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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Roger that. Clearly some people pay way more attention to the sounds than I do - and that's a good thing. I do not have much of an ear. I have tried a few sound mods and so far have always removed them because I didn't like them better than the stock sounds.
  2. ?? I am not totally clear about the first part. I think you mean "improve the audio" and have said improved audio better coordinated with game actions. Even if that is right can you offer an example for two? I don't follow this one? Are you saying that mortar rounds are silent and should not be heard by the targeted unit? And are you further saying that targeted units currently react to the sound? Note I do not believe that the tac AI does react to the sound - I am sure it only reacts to the explosions that typically follow shortly there after. Can you explain what this is and how it works?
  3. No, they should have more. The way APS is handled in the game is abstracted. Instead of tracking the charges left in each launcher the APS is tracked as if there was one launcher with X number of charges. Note I'm call them charges - I have no idea if that really is appropriate. This gives an advantage to the APS equipped vehicle. After a charge is used there is a reset time where APS is no longer available - it is not a lone time but is long enough for there to be an opportunity to get a hit in. That vulnerability is for that single abstracted launcher - which give an advantage to the attacker. Also APS is not "sure fire", sometimes there is a miss other times the hit is to close for safety that can cause damage - including to the APS system. So in your example the second round could have gotten through via luck or because it hit during the down time window. Your vehicle should still have an APS entry even if it is out of ammo. It will go grey during the downtime and will stay grey if it is out of charges. If it gets damaged it will show the coloured icon up to a red X to show it is no longer serviceable. It is possible for equipment to drop off the list for a vehicle. The list of equipment can be long and is listed in some kind of priority order. If systems are damaged they bubble to the top. So, when a vehicle with a long list sustains damage the list of equipment can appear to change because low priority display items that are damage jump up to the top which forces some working item that normally would be shown to be pushed off the bottom of the list.
  4. Not a direct way no. But where the is a will there is a way. It is not for the faint of heart. You can use the scenario scanning tool: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/uncategorized/cmx2-scancade-v2-1-by-mad-mike/ to separate out the individual scenarios. Then the real work begins. You will have to examine each scenario to find the core units and recreate the core units file for each side. Using that file tweak experience etc as you like. Then you will have to edit each scenario to remove any core units (noting any AI groups) and re-import the core units file putting the AI groups back and removing any core units not originally meant to be available. Tweak any non core units as you please. Then go back to the output of the scan tool to see the campaign progression graphic and use that to recreate the campaign script file. Once that is done you an recompile the campaign. I personally have not done this but that is the theory. Has anyone out there done this kind of thing to a campaign they didn't author?
  5. Wait a BMP-2 spotted something? That's amazing Kidding aside - very cool.
  6. That is probably the right way to think about it. I was just about to say something similar based on a building entry my men just completed. They had lots of supporting fire and the the fire was still coming when the squad - which was is good order hit the door. It turns out there was only one enemy solider left and he went down while he was still ducking from the incoming fire. There could have been a different order to the way my men went through the door. The enemy soldier might have steeled him self for a moment and actually hit someone. Earlier firing could have resulted in there being two surviving enemy soldiers or none. Likely in the end the overall outcome - my men occupy the building - would end up being the same because I "did it right" - this time - and used overwhelming force. If you don't have overwhelming force then the overall outcome can vary because of random events. Another place that randomness shows itself is HE. Who live and who goes down when grenades, tank shells or artillery shells go off will not be the same every time. But again if you are dropping lots of HE into the same place the overall outcome will feel pretty similar - nearly all enemy read and broken. But if you just shoot one or two rounds then you will discover how lucky you were when you assaulting squad gets there
  7. We don't really get news. So, I have nothing for ya. The next time a patch is worked on it will be looked at. I will try to remember to remind the boss about it when the time comes.
  8. Minute 0:56: Orders The tank moves up just a bit to get a clear view of the bunker. Same order as seen from the TC's level. Sending more infantry reconnaissance crosses with the first supporting tanks as well. A company will form up to be ready to assault the town and bridge. B company will form up to cross at the fords and assault the hill below KT3
  9. Minute 0:57-0:56: Members of 24 Battalion's recon company cross the ford. They meet no opposition. The 105 Sherman cannot see the bunker from the location where the recon vehicle could. The Sherman tank is taller and the tank commander is in the trees.
