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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. More than 10 hours battle for Maryinka finished. Shortly about situation around: 1. Clashes in Maryinka area escalated in last two month. Terrain on this direction didn't allow to build solid line of defense. So, enemy made probes because thought that our lines is more weak in this area. 2. 31st of May enemy deversion group penetrated behind our checkpoints in this area and ambushed "Ural" truck with six soldiers of 28th brigade. Two were killed, two wounded, two missed with truck - possibly were captured. 3. Yesterday representative of Russia left negotiations in Minsk and hampered work of contact group. By words of our diplomats representatives of Russia and separatists demanded full revision of Minsk agreements, but Ukrainian side sharply refused all these demands. So, obviously, this demarche became signal that next step of Kremlin will lay in military plain. 4. Russian backed fighters in force of about two battalion tactical group with heavy MLRS and SP-guns support attacked our positions on line Krasnohorivka-Maryinka. Possibly enemy objectives were to seize both settlements, establish good conditions for next attack on Kurakhovo with their energy plant and take part of highway Zaporizhia-Donetsk. Also with success of operation to force Ukraine for revision of Minsk agreements and inflict panic and dissatisfaction inside of Ukraine society ("stupid generals", "Poroshenko give up Donbas", "All on Maidan 3.0 !") 5. Artillery and MLRS strike and continuously mortar fire caused many wounded among UKR forces, also Krasnohorivka was badly damaged - a part of clinic, garages, and several dozen houses were hit and burned. Enemy fighters conducted intensive shelling checkpoints in Maryinka with tanks, BMP and small arms, but main pressure they provided in Krasnohorivka area, seeking to outflank Maryinka garrison. Them succeed on several directions to pierce among our positions, but their massive advance was stopped here. Commander of 28th brigade call own SP-gun support - possibly they destroyed enemy base on territory of horse club "Equestrian" 6. Meantime, from Maryinka side intensive enemy fire forced Ukrainians stepped back from several forward checkpoints, enemy troops entered in Maryinka and Russian/DNR media hurry up claim about next "great victory". 7. Ukraine General staff assume a decision to use heavy artillery, which was drown off due to Minsk agreements. Approx in 14:00 artillery and MLRS arrived and deployed, but no order on opening fire. ATO press-service claimed they don't sure that this attack is a real offensive. 8. Clashes intensified, pressure on our troops became more strong. In 15:00 General Staff commenced fire. Artillery hit various targets between Maryinka and Donetsk. Also several strikes on industrial zones of the city. 9 Enemy troops catch heavy fire and stop advance. In pro-Russian publics of social network spread info how one their T-72BA was hit by Ukrainains and two other, which followed it just surrendered. Battle turned in position withstand with artillery and MLRS exchanges. Russian artillery hit own troops. 10. After short lull and regroup enemy tried attack again, but their attempt choked quickly. 11. OSCE and Cease fire contact group started negotiation about cease fire. (First day of) Battle is over. Order of battle: Ukraine: main forces - battalion tactical group of 28th mech. brigade, units of 57th motorized infantry brigade (34th and 43nd sep. motorized inf. battalions), units of 30th mech. brigade (possibly battalion), units of special police battalion "Kyiv-1", some National Guard unit. DNR/Russia: "international brigade Piatnashka", units of brigade "Vostok", diversion-assault group "Riazan' " Losses: Ukraine on 19:45 - 3 KIA, 32 WIA (also unconfirmed info about 5 KIA), 1 GAZ-66, two UAZ-452 Separatists/Russia: ATO press-service claimed minimum 36 KIA, 2 tanks, BMP, several trucks, several batteries suppressed, insiders in Donetsk said only one hospital admit about 100 wounded.
  2. If take a real scenario "what if ?", now airport territory is almost neutral. Terminals destroyed for such level, that absolutely unsuitable for defense. Separatists appeared there just for shooting at our positions and their snipers are firing form there. Main enemy positions now in Vesele, especially in nunnery area, technical facilities of airport, close to city limit and Spartak - outskirt settlement of Donetsk, turned in heavy fortified strongpoint. So, if NATO forces will have objectives to capture airport and neighbor territories, they need to destroy heavy fortified enemy positions in pointed settlements, from where separatists can conduct fire control of almost open territory to the north-west of airport.
  3. BMD-1/2 and BTR-D, tracked SP-mortar Nona also still in Ukrainain service in 25th airborne brigade. So, you can play with this things on Ukrainian side too.
