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Everything posted by agusto

  1. IRL any gun can be fired at point blank range. It is a matter of the warhead (ie the type of ammo that is used) weather or not there is a built-in minimum range that the projectile has to travel before the warhead is activated. In CMBN, i' ve never witnessed something like a minimum engagement range for AT guns beeing present.
  2. Haha, that post reminded me of the great times i had when i was playing IL-2 Shturmovik (that is a ww2 air cobat sim, for those of who you havent heard of it yet) back in the good old days when i still had a joystick. Another advantage of flying very low is that you are much harder to spot and that you can use terrain elevations for cover & concealment. If your are attacking a ship on the ocean, you can also "bounce" your bombs of the surface of the ocean if you drop them carefully, so they hit the ship from the side. That works very much like a flat stone that is throwen on the water in a flat angle.
  3. The overlay feature seems to be extremely handy. Currently i am making a CMSF map from satellite images and what i had to do to be able to place all buildings and everything with satisfying accuracy is to draw an x-y grid on a print out of the map (actually i am having several print-outs lying in front of me), then take a set square and manually measure the landscape and the contour lines. It works really good and i am absolutely satisfyed with the result i am getting in the scenario editor, but it is horribly slow.
  4. It is impossible to find the source of an internet conspiracy theory. Seriously, even if there was a guy standing up saying "Hi guys, i came up with that conspiracy theory first!", how would you want to proof that he is telling truth and not just trying to gain some attention? IMO there is no meaning in arguing about weather the mini-nuke story was intentionally placed by the government or by some conspiracy website that has a hard-on for mini-nukes. The only thing that can be said for sure about that mini-nuke story is that it is not a wonder that it did awake Kettlers desire to investigate. As for the story about Israel testing US weaponary, i dont believe that the US would send their most advanced weapons to any other country in general (under normal circumstances).
  5. I tried it yesterday. In general, my impression was very positive and the quality of the sounds is impressive. However there are some issues. I sent you a detailed feedback via PM.
  6. Writing "Wolkenschau" instead of "Wochenschau" is even a meaningful pun with regards to content. In german, there is a saying that translates like that: "to tell sombody the audacious lie that the sky isnt blue" ("Jemandem das Blaue vom Himmel herablügen") - and that is exactely what the Wochschau did! So it actually really was more of a Wolkenschau than a Wochenschau.
  7. I am currently working on a Red vs Red scenario that depicts the fighting between the SAA and rebel forces to the north of Aleppo. There is also GeorgeMCs excellent Darayya tank raid scenario available wich you can download at the Repository.
  8. If Israel had nuked Syria, why didnt the Syrian government (wich definately has the technogical capabilities to detect and document the radiation released by a nuclear detonation) release this fact to the public? Wouldnt this be perfect anti-israeli propaganda, shifting even the western countries public opinion against Israel and pro Syria? I mean, since even some of rebel factions see Israel as an enemy, this serious external threat would surely also shift the public opinion in Syria towards Assads government. So the Syrian state media not mentioning an Israeli nuclear attack on Syria would appear to me to be a highly unlikely course of action. BTW all sources that you and only you have access to do not surpport your arguement, JK.
  9. All "Show Your Best Screenshot"-threads that i could find using the forum search where closed, so i decideded to create a new one. The ATGM in the picture below went underneath the BMP and detonated behind it :eek: i guess the crew needs new pants now
  10. That you have heard that insult so often has probably got something to do with you living in Germany. It is the Second World War and its prelude that still gives some people in Germany/Austria goose bumps when it comes to anything that is connected with the military. Some people think that beeing "fascinated" by the military (i put the "" there because i find that to be an unlucky phrasing) is equal to having militaristic and fascist views of how society should be organized. However IMO those are two different things that not necessarily have anything to do with each other.
