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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Ryan is back... Immersion total, perhaps the Russian music !! ?? JM
  2. Nice video I like the maps with some hills... what is the map name ? JM
  3. First time that I see my airborne in action very nice and happy that can help some of us. All is perfect, a good immersion, I saw some textures on the town that I like, can you provide a link to Normandy textures also the tiles falling from house and junks on the street pls ? JM
  4. Hi, I can only say that everys flavours objects have 2 3 4 5 slots used, depending from BFC need in the game, but a maximum of 9 slots for everys flavour object can be created for use, most of the time we have to created them untill a limit of 9. But like I read above I have to check if I can added more and this will be very useful... Another's things is sometimes by differents modules bn fb sf rt... some have flavours object in game folder, but not in the editor, so we cannot use them : for exemple the case of "pallets" that are is present in folder game but not in the editor... I know that because I was using the flavour object "pallet" in my wrecks work, and when I put in bn this one don't appear in editor picture, and I have to choose another one. (Is also understanding because they were not using pallet in the ww2) so is logical, but we have to know. So If you are working with flavour objects pay attention that this one appear also in the editor. I don't know if I was understanding enough... JM
  5. There are "talking" picture for me, more of this. Propose you to make wrecks models and you the textures... ! We will than say Thanks for the wrecks @JM Stuff and @Lucky_Strike, just an idea hehehe ! This is direcdtly another Combat Mission, hope that BFC is on the forum. No but really with this we can created the famous "Falaise street wrecks" in Normandy, battle of Kursk (when it come out,) or everys battlefield disaster. JM
  6. He boy I would like to see the red cross amb in the game, don't forget that the models are not official and I have to make more modifications, it was only to help tou to make yours diorama... are you working on a news maps ? JM
  7. Beautiful and on the limit of the perfection like always Mark, and this is only a warm up, like you said, cannot waiting to see the final version, I keep an eye on you boy ! I have always a problem to apply textures, specialy in blender, is true that some can be added to wrecks this give a good aspect so, everybody's is free to make a try. The details make always the difference. JM
  8. Thank you all will be in a next pack but shared for (bn bs rt sf and cw) Details later... JM
  9. Yes but the textures they are not dead because they are moving all the time between blender and Cm transfert...un "case tete" or a headache... But all with a for friend. JM
  10. I am very happy to see a smile to you, you dont have to apologise I will do, and much more J., give me more inputs and time I love to do things... Remind you this is a flavour object vehicle not a vehicle that you can give command, but one day I will also do it. PS pm send. Cheer for now JM
  11. Thanks to your reply Effectivly good remark, but they did already some so this must be usefull for a while...can somebody provide some infos about dysfunction of the tank and the situation ? My question stay open to know if, I introduce it in the game do will, I have for short, a better protection ? @Aquila-SmartWargames was Making already some extra Armor on vehicles but I don't know the result of impacts? JM
  12. No sorry to desapoint you, this forum is for CM and not snooker heroes ! JM
  13. I saw something interresting about Sherman's Know somebody's something about? I know about german tanks the famous "Zimmerit" but never about Allied. I wonder if this will have an impact in the game, when I added some welcome protections in the front, I cannot reproduce cement, but added some stufs, and created for short a "Super Sherman"... JM
  14. Thanks to take time to post the link, yes 37mm make also always good job. JM
  15. Take your time and enjoy your fight...was only nice to see, I wonder about the animations I will check myself is perhaps already on the forum thanks to your reply... JM
  16. Beautiful screenshots I like, the explosions and the fog, do you use yours own textures, or are there from a mod on the CMMODs ? JM
  17. Some news today to respond to the wish of my friend @Aragorn2002 I present you a model sdkfz 251 d ambulance version the vehicle is without damages only an engine problem, that the crew have to evacuated the vehicle ! some modifications intern like added more bed removing all weapons and amo boxes changind plate number added more "verbandkasten" I cannot remove the mount behind or I will lose all the vehicle structure and can no more export it in mdr. now I see the problem there is no engine hehehe ! hope will be helpfull Another version in on the way but first my civilian and soldier bodies... JM
  18. let you a because I know the story about it ! JM
  19. If we touch to blender we can created hungarian weappons and more see oncle Koh and frenchy56 for this ! JM
  20. On the CMMODs III not IV you will find the mod here CMRT: Winter ’44 – Compilation Mod OK THE LINK IS HERE attention very very big https://mega.nz/folder/4UxBlCLC#uxibUJUM78CgiEctkslXPw JM
  21. I guess Hungarian soldiers, will look like germans with specifics weapons and vehicles ! Something similar is already on the CMMODs but perhaps the version III, I will check it ! JM
  22. Gracias amigo sabes que me gusta crear cosas nuevas, espero para todos. El Sur de España es como Texas, asi que sabes a lo que me refiero. Tu idioma es perfecto no te preocupes! Literal Thanks friend you know I like to created new things, I wish only that is helpfull for everybodys ! South of Spain is like Texas, so you know what I mean about the weather ! Don t worry you language is perfect, better that my french spain prononciation, I guess ! Thrue, about Blender and CM they are not really friends "what you see, is not only what you get" and this is frustration sometimes about it... soon I will present some death civilian, not very happy about this, but is the reallity of war. JM
  23. I will send you soon to check it ! JM
  24. Indeed interresting ! ...one day, one day I m sure to have my Yougoslavia war. JM
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