  4. Well, I'm... hm... consultant for UKR part of this game... So, I now have a reason to propose include T-80 in next module for Ukraine for airmobile units. If BFC will agree, you will see it
  5. Looks like, guys, you will see Ukrainian T-80 in next module. Our airmobile brigades soon will receive tank companies in 10 tanks T-80BV.
  6. Here info about VPR-308/338. This rifle produces in Kyiv "Mayak" factory and designed on base of Z-008 sniper rifle for sport and hunting of "Zbroyar" company, also Ukrainian: http://www.mayak.com.ua/en/catalogue/vpr-338 Also uses sniper rifles MZ-15MARK (slightly changed AR-15) of "Mayak"+"Zbroyar" production (but it too low) and Fort-301 (licensed Israeli "Galatz"), but it mostly go in National Guard. 3rd special forces regiment have about dozen or more Howa and Barret rifles, and of course SVD. Enemy used against us SVD, VSS Vintorez, ASVK, and turned in sniper rifles old WWII times PTRD. First this name used one of separatist fighter. After another failed assault he wrote of the nature of: "We attacking more and more, but can't defeat them, they are as if a kind of cyborgs!" Our media spread this comment and so this name adhered to airport defenders. In joke UKR civil volunteer even produced special chevron "Cyborg" for soldiers in airport: Add to this - in last months of defense, when supply lines were almost cut off, they situated in terminals in the night w/o light and hot food- enemy snipers immediately shot even smallest flare of light. When frosts hit, spotters in control tower were forced to stay on positions several days on temperature -29 C degree (-20 F) and wind, which blew through riddle tower. They can't sleep, all were badly chilled. Soldiers in terminals often drink a water diluted with some diesel - else its frozen and was no way to melt its - enemy shot on fire. This very short describing of some features, full story of defending will take several pages. When developers will define with data of scenario (1st, 2nd, 3rd or final assault) I try to tell more detail in context of chosen time period.
  7. List of all units which participated in airport (w/o neighbor positions) defending from Autumn to 18 Jan: companies and platoons of: 95th airmobile brigade 79th airmobile brigade 80th airmobile brigade 81st air-assault brigade 74th reckon battalion 93th mech.brigade + their armor/ artillery/ mortars/ MLRS in support xxth artillery brigade 91th engineer-sapper regiment 3rd special forces regiment special police battalion "Dnipro-1" VUC RS (Volunteer Ukrainian Corps of Right Sector) Possibly I forgot somebody, but these are base list of defenders. Who exactly need to put in scenario depends from data and geography (terminals only or nearby villages too) - units rotated continuously. Sorry, I can't see your pictures, just links. As you see, main contingent are paratroopers. So, you need to await next module . If you interest more information for scenario, write PM or ask here.
  8. Ok, this can call like "resistance", "partisans", but not certainly "nationalists". But I think, these group will very small and controlled by SBU for special purpose. Now in occupied Donbas territory operates semi-mythical resistance group "Shadows" (ukr. "Tini"). Unknown exactly who are they. They don't provide any scale operations, just sometime unverified reports are appearing that they shot out some separatist field commander or blow-up something. Our volunteer units in some cases have better equipment, than regular infantry %)
  9. No more irregular forces on Ukrainian side. Volunteers units, which were established in conditions of extremity in May-July of 2014 now either re-forming in regular formations under jurisdiction of MoD, National Guard and police or now in process of re-forming. So, due to conditions of 2017 no UKR irregulars will haven't to be. Russian-backed forces, of course need to be in module.
