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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by agusto

  1. Oh, yeah. Now that you say it i see it too . Hmmm...that is not even such a bad idea! If you look at the shadow on the white pillar in the right portion of the picture at 00:00 and then compare it to the same shadow on the same white pillar at 00:58, 02:03, 03:57, 05:55, it does not appear to have moved significantly in any direction. Given the low quality of the video and the different angles from wich see the shadow, there is of course some inaccuracy in this estimate, but i am sure that the action you see happened within a timespan of 5-120 minutes maximum. My guess is though, given situation, that the whole action took less than 30 minutes. Both esitmates are within the timescale of a CM game. Could be caused by clouds that temporarely cover the sky above combat area, reducing the sunlight.
  2. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4d5_1364807713 Less than 5 minutes from the tank being disabled to it beeing towed away - and all that under constant fire from AT and infantry weapons.
  3. So the Marder crew in question is displaying the hand signal for wet armpits?
  4. Rare FSA tank vs SAA tank engagement: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=377_1368388611 Another tank vs tank: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a4c_1368196643 More tank vs tank: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4be_1360284637 RPG vs tank: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d6b_1368388156 Tank vs FSA camera man (who films the actual shell flying towards him and manages it to yell Allahu Akbar before the impact): http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d41_1365861815 AK-47 vs tank: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d1e_1358162297 Ridiculous rebel propaganda video. Action starts at 2:00: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=0ad_1367877181
  5. Graviteam sure has some very interesting looking games. If i had more more time to play games, i would probably get Steel Armor - Blaze of War.
  6. If you look closely, the soldier in the screenshot not only has 4 hands but also 2 heads :eek:.
  7. If only a single track is damaged, how about beeing able to rotate the vehicle? Currently a tank with a single track shot off is completely imobilized but i am not sure if that is really accurate from techincal point of view. I mean: why cant tank rotate its hull if one track is still functional?
  8. But it would be great eye-candy to see guys fast rope from helicopters onto the battlefield, wouldnt it?
  9. The main goal of modern warfare is still nothing else but to succeed in acomplishing the mission while suffering minimum casualtis, the same as it was in ancient times, where hoplites tried to stab eachother in the face. The only reason why David vs Goliath scenarios (like US vs Syria/Iraq) appear to be so disporportional casualty wise is because they are what they are: a superpower with state of the art post year 2000 equipment and training vs a state with an at least 1000 times smaller military budget and 1970s Soviet equipment. Suffering 1:1 casualaties in such a conflict would be nothing but an example of extremely bad leadership and organisation and thus impossible to sell politically. But if, for example, the US were to wage war versus an equally developed foe, casualties would be of course much higher on the Blue side than in Iraq or Afgahnistan.
  10. My suggestion is to use images sized below 1024x768 or similar so they dont take too much space on peoples screens. If you want to attach images larger than that size, at least i personally would be more comfortable with only having the link to the image in your post instead of the full image. If you want to resize your images (change resolution and DPI), you can use the free Artweaver demo, a Photoshop clone. Google tells you where to download it. Also, dont directly attach them to your posts but use an external host like http://imageshack.us/ instead. If you directly attach them using the forums attachment manager, they will be resized automatically. You can insert those externally hosted images into your posts using [img*]http://example.com/example.jpeg[/img*] without the *.
  11. Really nice of you MikeyD to make this after GerogeMCs request. Probably i am going get all the Syrian sand-camo mods after Gerorge releases his Darayya tank scenario, they are going to be an excellent addition.
  12. "War is not nice." - Barbara Bush. And it is not just not nice, it also apearently reached Turkey: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=588_1368303806
  13. That probably depends on the game you want buy. Wich BF game do you want to buy used?
  14. LOL @ 09:00 - 09:15 Also not bad: 09:28 - 09:36
  15. EDIT: Deleted. Further research into the matter using google proved my statement wrong.
  16. The Leibstandarte: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m86rpoynRj1r3gfw3o1_1280.jpg The Liebstandarte: http://static2.demotix.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/a_scale_large/1200-1/photos/1340711567-shouts-of-joy-for-gay-pride-in-new-york_1299801.jpg Always those fine differences in the german language... Sorry for posting off-topic, btw.
