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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Russians captured Nova Kahovka, there is unkown with a battle or our troops just withdrew Captured Russians near Kharkiv 4th Guard tank division Russian tanks and MTLB, destroyed near Kharkiv, and looks like our BTR-4 is burning
  2. Downed KA-52 in the sight. Hostomel or Mezhygirria.
  3. Three helicopters shot down over Hostomel airfield, the battle is continuing
  4. Our around-military twitters and official General Staff info. There are many fakes now Ozerne airfield near Zhytomyr wiped out, 2KIA, 1 jet destroyed, but most of Air Forces planes were took-оff before attack and still safe
  5. Two Russian ships came to Zmiinyi island and transmitted a demand to surrender to UKR border guard garrison
  6. Reportedly 4 Russian tanks destroyed on Kharkiv bypass road. 6th Russian jet downed near Kramatorsk. Russian and probably Belarusian troops advanced up to 5 km in Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy oblasts and somewhere on Volhyn, but this not confirmed yet
  7. Russian helicopters attacked border guard unit in Skadovsk, Kherson oblast, 3KIA. Border guards engaged Russians near Kopani and Ivanovo (or Ivanivka?) villages. Somebody wrote this is near the isthmus, somebody - this between Kherson and Mykolaiv. Maybe helicopter landing.
  8. Our troops counter-atacked and pushed off Russians from Schastia town in Luhansk oblast. Reportedly 2 tanks and several trucks destroyed, enemy losses 50 killed and injured, but... this better to divide in five times
  9. No any landings in Odesa and Mariupol. This is fake. Series of the strikes on military infrastructure even in western Ukraine. Russian troops seized border towns Milove and Horodyshche in Luhansk oblast. Reportedly 5 Russians jets and one helicopter shot down on Donbas, but no confirmation yet
  10. I have heard nine loud explosions since 5 o'clock
  11. Kremlin puppets Pushylin (DNR) and Pasechnik (LNR) officially appealed to Putin for military aid in "repelling of Ukrainian aggression". Several hours before Pushylin claimed Ukranian troops must withdrew from "DNR territory", but he wants that would be in peaceful way. "Leader" of LNR Pasechnik told the same two days before
  12. Donetsk citizens are writing the light and internet turned off in some districts. In Сrimea the night shift of workers is evacuating from "Titan" chemical plant in Armiansk near the isthmus.
  13. At 18:00 Russia closed crossing points on own part of border with Kharkiv oblast and reportedly crossing points in Crimea. Locals reported four pontoons moved to Sivash lake. Probably this a part of maneuvers, which are condicting to this time, but...
  14. New warning of US intelligence - Russia can invade during next 24-48 hours. Kharkiv is more probable direction of attack, except Donbas. Russian SIGINT plane today invaded for short-time in Ukranian airspace. OSINT community InformNapalm from own sources in Donetsk claims DNR/LNR forces received an order to keep full radio silence in next hours and turn off all radio emmision sources. Probably, Russian EW stations will scan the Ukrainian-held terrain to find radio stations and concentration of cell phones emmision.
  15. In theory maybe yes. But in real... Which kind of "nationalism" opposed Soviet "internationalist-warriors" in Afganistan? In Mozambique? In many other countries? Under a mask of "internationalism" USSR supported communists and leftists regimes. Of course, the West did the same under a mask "we fight with communism and bring democracy". Nationalism will be exist always, as a natural protection reaction of any long time existed communality, which developed own culture, language, lifestyle, mentality and system of relations. So, "internationalism" is just leftists cosmopolitism. Both conceptions are equial in own harmfulness
  16. Russian ambassy in Kyiv lowered the flag on own building and departed to Russia. UKR MFA strongly recommened to all Ukrainian citizens to leave Russia among nearest 48 hours. Ukrainan troops last night got "red alert" readiness. Several recon groups of enemy under artillery fire tried to infiltreate on Ukrainian-controlled territory on Donetsk direction, but were engaged and withdrew. Looks like first probes before atatck. Also the enemy first time since 2015 used Grad MLRS, for the last night and morning 120 rockets were launched. In previous years they rarely used single shots with Grad-P. Ukrainain artillery and heavy mortars mostly keep silence. Most of the enemy assets, which firing on our positions located in residential areas or too close to them - looks like command prohibited the answering because doesn't want to give for Russia propaganda additional food, that's enough their clumsy work video-fakes for now to see who is who. Though, periodically, if there is allow a situation our troops fire back mostly with mortars.