  10. For correct reflection of Donetsk (not Donetz) airport defense need to know some features: - main role in defense played artillery and mortar support by 93th mech. and one of artillery brigade. Spotters situated in two key points - airport control tower and so-called "Sky-position" in Pisky village area. They have good communications with guys in terminals and with artillery. When somebody from them spotted enemy advance, artillery opened fire very quickly and almost always hit enemy with big accuracy. Remains of attackers repelled with small arms. So many TRP are need. - big amount of attacks began in the night. Garrison of terminals have many IR-cameras and NV/IR sights - this gave opportunity in time to detect enemy advance and call artillery via spotters on tower. In the end of 2014 soldiers in terminal mounted watching system of NV-web cameras, tied in network. Thus, one operator, which situated in -1 level (parkings and vault) near monitor could track all perimeter around new terminal. - Garrison of new terminal rarely has more than 1,5 company-size forces. Mostly this were combined groups of airmobile companies, mech.companies and special forces. Also among them were corps level reckons units, volunteer detachments and several engineers-sappers. Soldiers operated mostly by small teams in 2-3 men or individually - for each man was assigned his sector and he defended it. - snipers of airmobile units except SVD rifles have new VPR-308 barrels. Also special forces sniper teams have big-caliber sniper rifles. Almost all were equipped with 2+ / 3 gen IR/NV sights - Big role in defense of airport played so-called "Zenit-position", situated some north-east from airport - fortified positions of battalion of 156th SAM regiment. Their launchers were took out as early as spring 2014 on new positions. "Zenit", which have strong underground bunkers defends combined detachment "Wild ducks" of Air Forces (servicemen of 156th SAM regiment and volunteers from many other Air Force units). When airport defense in September of 2014 just started, many of 156th regiment guys (radar operators, HQ staff, maintenance personnel) even can't shoot from RPG, so special force conducted brief course of handling with weapon for them. "Wild ducks" established close to late autumn. Later "Zenit" also defended by units of 95th airmobile and 25th airborne brigades. - How enemies could to seize new terminal. Their tank shot out control tower, which already was badly damaged. The tower fell and terminal defenders lost excellent watch position, so they now could see enemy, when they already were very close to their positions. Also to this time enemy seized underground and upper stages of terminal. Enemy used tactic of Chechen assault groups - many teams, heavy armed with RPG-26/RPO-A/ PKM/ SVD attacked with at once salvos from RPG/RPO-A, which destroyed barricades and forced defenders step back in deep of terminal. Finally remained group of "Cyborgs" (about 100 or less men) turned out in trap of big hall. But enemy anyway couldn't to break throw. So, they resorted to cunning - they call to our command and requested cease fire to take out own killed and wounded. But in real in that time they mined upper stage floor and underground ceiling with powerful charges. First explosion break upper stages, but most of "Cyborgs" remained whole. Then through some times horrible explosion from below happened and most of them fell in underground and many was buried under constructions. Just about 20 men could get out from ruins and in dense fog came to own units. Resque groups on MTLB lost in this fog and came directly to enemy positions - all were shot out.
  11. Creation of Donbas war "historical" scenarios now impossible. Ukraine troops all around uses combined forces from mech/tank troops, airmobile troops, National Guard, special police battalions. Add to this special forces and volunteers. For example, in Donetsk airport were involved all named units. So we have to expect modules with UKR VDV/marines/NGU etc and with Russian-backed UNCONS.
  12. I will reply on questions about our tanks: - We no more have T-80UD, just possibly left dozen these tanks, all they sold to Pakistan. All what we have its mothballed T-80B/BV/U. There are plans to bring back them in service, but now its just plans... T-80UD can be included for Russia side. Their 4th Guard tank division uses this tanks and they were spotted near borders of Ukraine. - Т-84 - previous version of Oplot. No panoramic sight, no anti-tandem ERA "Duplet", just old "Kontakt-5". 10 tanks produced, army couldn't buy it and they were returned on factory. Later four were sold to USA, six left in Ukraine two of them uses as visual aid in military academies, rest stood in tank park of 92th brigade as non-staff vehicles. They don't use in current war. So, what sense to put in the game the tank, which never was and never will be in servіce ? - Main difference between Bulat and T-64BV - Bulat has more effective "Nozh" ERA, which can successfully protect against all Russian monoblock warhead ATGMs and significantly reduce soviet APFSDS penetration capability. Also new sights and new engine. All you can to see in the table, which gave akd.
  13. In real uses 1D15, 1D20, 1D22 laser designators. But these devices are not so portable. For example most older - 1D15 has weight in 60 kg and carry in two 30 kg packs. 1D20 has "only" 30 kg. 1D22 - 18 kg. Newest Russian 1D26 designator has 21 kg, but I don't know it is adopted to service or not. Range of targeting of "tank" type target: 1D15 - 0,2... 5 km, 1D20 - 0,3...7 km (20 km max on large target), 1D22 - 0,3...7 km, 1D26 - 0,2...9 km These devices included in standard equipment of artillery reckon units (FO vehicles 1V14/ 1V15 etc.). By this links more info and views of designators: 1D15: http://fkoz.feodosia.com.ua/main3.phtml?link=26 1D22 (1D20 looks almost the same): http://armsdata.net/russia/0135.html 1D26: http://pribory-si.ru/catalog/4508/5021/ Ah, and of course these equipment uses for range-finding and lasing of precision ammunitions (Krasnopol, Krasnopol-M, Kitolov, Smelchak, Santimetr etc in Russia and Kvitnyk in Ukraine - but UKR army possibly has only 1D15 and 1D20 devices)
  14. Who want to see T-72 in Ukraine service ?! Here it (row of tanks at right). Today these vehicles, which expected on own Africa customers were sent to National Guard tank unit. Not for Army, as in the base game. This is probably T-72UA (UKR upgrade for foreign customers). Also by rumors in National guard will be sent soon T-80, which remain in few quantity on storage bases. Hard to say, what quantity of tanks National Guard need, now only one tank company on T-64BV1 exists. Also hard to say whether these tanks stay in service after the war or will be sold. But mothballed T-64B/BV repair too slow and tanks need NOW. So welcome, logistic nightmare...
