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Everything posted by agusto

  1. You dont need the covered arc to point away from the enemy, it just needs to be short enough if you dont want your troops to engage targets beyond a certain distance. IIRC enemy troops inside the orange area will be enagged, everything else will be ignored as long as it doesnt pose a severe threat. If you dont want your arc to point in a specific direction, you can issue a circular arc by pressing the left shift key (i hope that is what you call it in english , its the one above Ctrl with the upwards pointing arrow on it) while issueing the arc. Alternatively you can use the HIDE command, although there is a big chance that unexperienced troops might break fire discipline with that command if the enemy is close by and units that HIDE also dont spot very well.
  2. 2nd video: that tank crew is ridicolusly unprofessional: scores a hit and immideatly jumps out of the tank, throwing their hands in the air and cheering .
  3. What about Syrias chemical weapons? If it turns out they could fall into the hands of radical clericals or terrorists (like the regime loses control of the country and a new goverment isnt yet established so there is a power vacuum), couldnt that result in a US/western intervention? I have to admit that i didnt follow the conflict much in the past months, but if i remember correctly there was discussion about that.
  4. If there is going to be an all-out World War 3 between Russia/China and the US, i really hope BFC makes a combat mission game about it.
  5. Well you could not just watch your soldiers walking and the clock ticking but look how far they get in one turn and then use that as estimate how long it will take them to get from A to B. That should be accurate enough to time it with the effect of a smoke screen for example.
  6. I dont trust the TacAI enough to make this decision. You can construct an almost infinite amount of situations where auto-deploy would be unrealistic and ruin the game. For example: I have a deployed Pak40 and i see a mortar spotting round impacting in its vicinity and i guess it might be a good idea to move it away. It undeploys, starts to move away, but during the next turn a spotting round hits right next to the Pak40, kills one guy, the rest ist cowering, all movement orders are canceled. Now the Pak40 will start to deploy again automatically and i cant do anything about it. I will have to undeploy it again before i can continue to move it out of harms way and this will cost me precious time and eventually lead to the loss of the gun wich otherwise had survived.
  7. That would be interesting too, but i know i am going to enjoy modern Russia vs USA a lot . At least that means the OPFOR is going to be a serious challenger, so i hope that unlike CMSF1 the camppaigns wont just be a series of curb-stomp battles where you end up with 2 friendly WIA and 200 enemys killed + 50 enemy vehicles destroyed.
  8. It takes less than 10 seconds to estimate the distance if you have some training. If knowing how far an object is away was relevant for a commander, i am sure he would measure it first before issueing an order. Besides that we already do have a perfectly accurate measuring tool, the target command, and in both RT and WeGo you can just pause the game and measure the distance between waypoints as much as want, so having it displayed for each waypoint wouldnt change gameplay at all but only reduce the necessary amount of clicks to get the information wanted. I think it should be possible to toggle it off an on, for people like you who dont want it to be displayed all the time. But in general i dont think there is any arguement against having this feature except that it might take some time to programm that could be invested elsewhere.
  9. An experienced seargent with military binoculars could easily estimate distance with relatively good accuracy. I have german ww2 miliatry binoculars at home wich i inherited from my grandfather and i can estimate distances pretty accurate with it (i used a map for comparision), +-50 meters and better. Basically you take an object of wich you know the lenth and compare it to the lines inside the binoculars. The formula is length/lines=distance in kilometers, if i remeber correctly. Average human man has a height of 1,80m. So for example 1,8m/2 lines = 0,9 km. Or take a Sherman tank: 5,84 m length, so if it has 2 lines inside the binoculars, it is 2,92 km or 2920 meters away. The door of a house may have an average height of 2,0m, a fence may be 1,0m high, and so on. As long as there are objects suitable for comparision, distances can be estmated relatively accurate. Besides that, germans and allies both had pretty accurate maps i guess.
  10. 1) Good idea. However i think the answear is gonna be that giving even only a fairly accurate ETA would be impossible due to the huge amount of factors involved in such a calculations. On the other hand, its ETA, Estimated Time of Arrival, so a certain amount of inaccuracy would be acceptable. 2) This has been asked for ever since there is CM. Wont happen.
  11. Well i guess you get used to power over the years and its hard to give it up. Besides that they could still leave the country and seek refugee somwhere (Russia? Iran?).
  12. Here is my list, how badly i want each game in order of appearence: CMSF2 CM:EF CMBN:MG CMFI:GL
  13. So i guess you tried the scenario. How did play? Did anything happen that appeared weird or not supposed to be that way? I would still make changes if there is anything that is really a game breaker.
  14. Some crew served weapons have such a long deploy and undeploy time that having them set up accidentially (i.e. if they would deploy automatically and you forget to tell them not to do so) could lead to their loss. 88mm german flak gun has several minutes deploy/undeploy if i remember correctly, i really would not want them to start deploying without me explicitly telling them to do so. Admittably, you wont move a 88mm Fflak gun very often anyways due to its deploy time, but even the smaller Pak40 has a deploy time so long i wouldnt want it to start deplyoing without beeing ordered to do so. As i said in my previous post, i am absolutely against automatic deployment for weapons that take longer to deploy than 15-20 seconds. I am fine with current system. BTW i think that in general beeing able to issue SOPs to troops would be a nice addition. You could have an option like 'deploy weapon when not moving yes/no.' or 'If fired on, reverse X meters/pop smoke/pop smoke and reverse X meters/stop/stop and pop smoke/' and so on.