  11. Thanks! I am gonna send you a message if i decide to use the Aleppo airport map.
  12. What? Well, then i think this might be a rare occurance of the damage model not working as intended. My experience with tree bursts is that they so deadly in CM that even small shells like the one of the short 75mm sherman main gun regularly cause casualties at distances like 50 meters from the point of impact if they hit a tree. I rember one time, when i was playing the Troina campaign, i was shelling german positions in a small wood with a sherman tank and when i took some friendly fire casualties due to the tree bursts my first thought was "There must a sniper somewhere! Those explosions are so far away, it cant be them...". Tree-bursts are already extremely deadly in CM.
  13. In my experience tree-bursts are especially deadly due to the increased amount of shrapnell flying through the air.
  14. The Syrian Civil War has caught my eye since the very beginning and i ve spent the past two weeks designing a semi-fictional scenario that depicts the fighting between FSA and SAA in the hills north of Aleppo. But i am having already the next idea for three possible scenarios with that background setting: one at Aleppo international Airport, one a Latika Airport and one at the Meng military airfield north of Aleppo near the town of Azzaz. Now all these three locations do already exsist as CMSF maps. The Meng Airport and Aleppo International come with the Nato module as stock maps and Latika is a great (really, it is awesome) user generated map downloadable from the Repository. The question is now: can i use these maps? Especially Latika seems to be perfect for the type of scenario that i had in mind! Would it be enough to mention the original author in the credits or would i have to ask the person who made these maps for permission to recycle them? It would be awesome if i could use the Latika airport map! EDIT: It is Latakia, not Latika. EDIT 2: This is one of the maps in question: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=343
  15. Good plans are always redundant - if your plan completely depends on one single shot finding its target, it is bad plan.
  16. What you request is already entirely possible in the current version of the game. You can go to the editor (ie open the scenario of your choice in the scenario editor) and look how many AI plans there are and active or deactivate them as you desire with less than 5 clicks. This wont spoil the scenario for you, if you go straight to the AI plans activation/deactivation menu you will not get any info on the enemys TOE or the what the enemy AI plans look like. Deactivate all AI plans except number 1 one for the first time you play a scenario. Then deactivate all but the second AI plan during the second play through and so on and so forth...
  17. Talking about the battle of Arnhem: my grandfather was there, on the german side. Unfortunately he had passed away long before i developed an interest in history, so i dont know much about the experiences he made there. May he rest in peace.
  18. In Germany owning a cat like this one could get you up to 15 years in jail:
  19. I am pretty sure that most intelligence agencies in the world could get that information if they would want to without too many troubles. Many people believe that the Internet is some kind of wild west, without laws and stuff. But in fact it is not. The Internet a public area and what many countries are doing now (collecting data of internet users) is just the same principle as it is when a video camera in a public subway station is filiming you. IMO it is not necessarily bad if governments do collect such data, the more important question how they use that data.
  20. This thread motivated me to start making a second scenario for CMSF. My first try at the editor was rather uncoordinated and that meant making slow progress and that meant a bit to much frustration. The "1 - Outline Scenario" post ITT however helped to get started with a more systematic approach on scenario making and i am getting forward much faster this time. Currently i am testing AI plans, so i am really curious about the promised post on that topic .
  21. Fighting at Mount Hoihna, Aleppo: ATGM vs Tank, 09th June: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7a9_1370797937 ATGM vs 2 Tanks, 10th June: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ee0_1370882287 ATGM vs BMP, 12th June: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=677_1371036228 FSA Tank vs BMP, 12th June: Camera 1: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=874_1371142550 Camera 2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=10e_1371049939
  22. Hmmm at such an early stage of the game it is impossible to do anything else but gamble...so i say 2.
  23. I think it is great though that english is such a common second language, enabling people from all around the world to communicate with each other. Probably english was the most useful subject i had at high school.
  24. That is a great idea, JonS. I am definately going to follow this thread. EDIT: I dont like the side effects of alcohol but i would never say no to a good joint, though .
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