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Everything posted by agusto

  1. I am at what appears to be the last mission now and i think i am going to bring the uprising to an end this weekend. Since the last time i posted a status report, i lost another few men and a BMP-3 because a tree somhow blocked its ATGM from aquiring its target - a problem the opposing T-55s main gun wasnt facing! Anyways, i am going to attach a screenshot of the end results as soon as i get them.
  2. The Brit marches are uploaded at the Repository. I hope you like them. The music should work with all CMx2 titles. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2715
  3. T-72 ultra killed: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d72_1370178096
  4. You can do that in all Theatre of War games, Erwin. If you cant live without that feature, you should check out these games. They are quite realistic and deatiled wargames too: realistic tank penetration modells, ammunation selecion and such are there. Infantry behaviour in the CMx2 series is superior and more life-like to the one in the ToW games, though. "Kursk" and "Caen" are the best parts of the series IMO, closely followed by ToW 1. You can buy them at Battlefront.com
  5. Great that you do an AAR on that scenario, i really loved playing that one.
  6. That is a frequently asked question. Here are 2 quotes from another thread that explain it well:
  7. Yeah, there is some disgusting sh*t on the internet, and in genral i try to avoid such videos too. But on the other hand, such sick things happen are a part of reality. I really hope that after the conflict in Syria is over, those who commited such atrocities are going to get punished, no matter what side they were on, but i doubt that is gonna happen. I dont know why not all of the soldiers faces were blanked out, but i am pretty sure though that those who had their faces blanked out had that done for security purposes. "On a side note, imagine if a MAG wielding IDF trooper was filmed killing a wounded member of Hamas or Hezbollah? " Well i am pretty sure that if he gets captured and the ones who hold him as prisioner saw that video where he kills a wounded member of Hamas or Hisbollah, he is not going to have pleasant death.
  8. Hmm. I never managed it to win this battle. Getting the KT wasnt a problem for me, but back then i didnt know yet that having my panzers roll over small hedgerows and fences and stuff like that is going to damage their tracks, so all my tanks except the KT were in a pretty bad shape due to my abuse of them as "bulldozers" in the previous missions. I started with 2 m-killed tanks and one with badly damaged tracks and had to use them as stationary gun positions... . But yeah, it is a great scenario, really unusual. EDIT: Take a look at this image: Larger version: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Hull_down_tank_diagram.png
  9. Great. I never played the Panzer Marsch! campaign beyond the Le Desert mission. The short time available in this mission always led to lots of casualties on my side and i decided that, with so many men lost, it wouldnt be meaningful to go on with this campaign. I am interested in how you are going to handle the pressure created by beeing given only 35 minutes to accomplish your objectives.
  10. The rebels have access to these videos too and i have seen videos of rebels torturing especially such soldiers in front of the camera after they were captured who previously appeared in other videos. They sometimes treat them like trophys. In the video i saw they were like "See who we got here! That wanna be TV star! *snip* Well, there goes his right ear..."
  11. SAA tanks and infantry in darayya, ANNA news with english subs: More SAA tanks and infantry: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=83b_1369981304
  12. Yes, i am pretty sure that CMSF makes that distinction between ammo types. But that makes sense, to distinguish between HEAT and kinec energy penetrator rounds and btw CMBN does it too to some degree! The Stummel halftrack for example fires HEAT rounds and that american HT mounted howitzer too, IIRC.
  13. What are "dampened bombs"? Google doesnt find meaningful results on this term an neither does the dictionary give me any translation of "dampened" that would be meaningful in connection with a bomb. I dont think that these bombs are wet or that they have no hope to "survive" their mission?
  14. That is not a bad result. I had similar casualties on my side and probably also inflicted similar casualties upon the americans (cant remember exactely, but 5 tanks and 150 infantry sounds like most of the enemy forces you are going to meet in this mission) and i scored a victory. The only difference is that i took the "Road to Le Desert" objective. ---->more spoilers below<---- The "Road to Le Desert" objective is undefended (or at least it was when i played this scenario), so after you have defeated the counterattack, you can just drive up to it and take it. There will probably be no resistance. It is possible though that there may be a smallish force, the briefing mentions that the american survivors of the previous battle take part in "Bloody Gulch" as well but i killed every last one them in that previous battle so i dont know what their AI plan could be.
  15. Putting a person who is defined by such traits in a leadership position is how to get soldiers killed unecessarily. A sharp mind, the capability to keep calm even under the most stressful circumstances, charisma and knowledge of military tactics should be a sucsessful commanders traits.
  16. I agree with womble, this is a hard mission. I won on the first attempt but only just and with horrible casualties. SPOILERS BELOW - SPOILERS BELOW - SPOILERS BELOW The counterattack caught me completely off guard, 1 infantry company was completely annihilated and the recon platoon was also lost. In the end i even had to have my FO team pick panzer fausts from dead bodys and engage the enemy tanks in close combat. Anyways, you are going to get unexpected (not mentioned in the briefing) emergency reinforcements halfway into the battle. They should be absoluetly sufficient to crush all remaining american forces on the map.
  17. Possible, i havent followed the details of the conflict very much in the past months. The mainstream newspapers i ve read werent detailed enough to see if the situation has changed. I bet neither the various rebel groups nor the SAA themselves know the exact number of defectors and they are probably both flooding the media with propaganda.
  18. 2 more ATGM vids in one link: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ac8_1369938827 FSA infantry combat...i cant believe these guys really appear to be winning this war: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=442_1369923808
  19. If you ever DO win in the lottery, i am gonna remind you of that .
  20. Well i ve been dissapointed by some maps and some campaigns too, but in general i am very much enjoying the game. As Steve said, your issue fits into the "cant please everybody" category, i guess. Also i cant agree with you on that point that amateur content is usually not as good as the content that comes with the game - some of the best scenarios/campaigns i played were amateur content! Anyways, if you want to play a historically acurate scenario with lots of details, i recommend you this one, "Wittmann's Demise", made by George MC: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2638
  21. I always alter background images in the main menu, the loading screen and and savegame/scenario selection menu along with the games music files depending on the campaign/side i am playing. So i am pretty much creating a small mod for myself, like the one i uploaded to the repository: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2593 Currently i am playing the british CMSF campaign and i selected this to be my main theme (main menu music): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH3JEuQPpKs I love that march, i whistle it all the time! It is so catchy ! I even know the lyrics by now. As loading screen music i chose a better version of this one: As after-battle music i am using a chorus version of the "March Of The British Greandiers", but i am really not satisfyied with it and i am currently looking for better choice. As soon as i find a music that fits better, i am going to upload a British Forces CMSF theme to the Repository.
  22. I think i did report a similar issue quite a while ago: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=107907 Didnt know the AS.42 was also affected.
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