  17. If i understand you right, the .wav file that contains the dog sound is 219 mb in size and the free audio converter only accepts input files smaller than 100mb (i wasnt aware of that, the largest input file i have ever tried to convert with that converter was around 6 mb). If you use the Windows Movie Maker to cut out the dog though, this shouldnt be a problem. The biggest possible output file the WMM will give your from a 219 mb input file will probably be about 20 to 50 mb (the WMM isnt capable of producing the large .wav format, only the much smaller .wmv), small enough that it should be accepted by the free anything-to-wav converter. There could only be a problem IMO if the 100mb maximum file size of the free audio converter is not the size of the input file but the size of the output file - in that case, you will have to use another converter.
  18. How to use RezExplode: 1) Copy the .brz file into the "input" folder within your "RezExplode" folder. If there is no "input" folder, create one. 2) Double click on the RezExplode icon. A folder named "-in progress-" is now automatically created. The name of the "-in progress-" folder changes automatically to "exploded" as soon as the exploding of the files is completed. 3) Now open the "exploded" folder. If everything went right, you will see a bunch of sub-folders and/or files.
  19. That is what happens when Wehrmacht soldiers get caught giving each other that special type of "buddy aid" we 've seen in the screenshot thread, remember? The german army wasnt really tolerant about such things back then.
  20. At least since there is the .950 JDJ, genetics scientists now have a good reason to work harder on the revival of the dinosaurs. Nothing stops a charging T-Rex better than a basketball sized entrance hole in the chest! Also you probably can use the .950 JDJ to commit the perfect murder: "What firearm related crime is it that you are talking about, officer? I only did a paint job in my living room and that is why it's all sprayed in red now, you know..."
  21. And i bet that is even legal in the US . No wait, you would probably need an open carry permit in some states to do this, right? BTW:
  22. 1. Explode all of the stock Normandy vXXX.brz and Normandy vXXX Commonwealth.brz files in your Data folder using rezexplode. 2. Look for the sound file that contains a barking dog. 3. If the barking dog is an independent sound file, create a new (empty) sound file that has the same name and file extesnion as the barking dog sound file and put it in your Z folder. Under Windows XP, you can do so by Rightclick on Desktop->New->Microsoft Wave Sound Format and renaming the created file to the same name as the barking dog sound file. 4. If the barking dog sound is part of a larger sound file like the background ambience noise, you will have to cut it out. You can use the Windows Movie Maker (WMM) wich comes togather with Windows to do that. After cutting the barking dog sound out and saving the file with WMM, you can convert the file you just created to .wav (wich is the only sound file extension the game accepts in my experience) with this free tool: http://audio.online-convert.com/convert-to-wav Now copy the converted and renamed modded file you just produce into your Z folder and you should be good to go without the barking dog. 5. Upload to the file produced in 3. or 4. to the Repository so others who hate the dog can can use it too. Hope i could help.
  23. Is it? I am relatively sure that the minimum map altitude change is 1 meter. You can do very detailed terrain in CMx2, also dont forget that the actual micro terrian is abstracted (as i believe) as a numerical value connected to the texture of an action spot. In my experience though one problem of creating a map with lots and lots of altitude changes is that each altitude change means additional polygons and additional polygons draw performance.
  24. May Allah, the great and mercyful, be praised for blessing his people in Syria with HD cameras. Here is some footage of the second israeli airstrike on a military complex in Damascus. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6d6_1367712024 http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=52c_1367710192 The large explosion in the first video is around 3740 meters away from the camera. Here is some footage of the aftermath:
  25. Flight time of the shell fired in the video: approximately 0.9 +-0.1 seconds,. Muzzle velocity of the T-72s 125 mm gun: approximately 900-1200 meters per second, depending on ammunation. So the distance between the tank and the camera can probably be estimated to be between 700m and 1200m.
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