  15. If there is no target available, issueing an 'area fire' command on a place where you know there are enemy troops might be a good option. Especially true for long range HMGs and tank main gun fire. Foe example if i see a questionmark and keeping my troops concealed is not necessary/not an option, i hit it with 'area fire', preferably HE.
  16. No, they shouldnt if deploying the weapon takes longer than maybe 20 seconds.
  17. Spoken like a true wargamer! The only conceivable way to demolish a building is to blow it up .
  18. What are they gonna do if only men sign up? Or only women? Send a space ship full of porn DVDs after them? Or call the Mars colony "Rainbow-69"?
  19. Thanks. The Augarten flak tower pair is currently not used and also not accessible for the public. Both were slightly damaged when the Russians took the city in 1945 (one can still see a few impact marks from large calibre direct fire weapons) and the combat tower took severe internal structural damage when an ammunation storage was acidentially detonated by playing kids in 1946. Both Augarten flak towers are home to probably 10.000s of pigeons. The Stiftskaserne/Esterhazy park combat tower is used by the Austrian military as depot and command bunker AFAIK. The Stiftskaserne/Esterhazy park command tower is currently home to a huge public aquarium ("House of the Sea"). Its also acts as memorial site and there is a poem (english & german) written on it: The Arenbergpark Flaktowers are currently bothe used as depots, one by the Austrian military, one by local government of the city of Vienna and an art museum. You can always visit the Esterhazy park command tower and take a tour through the aquarium. If you want a more historical tour through a flaktower, you will have to catch an occasional exhibition by the art museum that uses the Arenbergpark combat tower as depot and as place for exhibitions. There was a discussion about that but AFAIK they dropped the idea and the flaktowers became protected memorial sites. Using them is okay, but applying significant changes to their structure or appearance is not.
  20. Thanks , glad to hear you like it . Actually there are 3 pairs of flak towers in vienna, each consisting of one round "combat tower" that had lots of guns (including a twin 88mm) and one rectangular "command tower" wich had a radar. The tower depicted in the game is the Augarten combat tower: However it actually looks more like the Augarten command tower: Flaktower pairs location: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/Wiener_flaktuerme.jpg/600px-Wiener_flaktuerme.jpg L = Command G = Combat
  21. I think a good concept for a team designed campaign would be the following: The team meets in mIRC and discusses what could be called the "Commanders Intent" of the project. Goals that all, even if they have a lot of freedom in their own scenarios, agree to follow. Unit X is the core unit, the scneario should depict this specific historical action, the experience for the player should focus on Y and so on. Scenarios designers each design one or two scenarios, following the principles that they agreed on in order to ensure a consitent expirience for the player. This could speed up campaign making a lot, althoug as FMB has mentioned, finding reliable people could be a problem.
  22. IRL location: Most of what you can see off what you see on the above image. Screenshots: http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/8455/cmshockforce20130318130.png http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/8455/cmshockforce20130318130.png http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/8455/cmshockforce20130318130.png http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8455/cmshockforce20130318130.png http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/3326/cmshockforce20130318125.png http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/3326/cmshockforce20130318125.png
  23. Just uploaded my first sceanrio at the Repository, should be approved until tomorrow. Its dedicated to be used with the awesome Euroscape mod and supposed to fill the gap of a dense, central European city. I couldnt find such a map in the Repository or among the stock maps, so i made one. www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2599 Text from the Repositroy: "DESCRIPTION: Set during fictional World War 3, 2-12 Cav (US) clahes with elements of the (Russian) 423rd Guards Mot. Rifle Regiment and elements of the 12th Guards Tank Regiment in a dense central European urban environment. The map is based on the 20th district of city of Vienna, my hometown and capital of Austria. Although all recognizeable areas, buildings and the main traffic lanes are present, many things were changed to speed up mapmaking and to meet the limitations of the Scenario Editor. I built most of the map from my memory (lived there for 12+ years), trying to captue the spirit of the city rather than making an accruate model using staelite images. In short: Size: Huge, combined arms Map: Urban, dense. Also has a river, 2 bridges and a very large park. Type: Assault REQUIREMENTS: CMSF Base game NATO module USMC module Euroscape mod (although technically not not required, the scenario wouldnt make much sense without it.) RECOMMENDED: marsh-to-water mod COMMENTS This is my first try at the Scenario Editor. You can contact me at the battlefront.com fforums, i use the same nick there. I dont live on the map IRL but ~500 meters off-map, so you cant bomb my house if you dont like the scenario ." Going to add some screenshots and photographs of the IRL locations later.
  24. Probably this problem is there because the engine was initially developed for modern era shock force. All tanks there are easily able to track and hit the target during hull rotations, except maybe the T-55 and early T-62 that a player will never use anyways (these two are the only ones who dont have targeting subsystems but only a gyrostabilizer, if i remeber correctly).
  25. I had the same happen once as the thread starter described: A Panther hit an AT mine and only suffered minor track damage. It was going slow. I am sure itv were AT mines because of the large crater the explosion caused. I will check if i have a savegame.
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