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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. I think, 203 mm B-4 howitzer must be included in the on-map artillery list. These heavy guns were in High Command Artillery Reserve and actively used in urban combat, though direct fire wasn't provided in B-4 field manual. But their overkill power (it also named "Stalin's maul") turned out useful during breakthrough of heavy fortified lines (direst shot destruction of bunkers) and in battles in the cities, which had old strong stone buildings, which could resist even to 122/152 mm shells of IS/SU/ISU, for example assault of Ternopil in Western Ukarine in 1944. During assault of Berlin, one B-4 from high-power artillery brigade usually was attaching to one rifle battalion. Sometimes, guns used from the distanse of 200 m to the enemy and shot through the smoke screen. In urban combat also widely used high-power systems Br-2 (152 mm) and Br-5 (280 mm) B-4 on the Berlin street, towed by Voroshilovets heavy artillery tractor
  2. I doubt all riflemen had padded jackets only. Greatcoats should be more appropriate for them. I have read somewhwre, that even inside one platoon or company could be different uniform and about 30 % were in greatcoats even though other had jackets. I will ask of my famliar WWII re-enactor about this. Here some photos of Visla-Oder operation:
  3. Three men enough to move and rotate the gun, here the "test-drive" of this gun from UKR re-enactment club (video for 2018). On 3:13 This guns used for direct support of infantry battalions in defense or in advance, so it can be easy moved and instantly deployed. 76 mm ZIS-3 guns also can be moved by hands, but it was heavier, so on dirty or sand terrain it was hard even for full crew.
  4. Not hip-hop, but here some videos about UKR marines: This is air-assult marines battalion of 36th Marines brigade (in the video they are operating with different brigade and Navy support). This unit is mix of Marines and VDV. Both UKR Marines brigade has one air-assult battalion and almost each marines battalion has one air-assult company. Video of beret test of 503rd marines battalion (this idf 2017 year video and you can see old black beretes, but since 2018 their color was changed to aquamarine) Interesting, I heard that servicemen of 1st marines battalion, which unit existed as far as before the war are looking down on other new-formed marines units, because considering only they are true marines and keepers of marine tradiotions, and rest - just are re-named infantry or "mabuta" in slang.
  5. RPG-29 was adopted for Soviet Army in 1989, but there is no orders of this equipment for Russian army except maybe several specimens for testing. All RPG-29 are going for export.
  6. Ahah, if I could ID the location by plants, my places should be detective agency or Bellingcat All much simplier. Lostarmour - no data - Google - images - burning BMP-1 (in Russian) - search this photo - find it - read the explainations - comparing them - search additional info - result. OSINT rules Ukraine since 2003 is actively participating in UN missions in Africa. Liberia, Ivory Coast, DR Congo. Main part of these missions are our helicopters. There are two separate helicopter detachments were created in different time for these missions. Mi-24, Mi-8, crews and land personnel substituted themselves by rotations, which didn't break even in 2014-2015. Our pilots is getting experience and good salary from UN budget, in several times more, than they get in Ukarine. Earlier (and maybe to this time) any serviceman, who wanted to get in rotation list had to pay a bribe 3000-5000 USD
  7. No, even uder VPN the same. If this video represented so called HMB (Historical Medieval Battles), this is more MMA in armor, than real re-enacted mediaval fighting and re-enactment at all. In Ukraine it's also popular branch of historical hobby, but it is pure sport, because guys are fighting in optimized for tough contact fight armor, which almost didn't match for defined time period and region. Also they are using own short distance weapon less than own fists and legs %). This is good show for spectators, but it's historicity is very doubt. VDV and special forces troopers were forbidden to show these technics and use it beyond trainings and military operations. Technics were classified, so in the movies they can't be demonstrated. Army hand-to-hand combat was semi-legalized for civil teaching only after 1984, when karate was prohibited. But full legalization was only in 1992.
