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Everything posted by agusto

  1. I hope that BFC wont invest to much into making future CMx2 games look better, i can barley run the current version ony my PC .
  2. Besides beeing in png format, those images look great. I really like whatever you did to the colours, looks like from a movie.
  3. Yeah, that is something you need to get used to but once you did so you are probably going to find WeGo to be much more comfortable than RT. At least this was the case for me.
  4. Wow, i didnt even know that something like that was possible. How does it work? Are the mechanical parts around wich the oil "flows" made up of several layers of different materials and when one layer is attrited, they can find traces of of another one in the oil and thus conclude the degree of damage of the engine part in question?
  5. Interesting, thanks. And after "Dash 1 is in the pop", the JTAC replies: "Roger, cleared HOT", wich means as much as "You are cleared to engage". EDIT: Here is the complete communication as hear it in-game: Stand by for CAS request. Roger, en route to I.P. Inbound for attack, 30 seconds out. Dash-1 is in the pop. Roger, cleared hot. *sound of A-10 strafing run* *sound of jet passing overhead* Egressing from target, I am winchester. Can someone translate the not so obvious lines?
  6. They are getting better, though: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=84e_1369609737 Here is some footage of a weapon you really wouldnt expect in the hands of the same people who use catapults and slingshots: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ad9_1369649253
  7. FSA instructor gives a lecture on how to use new high tech weapons the FSA received from the CIA: More high tech stuff beeing used against Assads forces @ 0:45: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=da0_1361030769&comments=1
  8. In the forum i found these helpful posts and threads: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=82927 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1413819&postcount=21 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1414775&postcount=55 Then of course there are the very helpful Armchair General CMBN tactic turorials. Although they are about WW2 tactics, the basics still works with CMSF. Below is the link to episode three, there are 5 videos in total. I also found tanits NATO walkthough videos to be very helpful:
  9. RCMP, i purchased Graviteams "Steel Armour - Blaze of War" (wich is very similar to the other Graviteam titels like Operation Star, AFAIK) last week and it is not an operational wargame. It is a highly realistic armoured warfare simulation. The operational layer it has is more of a "goody", where the game really shines is tank vs tank combat on a tactical level.
  10. I prefer WeGo. In RT there is just too much chaos and i also cant review cool stuff as often as i want to. I find that in RT you miss all the awesome deatils because ou are constantly managing your forces and dont have the time to take a closer look at what is happening.
  11. I am not aware of any realism mods or other places to look for mods than the repository. If you seek maxium realism, why not just play on the hardest game mode? Also in my experience, CMSF is one of the best realistic tactical games out there. I sometimes spend hours only thinking of how to find the tactically best solution for a problem without actually "playing" the game . Just to clarify that: There are no CMSF upgads that change the game engine as there are for CMBN. There are only the modules wich add content and patches wich fix errors. The patches are for free and the latest is 1.32 AFAIK.
  12. So does this imply that i might have some sort of malware or a virus on my PC if the BFC servers firewall considers me as a "most serious threat"? Sometimes it does just what you described, it times out after loading for a felt eternity when i try to connect. I have AVG Anti Virus 2013 and i scan regularly (once a month) and it hasnt found anything in the past year or so.
  13. This is actually a historically acurate italian tactic. The idea is to use the smoke of the burning tanks to provide visual cover for the retrating tank crews and to destroy the advancing enemy troops by forcing them to inhale said smoke wich causes cancer 30 years later! "Viva la muerte!" - "Long live death!", as the spanish facsists used to say.
  14. I have exactely the same problem. Even if all other pages load instantly, there are days where the BFC site(forum and main page) are almost inaccessible for me. Dont know what is causing this, but it is not really a problem though because that rarely happens, like once in a week or so.
  15. What, GL is finally out now? How could i miss this? I am immideatly going to the BFC store and download it and then call my girlfriend and tell her she is going to eat dinner alone! She will be enraged, but what can i do? Duty is calling, my pixeltruppen need me!
  16. RPG vs tank: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c3_1356110462
  17. A very interesting documentary about a real life "Inglorious Bastard": http://www.3sat.de/mediathek/index.php?display=1&mode=play&obj=36141 It is in german, but i recommend you to watch it if you understand the language. And if you do, do so soon, i dont know how long 3sat is going to leave it online (it is a legal upload provided by the TV station that produced the documentary). EDIT: Short summary: In 1939, at the age of 17, Alfred Müller, a Jew, leaves Austria and goes to Palestine. His family stays behind and dies in the Holocaust. In 1945 he returns to germany as a british soldier and abducts and kills people whom he and a group of others supect to be former Nazis. SPOILERS BELOW - SPOILERS BELOW - SPOILERS BELOW - SPOILERS BELOW I find this to be really controversial beahviour because IMO the evidence they had was not enough to justify a death sentence. They only had a list of names they had got by yugoslavian partisans and trials took around 30 minutes. No witnesses were questioned and maybe the confessions of the killed were forced (we dont know the latter, though, but i think it is possible because he said that all but one confessed). On the other hand, from an emotional point of view, i can understand why he and the others felt the need for revenge after they found out what had happened to the jews, especially since most fromer Nazis were not brought to justice after the war. But you cant kill someone and call it justice if you dont know fore sure he is guilty IMO. On another german speaking forum i am posting this documentary triggered a long discussion, also because many people believe that (in theory, not gonna happen for political reasons i am sure) he could be charged with murder in Austria for what he did if returns now. EDIT2: Also just found a newspaper article (english) that provides some more background info: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/jewish-brigade-shot-nazi-prisoners-in-revenge-1191139.html
  18. ATGM close call: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d5d_1368615191
  19. The recent histroy has shown that where ever american boots go, british arent far.
  20. Long range ATGM fired at tank: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=58b_1368470055 Some intense infantry combat: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=427_1363648523 http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=dae_1365712782
  21. Dont forget the possibility of CMSF2 modules!
  22. How a about somehow getting a small surpression-meter into the icon? The more surpression a unit takes, the more faded the icon becomes until its reached the state at wich the palyer cant control the unit anymore. This way you could see wich units are taking fire and wich dont really quick. You would also get a good overall situational awareness because you could easily see at wich parts of the front line units tend to break and need to be reinforced asap.
  23. Combat Mission: Alternate History. Iraq invades the US and wins.
  24. I think that the damaged wall texture you mentioned should be triggered by a smaller amount of damage than it currently requires.
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