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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Looks like either authorities just don't want to make panic moods among population and show feign imperturbability or Zelensky to the last minute will keep a hope that this is just a bluff of Kremlin, that will end soon and he at last can "see in Putin's eyes", during direct negotiations. On our TV the all - president, representatives of president's administyration, minister of defense, all they make a calming statements - there will not be a war, keep calm and prepare to May barbeсue. And on the other hand allies sent cargo planes with a weapon one by one and warn Ukraine about worst scenario is becoming more and more probable day by day. Even Sullivan, loyal to Russia, said "I think Russia don't wan't a war, but puts a pistol on the table". On this background today's plea of Zelensky to allies don't feed the panic, which negatively reflects on Ukrainian economy and his dispute with Biden during the call about possibility of Russian invasion remind me this meme
  2. It is not immediately clear from the video whether any members of the Brovary Territorial Defense Battalion have actually been issued DP-27s or what specific plans there might be to distribute these weapons to individuals assigned to that unit in the future. DP-27 is already on armament of Territorial Defense Battalions (TDB). TDB squad has 1 RPK-74, DP-27 usually is platoon-level, though sometime squads in platoon also have DP-27 instead RPK-74. There is big lack of PKMs even for Army needs, so TDBs have in 7,62x54 mm DP-27 and Maxims (in fire support company). Though TDBs are not frontline units, they will guard rear, critical infrastructure objects, fight with diversion groups and only in extreme needs can be used in frontline operations. Exept TDBs, each district can have armed volunteers, armed with own legal hunting rifles or carbines. Yesterday the law was passed, which permited them to use any army weapon too. TDBs and volunteers, assigned to TDBs are the part of national program of "total resistance". About Ivan Savelyev, instructor from the video, which tells about DP-27. He is great fan of WWI / WWII re-enactment and before a war was a chief of Kyiv re-enactment club "Red Star". He has outstanding knowledges in any Russian Empire / Soviet weapon system of first half of 20th century as well as in sapper works. In 2014 he enlisted in Army and participated in battle for Debaltsevo. His experience helped "green" mobilized soldiers a lot, they often couldn't figure out with DSHKM, mortars or later with Maxims. So, he is brilliant man, which really can share own reach practical experience and in his hands even old DP-27 is more serious wepon, then AK-12 with thermal sight in the hands of Russian conscript.
  3. US permited that Baltic countries would send different weapon (Javelin, Stingers and some other), but they didn't do it yet. Maybe it will happen in nearest time. USA already sent three planes with M141, Javelins and some sort of small arms bullets, maybe for sniper rifles. Reportedly 300 Javelin missiles have arrived. UK oficially reported about 2000 NLAWs
  4. Yesterday USA delivered next party of Javelin missiles and 100 M141 Bunker Defeat Munition
  5. Optionally it can be equipped with 1PN86BVI ("Mulat-115") thermal sight. It can detect "tank" target at 3200 m and identify it from 1600 m. But there is key word "optionally". As I read some Russian forums, there is unknown how much of these sights in service because as if these sights mostly go with AT-13 for export
  6. We already have lost count UK officially claimed 2000 NLAWs are shipping. There was a short statement of Mariya Zakharova Russian MFA representative - just a statement of fact, of course in negative light.
  7. Another video of what can see a gunner of T-64BV mod.2017 in thermal sight. He rotates a turret, not a sight. At the and of video the buildings are seen at the 10 km range
  8. Except NLAWs C-17 delivered several "big green boxes", which were prohibited to be photographed
  9. @The_MonkeyKing This video reflects our armed forces as it were in 2018, but some things outdated. BTR-4 were on the armament of 25th airborne brigade too short time in 2015-2016 and later were moved to 92th mech.brigade, which have been receiving these APCs. BM Oplot really never was on armament neither air-assault nor ground forces. Only five T-84 Oplot mod.2001 were slightly upgraded and moved to service to ground forces. Ukrainian MoD confirmed that UK delivered NLAWs. Fourth C-17 probably already landed. Upd. Already seventh C-17 landed, each carried about 180-200 NLAWs
  10. Probably this is perspective plans how to supply Ukraine with lethal weapon evading Germany blocking in NATO Supply and Support Agency. Today three RAF C-17 delivered to Ukraine "modern short-range anti-tank weapon". There is no information what it can be, but many experts claim this is Saab NLAW. UK made a statemet about own plans on 17th Jan and on next day weapon arrived. On own way British C-17s flew around Germany airspace. Maybe situation demands fast decision and Germany could consider UK request too long time, due to their position.