  15. SAT images its cool, but more great facts are photos of destroyed Russian BTR-82AM, T-72B3, MTLB-6МА, upgraded BMD-2 with IR projector, graves of Pskovian airborns and answer of General Prosecutor Office, which recognized fact of death of Russian soldiers, but reject to explain details "reasoning of Russian Federation interests" And of course on Russian Government involvement point T-72B, MG "Pecheneg", sniper rifles "Vykhlop", MRO-A and many other specific Russian weapon, which many times seen on separatists photos.
  16. Russian GRU became to "leak" for Vasilyeva fake information in order for further "disclosure" of her information and in such way for defamation of any info about Russian troops involvement. Alas, Vasilyeva can't differ where true info and where GRU trap, so her information can assume, but thoroughly to filter.
  17. Heh... "Tavria" is deep old %). ZAZ "Lanos" now ruling %)
  18. No, these tanks not in service. This photo took from President's visit on exhibition of new equipment for National Guard several months ago. Among all stuff also was Ethiopian contract T-72s AS VARIANT for NG tank units equipping. But finally was assumed decision to put in NG service upgraded T-64B1М from Congo's contract. 10 tanks from these contract were directed to 1st NG tank company. In Ukrainain army several T-72's uses in training centers for training crews of special tracked vehicles, designed on the base of T-72. But no these tanks in regular combat units. Two T-72 with white stripes, which you can see in August are captured Russain T-72B3 - both were abandoned during Ilovaysk break through and returned to separatists (or Ruissians). Also one or two separatists T-72B were captured near Donetsk airport and near Luhansk and some time used by 95th airmobile brigade and possibly "Aydar" volunteer territorial defense battalion. For some people photos of these T-72's became "evidences" of stored T-72 usage by Ukraine, but its not true. Most stored T-72 for 23 yeras already repaired and sold to Africa and Asia.
  19. I already wrote about this in topic "Incomplete OOB", but better to repeat it here again. In "Bagration" operation next units, equipped with land-lease vehicles took part: 3rd Guard,Mech.Corps of 3rd Belarusian Front: 110 M4A2 "Sherman", 70 "Valentine" IX 3rd Guard Tank Corps of 5th Guard Tank Army (at the end of operation): 99 M4A2 "Sherman" and 23 "Valentine" IX, as well as 21 M10 SP-Guns in 5th Guard Tank Army 1st Mech.Corps of 1st Belarusian front: 136 M4A2 "Sherman", 44 "Valentine" IX, 5 "Valentine" X, 47 Scout Car
  20. Will be good to see in future packs not only Soviet, but also Ukrainian Insurgent Army (ukr. UPA) and Polish Armia Krayova partisans - they in some cases uses even armor vehicles. But UPA fought against both Axis and Soviet forces, so can be difficult to define their side in game... Thorough since summer 44' they concentrated on resistance against Red partisans and NKVD troops. Of course NKVD units also will be welcome - they not only defended rears but often fought in frontline (but mostly in 41-43' period)
  21. SS-units also will be add, I hope ? They are not participated in "Bagration", but should be interest to create some operations in Western Ukraine, which developed at same time...
  22. In list of German OOB I don't see Luftwaffe-Felddivision units, but in "Bagration" operation these divisions (4th and 6th) were in LIII Armee Corps structure. Luftwaffe units present in CMBN line, so their can to put in CMRT too. Also no land-lease vehicles in Red Army, but they widely used in this operation: 3rd Guard,Mech.Corps of 3rd Belarusian Front had 110 M4A2 "Sherman", 70 "Valentine" IX 3rd Guard Tank Corps of 5th Guard Tank Army had at the end of operation "Bagration" 99 M4A2 "Sherman" and 23 "Valentine" IX, as well as 21 M10 SP-Guns in 5th Guard Tank Army 1st Mech.Corps of 1st Belarusian front had 136 M4A2 "Sherman", 44 "Valentine" IX, 5 "Valentine" X, 47 Scout Car All these vehicles already exists in CMBN, so for more historical accuracy they should be to add in the game.
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