  8. Hah! You overestimate my capabilities %) There is not so much BMP-1 were lost in Donbas and such happen doesn't familiar to me. So, quick research showed this is Ivory Coast civil war, the vehicle belonged to followers of president Gbagbo and was hit by French Gazelle helicopter during fighting over the capital Abidjan. But I don't know what exactly year, because there were several clashes 2004 and 2011. By the way Ukrainians also participated in this war. In 2011 two Ukrainian Mi-24P of UN peacemaking forces hit Gbagbo positions in Abidjan
  9. Since Soviet times each large university has military department, which allow to gain military education for the rank of junior officer of reserve. A profile of university defines specialization of mlitary education. For example, in Kyiv, politechnical university is graduating specialists of ground forces air defense, aviation university - specialists of airfield maintenance, National university - wide spectre of auxiliary staff personnel (translators, psychologists, military lawers) etc. I can't remember either gaining of military education was obligatory or not, but since 1991 - only at will. The tution at the military department had a great bonus - you were not taken in the army! Ukrainan army of 90th and to mid of 2000th was the terrible environment, so all who just could avoid consription, did it (bribing, entrance to universities with military department, etc). The level of education in these departments was formal as arule. Teachers understood perfectly that students entered at military department only to avoid real service, so they often demanded money for sucessful exams passing. Newly minted officers were going to have two-weeks camp fees, but because of bad economical situation in those years this was very rare. So, I gained the rank of lieutenant, but had only tree shots with PM pistole %) Though, even in Soviet times the level of training at military depatments was too low, so in army envirionment the officer, graduated from civl high school scornfully called as "jacket". As I know, during 2014-2015 such officers didn't mobilize to army, though some number go to front at will. One guy from our university, became a commander of SA-8 Osa and got killed during operation on the border - Russian artillery hit their position. Since 2017 limited number of "jackets" became to call up to army each year, because of army has big need in junior and mid rank officers. Of course they were passing re-training program. But you shouldn't confuse "junior officer of reserve" and "reservist" terms for Ukrainain conditions. Since 2010... maybe..., existed the program of reservists training. Each citizen could pass the training program according choosen speciality and became a member of [active] reserve - they wasn't on real service, just were obliged to pass camp fees. But to 2014 only about 1500 citizens counted like "reservivts". That was one of soviet life paradoxes. Politic and economic was tied on military, but culture, art, education really stood on positions of humanism (of course, I say about post-Stalin period). Even in movies about Great Patriotic War were prohibited naturalistsc and too much bloody scenes. In detectives showed mostly mind games than action. So in USSR cinema wasn't that, what names "cult of the force and violence". I lived out 15 years in USSR until it collapsed and can say modern Russian education and mass-culture much more agressive and militaristic, than in USSR. We could blame Reagun, abstract "capitalists", "US militarism", "Israeli zionism" but never hated American or other people, which "struggle for own rights and against the war". And no one TV-newscaster could afford to say "We will turn USA in radioactive ash" I can't watch the video - "watching prohibited for your country". I re-enacted Rus of 13th century, not late Europe ) Though, can say, after terrible from the point of historical view "Vikings" serial under the brand of History channel (especially new 6th season about Anciernt Rus - that is as....le ridiculous fantasy), I can't trust anymore to their information %)
  10. I'm not military, though have a lieutenant rank, gained in my politechnical university. I just like military history and all tied with that (weapon, equipment), also I was involved about ten years in medieval re-enactment, so this is my hobby : ) There is not so much Soviet films of 70-80th era where hand-to-hand combat is present. Unlike in USA, action-movie genre in USSR considered as "inorganic to the spirit of Soviet humanism" and not welcomed. The Wiki says in this film participated Tadeush Kasyanov, in a future famous stuntmaster and the man, who first brought karate to USSR approx in 1970-71. But I can't say who he was just actor or fight-scene maker too. Also this film pesonally superviced by the "god-father of Soviet VDV" general Margelov (to these days he is really like an idol of all post-soviet paratroopers). So almost all, what you can see is a real, but huge amont was anyway cutted by censorship. And real hand-to-hand combat used by special forces in that time was classified, so I suppose it was substituted by more simple army hand-to-hand combat and "soviet-version of karate" technics. But even if it looks stupid for present time, for the 70-80th Soviet cinena this was absolute WOW-effect.
