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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. hahaha. Is this a marital relations comment or a comment on the popularity of the "early war"?
  2. I see it now shows the number of "views" of the page the mod is offered for download. I see it has a "likes" counter. But it has no download counter. I am fine with however it is equipped but I sure wish I knew how many downloads my stuff has. My wife said she would give me a "hummer" if I get 1000 downloads. I mean the car, the Hummer vehicle, guys! Jeez.
  3. No, I did not plan to take this as a work for the mod. I do find it very interesting but I cannot do all. Right?
  4. It needs just the 47mm gun and less armor so in my opinion (2 Eurocents) it is not good to use the Archer. If (Le grande "if") you can find a solution then it is an interesting addition to the CMFI France 1940 mod. Merci http://www.littlewars.se/french1940/w15tcc.html
  5. I think it is not a good match because of the thicker armor. But if you want to use it... Does CMFI have the Archer vehicle? If yes, find the exact name of the Archer mdr file. ****.mdr Then you take your blender creation untitled.mdr and rename as ****.mdr Put in z folder. Start CMFI. Purchase an Archer and it should appear as your creation.
  6. Last night I added a Lloyd carrier roadwheel to my Panzer I Ausf B in place of an existing roadwheel. The first test it ran but in an odd wobbly jumpy manner. I then went back and carefully matched the x,y,z size and x,y,z position. The next test ALL roadwheels vanished. sad sad sad So maybe I will switch away from the T-70 hull. It is fun to try.
  7. It is a difficult project because it shoots to the rear but was thinly armored. At first I thought you might use the Archer vehicle as the "host" but I checked and Archer has much thicker armor. It is good to try!
  8. Good eye buddy! ~~~~~~~~ This is where I always thought BFC should have a side business with CM related merchandise like mousepads and coffee cups. They could reward folks with some small gift or have contests and give out a gift. I would think one of the key BFC bubbas would have some nephew that could run it. Advertise here on a separate webpage and all the forum guys' wives and girlfriends and kids could get them a CM necktie for Father's day. Maybe they know how small the community is and it is not really worth it to them to stock this stuff in some backroom. I wonder if now being on Steam will change their minds. Or maybe such merchandise is out there and I never found it. Oh well.
  9. No, I didn't. I am just playing in the laboratory like Doctor Frankenstein. I see now it is an Ausf B due to 5 roadwheels. I think I can add some small pistol ports (just in closed dummy positions) and TRY to change a few armor plates to better get to the shape of the Pz I. The L3/35 is a damn good stand-in for the Pz I...(no turret but I do have the mount moving a little like a turret) Now I just need to make it look better.
  10. Hull: I started it as a prototype with the T-70 hull. At first I tried the Lloyd carrier to get the antique style spoked wheels but it had an odd hull in other areas. I will try to back fit the spoked wheels. Maybe add the horizontal tie bar. Turret: I am using the turret from the 231 8-rad. I have scaled it to .75 and doubled the mg's and deleted the cannon. I am fighting a few Blender mystery issues but so far it performs well. "the baby brother behind the little brother" But now I go to my office job for 3 days. I will mess with it at night.
  11. I am excited to see how you attack the making of a map! There have been a few threads about realistic maps and certain things that can be done to make them seem more natural. WimO and Macisle come to mind. Likewise, there are threads about the limitations of the editor and some workarounds that can be employed. GeorgeMC comes to mind. My best advice is to decide early before you invest massive time if you must employ artistic license in a "global rotation" or "non-historic alteration" to achieve a better final product. Buildings are only offered at certain angles. Waterways and Roads are also a big pain. If you did not know, there is a 22.5 degree road mod by your fellow Frenchmen Falaise. Your map might not match the exact battle area 100% but it does get done and works well in the scenario.
  12. Thanks! It reminded me I had messed with that slow poke a couple years ago in trying to make a British MK VI for Crete. Yesterday I went ahead and started experiments using the L3/35 which has no actual turret and is smaller but is as fast as the PzI. Experiments include also scaling it up in size in Blender. EDIT: This might be hard to follow. I just did a Blender edit and renamed the L5/21 turret as mount and when it stands in for the L3/35, I get "some" turret movement left and right. Now I can do Doctor Frankenstein stuff and TRY TO make it all look more like the actual Panzer I. It is fun to fight these little 1940 tanks against each other.