  17. Russia gathered in the Black Sea about 45 ships and submarines, part of them were moved here from other fleets. Also in the Mediterranian sea now concentrated strongest since USSR times group of ships - 17, including two missile cruisers and 7 other missile carriers, including at least two submarines
  18. Flemish is a nation. But there are no such nations like "donbasians" or "crimeans". They are just Ukrainians, Russians, Greeks etc, which have even not always Russian, but often Soviet self-identification. All, who wanted to be a part of Russia, indeed thought they would go back to "glory days" of USSR. Russian Empire and USSR policy in heavy industrialized regions was like a melting pot, where migrants had been losing own national roots from years to years, from generation to generation. Especially this policy of "sovietization" intensified in Brezhyev's times, when was claimed about "new commonality forming - Soviet nation". Features of Soviet mentality are Russian-based culture with some national features allowed by ideology, Russian language, Marxism-Leninism and the faith in communism instead a religion, and sacral enemy - world capitalism and imperialism in the face of NATO, USA etc. To fight a sacral enemy Soviet people educated in the spirit of "internationalism" - be ready to fight in any place of the Earth for happiness of working people. Russia just modernized some ot theese features - "Russian world" conception, "Great Victory celebration like a neoreligious cult" etc.
  19. Result of today's shelling of thermoelectric power plant in Shchastia town. Three transformers with 40 tons of oil each are burning. Only for today the town and the plant got 140 shells. LNR medias claim Ukrainains destroy own power plant themselves before withdrawal.
  20. Zelensky signed a decree about reservists mobilization. He should have done this a week ago. We don't have too much time.
  21. That would be too simple and inappropriate for Russia just to recognize these "republics" in existing limits. This would give Ukraine the opportunity just drop the ballast and hope for collapse of Russia in far future. But the goal of Putin was clearly pointed in his yesterday's address to nation. About recognition of LDNR he spoke less than 5 minutes at the end. All other time it was crazy manipulative and conspiracy flow about Ukrainin history with resume - Ukraine is artifical composition hostile to Russia, Ukraine is a threaten for Russia, Ukraine hasn't a right to exist like a state. His addres obviously was recorded for large-scale invasion explaination, but he decided to swallow own victim gradually like a boa. And he will start from Donbas, making formal case - recognition of LDNR in the limits of administrative boudaries. So, will be no fly zone, and the Eagles will not come. The West even can't decide what this was - invasion or incursion, either now time for "killing sanctions" or need to wait, until Kyiv will be hummered by Russian missiles. Looks like we will fight one by one with hordes of Ivans.
  22. These guys look more similar to earliest UKR volunteer units - just add yellow duct tape and some helmets :) Pixeltruppens on this screenshots have a mix of western and old UKR camos, but if they reflect separatists of 2014, they should have Russian "gorka" and "flora" camo mixed with old Ukranian "dubok" and Russian "spectre". After 2015 they have been receiving new Russian digital camo, but "gorka" and old "flora" also still in use. Also in that time they used various types of helmets - from old Ssh-68 to modern Russians, though some number really hadn't head protection, but not 100 % like in this mode
  23. I doubt Putin will launch large scale war, but can attack on Donbas only for one reason - to force Ukraine to the direct negotiation with "republics". The war of 2014-15 was a "war of artillery", so this will take place and in 2022. So, I don't see any obstacles for "fight in the mud". Debaltsevo battle, for example, partially was like that. If Russia will attack openly along whole border, they will use mass helicopter landings and missile strikes Since 2015-2016 there are two defensive lines already built on Donbas. Other activities around possible invasion are not disclosed. There is also very few info in social networks about Ukrainian troops movements, though i have seen news about some counter-measures on Kyiv direction. Already three days our troops and dozen of frontline setlements on Donbas are under continous fire of 120-122-152 calibers 80-100 shelling per a day, most of them with over 82 mm calibers. But this is just pressure of Putin and "invitation" to concessions on Russian terms. Next week can be a tipping point.
  24. Among the weapon in this shipment, Canada delivered rifles Cadex Defense .338 and .50 There is one problem. For the years we accumulated hudge zoo of sniper rifles of different manufacturers and calibers, but we hadn't special miliary use bullets for them (I hope now situation is other) and amount of rifles, with a caliber higher of .308 is much more than number of snipers, which can properly use them... Also Netherlands have to deliver soon 100 rifles Accuracy International.
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