  11. Not Soviets This is episode of Osowets fort seige in 1914-1915 during WWI. The big fortification is situated in nowadays Poland, which in that time was under rule of Russian Empire. Each country has own military history mythes and "attack of the dead men" is one of its. Initially this episode was described in monography "Struggle for Osowets" by Sergei Khmelkov, who was prticipator of this defense, but not participator of this "dead men attack". All information about it reflected in the book from the words of eyewitness. According to Khmelkov on 24th July 1915, Germans, during third assault, used gas attack against one of the sector of defense, which defended four companies. They thought all defenders dead and attacked in the force of 14 German battalions. They overcame first two trench lines - all defenders were poisoned. But anyway Germans started own advance too early, because the gas cloud wasn't scatter completely yet. Southern wing of German troops turned out under own gas impact and also met resistance of survived Russian infantrymen and withdrew. But on other part of defense Germans approaced to critically important bridge near railroad. This sector was defended by two companies, which also suffered from a gas, but kept about half of personnel. As a reinforcement form the fort to them was directed a company which almost didn't suffer from the gas. So on approach to the bridge Germans was sudednly engaged with fort artillery, and in addition Russian infantrymen rushed on them in bayonets. Forward German lines fled in panic and put to flight other. From German side there is only information, that after gas attack they started own advance, but when Russians met them with fire and turned out the gas didn't kill all, they stopped advance and turned back. The myth was borned in 2009, when the book of Khmelkov got in the hand of Rusian journalist Voronov. To the 95th anniversary of WWI beginning he issued an article about Osowets and this episode, which he called "dead men attack". To the laconic describing of Khmelkov he added many "artistic effects" like "appeared from the green clouds Russian soldiers, сouging up bloody particles of lungs from themeselve" and many other zombi-style describings. But this article then left unnoticed. Only in 2011 it was re-issued with "new epic details" in Special Force's magazin "Bratishka" ("The bro"). In that article already wasn't any word about Russian artillery effect, but only how several dozens of semi-poisoned infantrymen put in the flight whole German regiment. Looks like Russian propaganda specialists payed attention on this, so this article started to repost in many media, on TV etc. After Georgian 888 war and raised prices on the oil, Russian society was in euphoria "we are strongest in the wold and can throw a challenge to the West", thus this "dead men attack" turned out a brilliant example of "Superiority of Russian spirit". Though in the real all was not like in zomby-blockbaster style.
  12. @John Kettler Yes, there were iconic films in USSR. The second is really sequel of first. Many boys after its watching, especially the first film, dreamed about VDV service . So, these films are example of good high quality military propaganda. I watched both, but didn't like them, because VDV troopers were shown like invincible terminators in comparison with other Soviet Army units. Of course, this was demand of the genre, but I never like Rambo-style films %) They are VDV recons. If VDV considered as army elite, that VDV recons considered elite of VDV, so they can be compared with Spetsnaz. No, a year before.
  13. I'm shoked how author came to cheking own sources. First of all not Zubrowski, but Zabrodskyi. And this wasn't full brigade. The raid group consisted of combined forces of 1st airmobile and 13th separate airmobile battalions with battery of towed D-30 howitzers of 95th brigade. Total amount of personnel slightly more 400 men.Their mission was to unblock Ukrainian units (more that 3000 men), trapped on the border. Then, they must move together with 1st BTG of 30th mech.brigade to the north-east and join with 2nd BTG of 30th mech.brigade in Mius area to establish new line of external blocade. Parartropers on own way have destroyed several separs checkpoints and later liberated with fighting several villages. But all captured tanks and guns belongs to separs, not Russian regulars. They really clashed with regular Russian units (w/o insignias), but only one time - during the fighting near Krasnyi Luch. There is too few information about these fightings. This is very strange, but to this time official ATO "chroniclers" are telling only about initial sucessful part of this really heroical raid - up to relieving of our blocked units, but further developments are giving in several sentenses only. And this theme is awaiting own researher. Officially first "prooved" Russian regulars were paratroopers, captured on 24th Aug near Dzerkalne. Of course, Russian regulars came on UKR territory much early, and fought near Krasnyi Luch, Heorhiivka, Stepanivka, but this is inconvenient theme for General Staff, because this breaks their legend about "surprise attack on 24th Aug". Absolute fairy tell. The article of Ukrainain journalist about glorious victory over Russian battalion of T-80, which the author used w/o factchecking is just patriotic propaganda and no more. All was viсe versa - the attack of UKR tank company and motorized inf. company was completely destroyed by Russian Msta-S battery and separs ambush. And about attack of "Ukrainian volunteer unit". First of all not volunteer, "Azov" in that time already was regular National Guard unit, the second - they wasn't "backed by army". When "Azov" advanced and needed a refueling and recharging, army units suddenly recieved an order "to stand on own positions, and not supply Azov". Azov and Donbas were encircled and heavy fought until 79th airmobile brigade unit deblocaded them at last. We had a plan to return on the border near Novoazovsk and pull some enemy forces from Debaltsevo, but because of strange political games Azov could only push off enemy lines from Mariupol. Battle for airport described very rough and... starnge. The author couldn't see