  13. I have a list of FRANCE 1940 scenarios I decided I must do before I can retire. You all will be damn ready for me to go after all this retirement moaning and groaning! You guys are great. Thanks for the kindness and understanding. BODANGE (Ardennes Chasseurs) IN PROGRESS STONNE (French attack) ETALLE (GD) IN PROGRESS SUXY (GD) VONCQ (SS-Polizei's first combat) map started YONCQ (big French armor attack against the Panzers) map started ok, you might be scatching your head. Yes, there really is a Voncq and a Yoncq PERBAIS (German infantry attack) a few others I can't recall the town name...
  14. A merci to Tony @Simicro for the new image in my signature. He had an assist by Tim @Vacillator .
  15. @Suchy Hey Tommy, You always have a good eye for what is possible. Can you please look at the world of CM and see what I could use to Blender quick build a PzI? -crew of 2. -2 mg's -armor is 7-13mm -speed 23mph -5 tons -L 4.02m x W 2.06m x H 1.72m
  16. Over the next week or so I will finalize the CMFI FRANCE 1940 GOLD PACK and finish a scenario to try and show off GOLD. Tentative list... If anybody spots any goofs with SILVER, please just PM me. Screenshots are best of course. If needed I can try to roll SILVER "fixes" in with GOLD. Then I am gone to Europe for a week starting May 17. Bovington and Saumur. I hope to sneak home a tank in my luggage. One of the early war smaller tanks might slip through.
  17. Here is the link for the Italy page Perry-Castañeda Library at the University of Texas at Austin https://maps.lib.utexas.edu/maps/italy.html
  18. Has anyone downloaded SILVER and tried the new scenarios?
  19. Hey, it is Friday so enjoy some new stuff! Link at the bottom FR40B SILVER PACK IS RELEASED FR40B1 [muddy-crossing] FR40B2 farm flavor objects FR40B3 Charb1bis FR40B4 Brazil as Senegalese troops (delayed until GOLD) FR40B5 French 75mm gun FR40B6 Panhard Armored Car FR40B7 PzIVD FR40B8 [rubarth] scenario special mods FR40B9 [corpsfrancs] FR40B SCENARIOS FR40B DROLE DE GUERRE by PEB14 FR40B DER GIGANT by kohlenklau FR40B FIREFIGHT AT ANNELLES by kevinkin FR40B RUBARTH'S RITTERKREUZ by kohlenklau FR40B CENDRIERE'S FARM revised so playable as axis vs AI FR40B SEDAN-GRAD by kohlenklau Down the SILVER here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6sr6ux04acmb628/AAArFV2KKoz2Tebriqfdvqvoa?dl=0 Reminder that you also need the BRONZE https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l7vq1tkou7jdx0f/AAAzqnXwNR9eXvqQk2SDdt_Pa?dl=0 and the BRONZE PLUS UP (patch) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/b1xxqze5cnnuq6o/AAAbeTl95UlC8Zo8MoXQ_uIca?dl=0
  20. Definitely. I am really excited for the big trip!
  21. CMBN French Résistance [maquis] Hmmm, if only we had some energetic guys from France and some nut who would advise them... Maybe you guys do in 2024 for the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of Paris...?
  22. I now have the goody box link in my forum signature but I am organizing things still. I am semi-retired! I will work to better prepare the mod for hand-off. This prep work will probably include finishing up a few scenarios. hilarious PDF Manuals: I will make updates & additions to the previously released "FR40 Mod Scenario Creation Guide". I will add a "Read Me" manual since the mod is somewhat complex. I will add a pdf of the "Fake Lobster" lecture which explains how I made vehicles ~~~~~~ Just last night I added some more maps to the FR40 collection. Others have blazed this trail before - I was able to use hexedit to bring over to CMFI a few select CMFB maps. I think they will do nicely as substitutes for some of the 10 May 1940 - 12 May 1940 battles in the Ardennes.
  23. My retirement plan! I promise I will go through all my France 1940 mods and get it organized for download. Then in a week or so I will make the link my signature and offer to the community. Separate folders for the below: the mod packs sub mods that were in progress such as Chasseurs Ardennais the completed scenarios all the Belgium & France maps made or in progress not used in a scenario all research items, photos, notes raw files in paint.net and GiMP scenarios as rough in progress "as is" scenario creation guide modtag text files scenario briefing text files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remember that you all have my full permission to take the ball and run forward. Good luck guys!
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