think that the game uses HE rounds as spotting rounds and if those are depleted, you cant issue other fire missions anymore as well.
  13. That is exactely what i did on my first try - and i lost half of my vehicles within the first 10 minutes. In retrospect i now know that this was probably due to me just moving too fast not hosing down all possible threat buildings, only the ones that did seem to be the most dangerous. Oh, and i also found all of the IEDs the hard way - probably a misunderstanding of the briefing. Anyways, i am going to give it another try this evening i guess and see how far i get this time.
  14. Maybe i have masochistic tendencies, but i enjoy complex and detailed computer games. After all, that is why i play Combat Mission. I did try out other games but most of them werent complex and detailed enough for my taste. I actually find that Combat Missions complexity can even be compared to the complexeity of chess - and that is not something i just say, i did actively play chess tournaments for several years. Sometimes i litterally spend days just thinking of tactics without playing a single turn. If a scenario is just about finding the enemy and shoot him without facing serious resistance, i get bored quickly. I enjoy playing unusual secnarios and facing new tactical challenges. Map size is just a question of computing power. The larger the maps and the more units are involved, the more computing power is going to be necessary to run it. Of course BFC releases maps that can be played on most customers PCs, but if you want to you can just go to the editor and make a 10 x 10km map. IIRC there is no built-in map size limit in the CMx2 editor, so the only limit is what your computer can handle. Mine (usually) crashes if the map is larger than 2,5 x 2,5km.
  15. Scipios Silhouettes v130b http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=996
  16. Great scenario. At first i took a look at the mission, then my forces and then the terrain and my thought was "How the hell i am supposed to do that?" wich is exactely what i imagine to be the real syrian commanders thought when he was told to move into a city with a force consisting almost only of vehicles.
  17. I would love to help you JK but unfortunately im an neither of italian nationality nor do i speak italian. My nickname (wich admittedly does sound italian) is the result of my email providers domain wich is @ag.us.to and that it sounds italian just happened by accident . I just took it and made a nickname out of it because i have never been very creative at inventing nicknames. Anyways, since the website of the group you mentioned can be set to be displayed in english, i would suggest you just write them an email in english, they will surely appreciate your interest in their activitys and send you a reply.
  18. When i come across a mission in a campaign that i just cant beat and that causes so many casualties on my side that i cant go forward in the campaign, i let a few weeks pass and then try again to beat that mission. I dont see a reason why i should replay several missions i did already master just in order to get to the same point where i had already been.
  19. I just removed the last pockets of resistance on the Martyrars Square and Muammar Gaddafi complimented me. It is always great to see an old dictator smile . The final results: http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/8516/happymuamaer2.jpg
  20. +1. I reload a save game when things like that happen to me: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=108942 I find that it is actually much more fun to live with a bad decision than to play the same part of a battle over and over again.
  21. SAA tanks and infantry assaulting a rebel position. Direct RPG hit at 06:30: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=q9SmLK2pZwg#!
  22. Old soviet made joystick guided ATGM vs tank: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ec7_1370084776 2 more ATGM videos: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d63_1368292527
  23. Yeah, the right flank looks inviting. The next time i try this mission i am going to take this approach.
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