main component of successful defense and the cause of airport falling. And that was not tanks on runway... When separs assulted last cyborg's positions, they used tactic of small assault groups, which simultainously firing several RPO-A and PRG-7 with cover of MG and sniper fire. This forced defenders step back again and again. Separs used smoke grenades, used 40 mm grenade launchers, in final assult they also used chemical weapon and at last powerful HE charges (maybe sea mines) - first exploded from the top, the second and fatal - from below. Participation of Russian regular army in Debaltsevo battle asolutely exaggerated. Yes, they really had strong artillery and MLRS group there, but their "field" units engaged episodically. They had only two motor-rifle companies and four tank companies, from which really participated maybe a half. They also hadn't T-90A, only T-72B3 (one company) and T-72 mod.1989. Also group of Vagner used, but was badly beaten and tank battalion August, and smaller groups, formed from Russian volunteers. Our stupid generals and former president in full seriuos to this time claim Russian had several BTGs on Debaltsevo and around, and name units, which in that time either were in Russia or dislocated in other part of Donbas. Because of to say for people "Russians wanted to breakthrough to Kharkiv, but we forced them to stop by our military and diplomatic efforts. We are won. Debaltsevo is our victory!" . But really, separs said, when the truce was broken, 7th LNR brigade, which carried main burden of fights, mobilized to last assault all who could walk - staff and rear personnel, light wounded etc, because their losses were huge. From other places were moved reinfocements. They say "This is a miracle that we won. Maybe we just wanted to win much more than Ukarinain generals". And this is true, alas. But not only generals, but coward politics. Hm... Only one of two ways passed through mostly wooden terrains. Ukrainian troops are withdrawing both on foot and on vehicles, only damaged and broken equipment was abandoned. Again this "Russian forces". Our trops left positions suddenly for the separs. They reacted, when our forward columns already were on own way. Our artillery and ballistic missiles from the "big land" hit probable places of enemy ambushes and positions. Groups of special forces and 95th brigade covered our convoys and spotted enemy movements for our artillery. In this way three of five convoys had time to successfully escape and only last two were heavy attacked and suffered relatively big losses in personnel and vehicles. So this is not "Russian forces unable".
  14. Real world BRM vehicles can conduct many recon missions, not only visual observation, but also defining coordinates of targets, rangefinding, detecting and rough recognizing type of enemy radar emmiting. Own doppler radar PSNR-5К allows to detect MOVING targets (in the game it mistakingly detects ALL targets) in the night or hard weather conditions. For examle the moving tank can be detected on 8-10 km, group of infantry on 5-6 km, single man on 3-4 km. Operator can use radar in echo-sound mode - than he listens reflected squeaks and by them detecting the targets, or in two indicator modes. But latter have worth accuracy - if in sound mode it is 25 m by range and 0-05 milrad by azimuth, then indicator mode gives only 50-100 m for range and 0-10 milrad by azimuth. For squeak detection and in whole for working with PSNR-5k good trained operator is needed, so in the game green and conscript crews shouldn't be able to use radar. So, modelled in the game PSNR-5k on BRM-1 and BRM-3k has next problems: - radar can detect stationery targets, but must detect moving targets only - crews with poor training (conscript, green) can successfully use it, but shouldn't. - radar gives exact place and type of target, but must give "?" or rough detected "armor", "infantry" targets in some area, limited by radar acuracy. - game range of detection is significantly reduced.
  15. This is not DEEP snow even for Poland/Germany weather conditions. Knee-deep level for man or 1/3-1/2 of track diameter would be better. And the cart's wheels are not sunk in the snow %)
  16. I couldn't find more appropriate thread, so post here. Great compiled video of rebel's probe to Neyrab town 02/19/2020. But the shugar on top is on 4:20. Rebel's ACV-15 on high speed is driving directly on Asad's T-72. Looks like loyalist crew spotted the enemy too late - they tried to rotate the turret on APC, but rebels started circling around T-72 on the distance 5-10 m. At the end they rammed the tank in the rear and assadits retrated - maybe they thought they under attack of SVBIED or they hadn't ammunution to shot APC. I wonder if simulate this episode in CMSF2, whether the tank can spot APC (and for what time) or not. This is to the question about extra-spotting capabilities of units in CM UPD. The video is already deleted by Youtube, so here the cutted episode with tank and APC from Twitter (alas, in reduced quality):
  17. Yes, here (in Russian): https://hvylya.net/analytics/politics/kto-i-kak-sdal-debalcevo-svidetelstvuju.html This is second article of artillery officer with callsign ArtyGreen. Hew was a commander of artillery recon group in 25th mot.inf.battalion. During Debaltsevo operation this skillful officer in cooperation with 128th brigade, established artillery recon and fire adjusting network, which united almost all artillery and mortar units inside the bulge and partially artillery of Sector C. This network operated parallel (and maybe instead) with official, which established Sector C command, because official system was completely obsolete, ineffective and took too much time for maneuver with fire in conditions of such type of warfare. Initial success of Debaltsevo defense completely obliged to effective artillery fire, based on ArtyGreen network. Through his network communication channels passed many information, so he issued own first article in 2015, where sharply criticized official version of General Staff about Debaltsevo operation and blamed highest military and political leadership in the intentional surrender of Debaltsevo bulge. This is second artilcle, which more extended.
