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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Please go to the dropbox and grab the latest guide v1.2 I think where I try to better explain how the scenario writer must decide the priority for those mod choices when having Italians on both allied side AND axis side
  2. I had always wondered where you lived!
  3. Please tell me more about the grenade launcher of 1940
  4. I added a CMFI FRANCE 1940 Scenario Creation Guide pdf manual to the dropbox link above. I hope we see some folks make some scenarios. HAPPY EASTER TO EVERYBODY!
  5. In a week shy of 2 months, I and about 3 other guys have created a France 1940 mod of damn decent results. Call me an a-hole, but I think a few heads should hang in shame! Get it here
  6. Swing by the other thread lads to grab the dropbox link and to have a look at the readme! Or use this wormhole... https://community.battlefront.com/topic/142292-how-to-make-a-big-mod-test-dummy-log/?do=findComment&comment=1988156
  7. I am sure there will be some little issues spotted. So, what the heck. Here it is now! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l7vq1tkou7jdx0f/AAAzqnXwNR9eXvqQk2SDdt_Pa?dl=0 @Bootie If you want to please place it up on CMMODSIV at your convenience sir. Thank you for your too often unsung service to the CM community. Use the below as the description. FR40A BRONZE LEVEL INSTRUCTIONS April 2023 WELCOME! This is the CMFI France 1940 Mod "Bronze Level Release"! THANKS! My thanks to all those who helped make this possible: Damian45, Falaise, JM Stuff, kevinkin, Juju, sbobovyc. Others not listed. Some mods displayed may be very old mods and I do not know who made them. Mods such as CMBN buildings and such. EASY INSTRUCTIONS! 1. Put scenarios in your CMFI scenario folder. They have a prefix of FR40A. 2. Plop the mod folder in your CMFI z folder. If you have tons of extra German helmets in your z from other mods...you shoud temporarily pull them out. Or you will see an odd camo helmet on the France 1940 Germans. That would be sad. 3. Look at the "Nice to Haves" folder and make some decisions. a. Do you want a different splash screen while playing the mod? Pick mine or Damian's. b. Plop the music in your z if you want a different tune as it loads. c. The loading screens by Damian45 are awesome. I recommend them. d. The String file changes the names of stuff. It is not dangerous. But just know it should be removed out of z if you do other stuff. Standard disclaimer. Use at your own risk. All materials are licensed work of BFC. I did this for free. Best regards, kohlenklau
  8. Tomorrow is Easter. Perhaps it is bad etiquette to release a war game mod on a high holiday? So, it will be released on Monday 10 April 2023. We are in the final moments of preparation.
  9. Yes sir. I wish you the best. You are a good man. But after this one...I hope you just go hang out and relax with your hoe.
  10. No sir! It is my 2 cents to say this. But I must say that for your Magnum Opus it should be just for H2H play. To borrow and change an old saying. You cannot make an AI plan "fool proof" as fools and idiots are so clever!
  11. Once you start to play against a human it is so difficult to gather the energy to write an AI plan. The AI scripting I do now is always the most rudimentary plan. I am sorry to pee on the general idea of AI plan writing and testing efforts. It is not meant as an insult to anybody here...it is just my opinion from laziness and a bad attitude. I am tomorrow releasing a few FRANCE 1940 scenarios with noted as "PLAY AS AXIS VERSUS ALLIED AI" for example. But I have a bigger one that is just for H2H play as I am not going to invest the time for the AI plans. I started to but then slapped myself with cold water.