  10. Although @Bootie is still working on transitioning from the old site so this one is not open for uploading by other users. However @Bootie has said in the past that if you contact him directly he will add them for you.
  11. No apology needed just me getting triggered over my savour . Heck someone has to pay attention to those kind of details - those FAA regs and policies really do need to be right! We need a god mix of skills, interests and capabilities in this world.
  12. Minute 0:57: Orders I will bring up some 105 support to deal with the bunker. Here I will try to get the recon vehicle and the tank to sit next to each other for a while to share spotting information. Before getting the 105 Sherman tank into its final position. The ford crossing continues.
  13. Minute 0:58-0:57: The armoured recon spots a bunker near the bridge. They fire some .50cal at it but that is not going to be enough. This one clearly is occupied by the enemy. Meanwhile the first bunker spotted is dispatched with some additional 105 fire.
  14. Nice post @Vet 0369. I will just take issue with the bold part of this: I see the spellchecker much differently. It is what lets me get my thoughts out and communicate. Without it I would either say nothing in writing or look like a total moron (OK more than now in some people's eyes ;-). I have a learning deficit around processing and speed. What that means for me is I had a really hard time learning to spell. Some say I never have. It also means that while I can type much faster than I can write I also make a lot - I mean a lot of typing mistakes. Without the spellchecker I have to stop much too frequently and look things up. With the spellchecker I can just type and go back and fix my spelling mistakes and typos with the assistance of the spellchecker. It allows me to concentrate on what I am trying to say and create a clear point that I otherwise would not be able to easily accomplish. So, not a crutch for this lazy ass writer.
  15. This should have been earlier in the thread. The Plan The overall plan is to split the force roughly in two and have one group cross the ford and the other group assault the bridge, see the #1 arrows below. The two groups are roughly going to be made up of a company of 24th Battalion Infantry, a reconnaissance element plus a little less than a company of tanks. 1 Pretoria consists of A Squadron plus the Battalion HQ tanks and assault tanks and the armoured reconnaissance assault tanks which results in a little less than a company of tanks for each group. Phase one of the plan is to secure the bridge, fords and the near side of the hill KT3. I do not think I can cross the bridge and assault the high ground at KT7 with the enemy firing at me from KT3 and KT5. At the same time I don't think I can assault across the plateau from KT5 towards the hills at KT7 with the enemy firing at me from the hill KT4 as well. I will let the recon units discover what resistance there is and adjust the groups according to what is needed to accomplish the goal and adjust the make up of the two groups. The final assault should have my forces covering the approach from KT4, 3 and 5
  16. I just looked back at my previous AARs - no 2nd Lts in the bunch... I also tried choosing forces with high and low quality and leadership. Also not 2nd Lt.
  17. I never played SF1 so cannot comment on how that game played. The Javelin's are definitely launch-able from indoors as long as the missile's initial kick out of the tube puts it outside. The first stage is just to clear the tube and the team. The second stage is more dramatic. Probably would not want that second rocket going off indoors. Propelled WW2 AT weapons were not nerfed but they are now allowed to be fired from indoors. The back blast does have an effect. Depending on the room size it can range from not much effect to suppressing the team to causing casualties. There was a long debate on if infantry commonly did launch these things indoors and in the end BFC was convinced that it was common enough to allow it. I forget which version got that change but it was a while back.
  18. Cause its fun? Sorry more seriously it is true the OP did not suggest anything particularly radical. But the first response wasn't really vastly exaggerated either. Just funny 100% true. What is wrong with people. Heck I follow GrogHeads and those people aren't very serious about war games either. I mean there is tuns of talk about GTA and other very not war game like games. Note - clearly some are - not trying to tar everyone with the same brush.
  19. Oh interesting. I am sure I have seen the gold bar before. My memory playing tricks? A subtle change that I didn't notice? Could be either. Or they were never used.
  20. More awesomeness to read - thanks. Question: do you have AI programmed for the Regime forces or another human player?
  21. So, FYI same issue with the Poles too. You can work around it by deleting the Firefly from the formation and adding back a single vehicle Firefly - it will have its crew.
  22. Actually @BFCElvis I logged that a few weeks ago - so if you logged a new one its a duplicate.
  23. I'm a BS magnet - I like it! Perhaps I should change my tag line LOL
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