  11. Gunner's thermal sight TPN-1-TPV vs. usual gunner's sight 1G42 in T-64BV mod.2017: TDA tank smoke station, which generates a cloud of dense smoke, covers neighbor truck for 1G42, but thermal sight easily can spot the truck behind the smoke. How TDA works in movement (this feature not represented in CM) What can see the gunner of T-64BV/BV mod.2017 in own perscope and 1G42 gun sight
  12. As it turned out only chieapest version of Bulat was upgraded. I already wrote about two versions of Bulat - "normal" T-64BM1, which later got name BM Bulat and "cutted edition" T-64BM2. There are 12 tanks of this version were in service, but they almost didn't participate in warfare 2014-2015, because turned out useless in real war conditions. BM2 version remained with usual 5TDFA engine with 700 h.p., in that time when BM1 got 5TDFM with 850 h.p. But even latter engine was too weak for BM1, which got much more weight in comparison with T-64BV - during hot summer of 2014 BM Bulats often were affected by engine overheating. Chassis and transmission of BM1 also suffered from overweight, so BM2 had the same problems but on the level more. Also BM2 version had old fire control sustem with 1G42 sight instead 1G46M of 1A45 FCS on BM1, so BM2 couldn't fire with TGM "Kombat". You can easily to differ BM1 from BM2 - the latter has IR projector "Luna" for active NV mode, BM1 uses passive EOP and doesn't need it. Thus, this upgrading works conducted to turn these tanks to full-service. Modernization includes: - 6TD-1 1000 h.p engine - upper part of engine-transmission compartment from T-84 - CFS from T-80UD - 1G42 probably remained, but changed EOP for commander observe device and gunner sight, added thermal channel to the gunner sight - new radio equipment of L3 Harris - GPS navigation system I don't know if BM Bulat (T-64BM1) will be modernized or not. Now these tanks uses 4th tank brigade of Reserve Corps. Here some photos of upgraded BM2, alas I havn't more detailed
  13. No drone swarms, but UKR forces can be bosted up to 2017 level from the current 2010 . 2018+ times is more complicated for modelling - there are not so much information about new Russian vehicles, sights, ammunitions, TO&E etc
  14. I'm not sure, but in the game Oplot can use either 3BM32 or hypothetical Ukrainan-developed 3BM44U ammunition, based on Polish "Pronit" APFSDS which really had specimen in 2000th, but never was launched in production. Bulat in the game uses 3BM42 Mango, T-64BV - 3BM22 Zakolka. As I can recall, some patch had to fix UKR tank ammunition, but I doubt
  15. RC-135V also already at least twice had missions in our airspace since Russian invasion threat appeared. PS. I propose to write such news in the "September is coming" topic, which was opened for the news around probable Russian invasion.
  16. M35 had up to +56 deg elevation, when MT-12 up to +20 only, so M35 is a real "howitzer" in comparison with MT-12
  17. T-84 and BM Oplot are different versions. There is BM Oplot was shipped to USA, not older T-84 (or T-84 Oplot, or Oplot mod.2001). Currently we have five T-84 in service
  18. Ukrainian ATGM team tested Javelin against turret-top slat armor. Looks like the turret of tank just put on BTR hull, but maybe would be better to hit real decomissioned T-72
  19. I've seen information that this is Turkish drone, which was shot down in Syria and this footage is from Russian military base in Syria. It was shot down with Pantsyr S1. Since Ukraine used Bayraktar, Russia have started huge media campaign that Bayraktars are useless weapon, which will be easy downed by Russian air defence and all hopes of Ukraine for UAVs are vain. Despite this campaign, Russia about week ago tried to provoke Ukraine to use Bayraktar again that it get ambushed from Russian territory in order to use this downing in propaganda. Separs shelled with artilelry Stanysia Luhanska town vicinity and on next day an "appeal of settlers to Ukrainan Armed Forces" appeared, in which locals ask army to use Bayraktar to maintain their security. But SIGINT/ELINT showed activity of Russian EW and SAM assets - Stanytsia Luhanska lays in 20 km from the Russian border - Bayraktar could be downed/jammed and fall on separ-controlled territory. The command didn't take the bite.
  20. Probably this is mistake. I never heard that Ukrainian tanks, even Oplot used PPHE ammunition. Just usual 3OF26 HE. Should be fixed.
  21. This procreation of gloomy genious of protracted position war is not serial specimen of weapon (though, it has own name, but I forgot what exactly). Just an invention of bored soldiers, known since 2017-2018. It found some followers in different brigades and these launchers are assembled by volunteers, but most of soldiers are skeptical about it, because this is just a waste of ammunition. Here the article about similar weapon in different countries (in Russian): https://topwar.ru/161715-rszo-iz-rpg-7-kak-pojavilis-i-zachem-ispolzujutsja.html
  22. As of 2017 the game timeline, Ratnik was in service only of special forces and some recon units. Usual ground forces sometime had only some elements of Ratnik. As I read Russian forums - main problem was insufficent educational level of personnel to use such complex properly - chiefs of brigades supply services often even didn't want to receive this equipment, because any loss or breaking (or even theft for selling) of expencive Ratnik element by the guilt of persoonel inflicts huge amount of bureacracy, trials with highest chiefs, committees, reprimands etc - who wants such headache? About Cathrine thermals - after imposition of sanctions Russia uses Chinese matrix. At least Belarusian-designed Sosna-U thermal sight, which mounts on T-72B3 now has Chineese matrix with 2500 m detection range instead 3500 m of Cathrine.
  23. For correct modelling of new toys there is need to have correct information about their features - armor, engines, sights, etc. There is too few info in open sources
  24. In that case, no any mods required - Ukraine has been using RQ-11B since 2016, though not in ground forces like in the base game Bayraktar, alas, is out of timeframe
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