  12. LET US TOGETHER MAKE A NEW SCENARIO COME ALIVE! I want 1 more good juicy scenario for Sunday. I can only turn to "moi"... I used the ASL Scenario Archive to find an existing idea! https://www.aslscenarioarchive.com/scenario.php?id=65503 original scenario design by Lionel Colin Cendriere’s Farm (1940-05-23) After a week of fighting around Stonne, the 3rd Division d'Infanterie Motorisée, a good division from the active army, was nearly worn out. On the German side, its opponents, the 10.Panzer-Division and Infanterie-Regiment "Grossdeutschland", had been removed from the front and fresh units were now on the line. Subjected to a bombardment during the night intermingled with smoke rounds, the defenders of Cendriere’s Farm, on the east side of Stonne, did not see the advance of the first elements of the 16.Infanterie-Division coming at them. At the end of the night the attack began with some Germans already in contact with the farm. OOB given as: Attacker: German (Elements of II./Infanterie-Regiment.60, 16.Infanterie-Division) Defender: French (7ème Compagnie, 2ème Bataillon, 67ème Regiment d'Infanterie, 3ème Division d'Infanterie Motorisée) In Google Earth I see what might be the farm. But I don't have any time to create the map. I will instead go "map shopping" WITHIN CMFI. I found an existing scenario map "Butera Station" by a BFC scenario maker that I will start with and make changes. I will gut out everything but the map. I will try to remember to mention this in the designer's notes. I save with my new nomenclature. step 1 is to crop it down to what I want. Then add the modtags. Then preview it and see what else needs to be edited to look "maximum France 1940"... BUTERA STATION as a map is no longer even recognizable. Is there a point to start like I did? I suppose it seems less daunting psychologically to NOT have a big blank canvas looking back at me. I changed elevations. I removed the rail tracks. I changed crops to summer green crops. I am changing arid Italy to France. Walls knocked down. trees changed. fences added. hilarious. UNITS: I set date to Sept 43 and quality to poor and purchased my German Infantry. I set the date to March 44 and quality to poor and purchased my French Infantry AND A LITTLE SURPRISE. I assigned AI groups to the Germans and will write 1 or 2 simple AI plans. Human plays as allied side vs the axis AI. Or play H2H versus your buddy. I will try and get this done for Sunday. TTYL guys.
  13. @laurent 22 I will work on the helmet issue on Monday 10 April 23. Now I am in the final moments to prepare the FR40A Bronze Package for release on Sunday 9 April 23.
  14. Hello bistro @laurent 22? I want to order the la'speciale de jour, croissant avec camembert et jambon. Char R-35 in something interesting merci. details here ---> https://www.viperhobby.com/blogs/modellers-models/renault-r35-tamiya-1-35
  15. I will give it another try. But let me now see the opportunity to wear the hat of the "marchander et negocier" Can you please make me a vehicle for CMFI France 1940? Avec votre WACOM? EDIT: I think there is room to improve the model. This overlay is not perfect but it seems some issue exists.
  16. CMFI FRANCE 1940 Scenario AND CAMPAIGN or "Battle Pack" Possibilities A TARGET RICH ENVIRONMENT
  17. bon jour bon jour OK, I try I have the coffee. ALLONS! In Blender I tried some shift of 2.54cm in x direction. The hair of the soldiers then is visible in the back of the helmet. So I ALSO tried a slight scaling up of 2.5%. This did not eliminate the hair. Helmet now seems too far forward beyond the nose. I regret I must abandon this effort. I don't know what is best to do. I am sorry Monsieur Salou
  19. Yeah, please stay on your schedule that you think is best. But please give me a holler when you want to do this. I have MANY ideas. We can combine forces. If you are involved, I definitely would "come out of retirement" and write a few scenarios and such!
  20. hahaha ok But I wasn't joking! ~~~~~~~ To me, it sounds like a great first scenario to try to accomplish! Good luck. Holler if you need any help or advice. Thanks Pierre!
  21. I am trying to tuck this in before I depart the CM hobby. If anyone wants to work on a Spanish Blue Division Mod, please PM me. I have a lot done already. it is yours! I can advise and contribute a few weeks more. But I do not plan to write any scenarios. No time...
  22. Don't take it the wrong way! I feel really great to be headed out of this hobby. I feel I am leaving on a real high point. A personal high point. (But then you see @Damian45 and his great mods and I suck in my gut. Wow. Thank you for helping me on my final CM mod!) I am gonna burn bright these last few months!. My final projects. I will try my best to leave some cool gifts to the CM community. https://youtu.be/ut27rZUgobQ
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