  18. @Zveroboy1 You can extend scenario and merge it with neighbore Karapulka river scenario I read new article about Debaltsevo, where author pointed important detail - Ukrainian trops in Lohvynove not only covered main supply road, but also controlled two of three crossings through Karapulka river. From the hill behind Lohvynove was good LOS on the terrain aside the river, so any attempts of the enemy to approach from that side would be repulsed with mortars, artillery and ATGMs. Though for such hypothetical scenario full size map 6 x 3 km is needed @Nektoman As i read stories of soldiers, which fought in Debaltsevo they mostly used windows like escape way, but not for the entering.
  19. ...And how it was looking in real in 2015. Video of DNR forces
  20. This is wrong translation. Commander said "bronieboinyi" = "armor piercing". For sabot he should have said "podkalibernyi" At 1:05:09 there is also mistake - commander said "fugas" (HE) for half-truck, but subtitles show HEAT - in this case commander should have said "kumuliativnyi"
  21. Initially BM Bulat was planned with thermal sight PTT-2 (2nd gen. matrix), but because of thermals is more apropriate for real warfare and in that time in Ukraine nobody didn't take in serious that any real war will be possible, for economy reason PTT-2 was rejected. Though, construction allows to mount it if need. PTT-2 is presernt on BM Oplot
  22. I almost don't watch TV, so can't say anythinng. I doubt that Inter TV (pro-russian opposition controlled)or Ukraina TV (Akhmetov-controlled) or even 1UA (government-controlled) are throwing military solution messages. Full disangagement is impossible, it is not apropriate neither for us, not for separs. In this case both sides will lose direct control over important points. Zelenskyi oneself recognized this can take years, but he initially said "we have a year not more to stop the war". I beleieve he really want to finish the war, but he is just naive libertarian, whichis thinking he can find compromise with Putin. Dangerous games. And I see that his position already is slightly changing. Recently he said "former authorities didn't anything to stop the war", but now he is saying "only Putin can withdraw own forces from Donbas and stop the war"
  23. Hm... Pollings are showing standard +/- 20 % for military solution during last two years. I can't say that it is drifting. Here the dynamics since Aug 2017. Red color - military solution, dark green - to freeze conflict and recognize territories temporary occupied, light green - to give "special status" or authonomy, light gray - "I don't know", blue - to allow them join to Russia/ to be independent/ to expel from Ukraine But this conflict can not be neither frozen, nor have diplomacy solution and early or later will come to active phase again. Philistines, which vote for "peace solution" just contradict themeselves. Because according to the same polls 56 % of population is not support "special status" for occupied part of Donbas (26 % - support). Also most of population don't support possible concessions to Russia in change to stopping the war: 63 % don't support federative status (17 % support). 59 % don't support full amnesty for separs (18 % support), 59 % don't suport rejection of Eurointegration (19 % support), 56 % don't support the status of Russian langauge as second static (29 % support), 54 % don't suport rejection of NATO membership (25 % suport). Thus, most of population from the both parts "active" and "philistines" don't suport main demands of Russia to Ukraine and in case of Ukrainian leaders will cross these "red lines" there is will be mass street actions. Untill Russian political goals will not be achieved, the war will go on. So, diplomacy solution is impossible.
  24. Of course, no ) Commander has TKN-3V observation device, which in night conditions can detect "tank" type targets up to 300-400 m. Gunner has TPN1-49-23 with EOP 1st gen., which in active mode can detect "tank" target up to 1000 m and about 500 m in passive mode Yes. Though BM Bulat got upraded EOP 2+ gen. Commander has PNK-4CR observation device with 800 m night detection and gunner has the sight TO1-KO1-ER "Buran-E" with 1400 m night detection.
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